Medalion said:Everybody is advancing so far in this game, whenever I access the Federation Fleet Bank, most of the spare weapons in there are way beyond my ability to equip them as I am still a lieutentant rank 10. I dunno if I have patience to make it to commander if it took me this long to get to the tail end of Lieutenant.
DangerousDave said:I don't find it very difficult. I reached Cm 4, and it's quite fast (1 level each 2-3 hours). If you want to go faster, ignore completly the anomaly scan, go full power to weapons, and if you need to get better weapons, repeat exploration missions (for exploration badges) because they give you xp, skipping any mission that is too slow (usually, the ground ones with enemies).
Truant said:How do I get new ships besides buying them?
Im Lt. 7 now.
That's pretty much all I planned to do. Get a big ship and quit.Delio said:I havent played in a few days now. Once i hit RA i just havent felt motivated. Probably dive back in soon though just need to do some PvP finally i guess.
Get to Lt. Cmdr 1 and you'll be given a token for a new ship.Truant said:How do I get new ships besides buying them?
Im Lt. 7 now.
JWong said:That's pretty much all I planned to do. Get a big ship and quit.
There's nothing else going on for STO. I can't bring myself level another char because it's the exact same thing. In other MMOs, there's different paths to take to get quests and all, but in STO, it's all the same damn space.
Medalion said:I am hoping much like any MMO, constantly updating the world and adding new shit and expansions to keep it from getting stale... because it already sort of is.
Found my first purple loot drop last night which was nice, not amazing armour compared to the one I have now, but finding a rare drop is always nice. That mission was crazy for me, I must have got about 15-20 drops throughout, my friend only got one.General
* Weve addressed an issue where some Bridge Officer powers were not getting slotted properly when you trained new powers. This update will address and attempt to place powers in the proper rank slots the next time your character logs in.
* The special item Red Matter Capacitor now properly triggers its cooldown when you have two so that they cannot be stacked.
* Fixed an interact in the Rashana Base that would not work if you did the objectives out of order.
* French and German Remote Contacts now work properly and should not have garbled HTML tags anymore.
* The traffic controller who allowed access on Starbase 39 was not doing the job very well. Weve made adjustments so that players are always able to beam down regardless of what missions are sending you there.
* A remote contact was prematurely giving out the mission for the upcoming Deep Space 9 Fleet Action which has not been pushed to release yet. Players should no longer be offered this mission until the Fleet Action is pushed in an upcoming update.
* Daily missions were recently updated to reset 24 hours since taking the mission. Weve reduced this to 20 hours since taking the mission to allow time for players to complete the missions around the same time every day.
* Players who had selected Escorts during the Captain promo mission were unable to clear the mission after getting their ship. This fix prevents this from happening again but does not retroactively fix players with this mission already in progress. Fix for players stuck with this mission unable to complete is coming soon.
Flying too near is not good because the destroyed shards heal the entitiy with the blue debris. Everyone needs to fly at 7km distance and shoot the entity. If she shards are getting too close kite them away and destroy them with a small team. Do not get fooled and think you do not do dmg, because the healing from the debirs is very high.Medalion said:I call shenanigans. I cannot do one lick of damage to the Crystalline Entity... absolutely nothing. I even tried the ramming exploit, going at full speed at the creature, it hurts me but not it, I fly right through it... that sucks. I think they made the create now too powerful like if you didn't have like literally hundreds of Admiral/Captain level ships around, this thing would pwn like everybody for hours and hours on end till everybody gave up.
Somnia said:So I'm doing the very first patrol mission you get. I've done all the steps of it and am on the last one where I need to got Beyton (sp?) and talk to the miners. I've done this and answer all the questions right and it tells me my mission is complete and I depart, but it never finishes. It keeps telling me I need to do the this a known broken mission?
Medalion said:I finally encountered the Crystalline Entity by accident when I was wandering around Alpha Centauri sector, it was floating around, I talked to it... and before you knew it I was spending over an hour trying to fight it without making a single scratch but it killed me and lots of other ships coming and coming. The general strategy is to kill the shards but don't let em touch you I figure or else they harm you and feed the entity, but this is just time consuming! I hope when it is defeated it drops some impressive rewards.
Well Champions Online got a whole load of ways to try the game out a couple months after the release, as well as a price drop to around 5-10$.Risible said:I'm really on the fence about trying this. You guys seem to like it, but the Steam forums are full of people that are really upset with the game.
There's no demo, correct? I'd hate to throw $40 out the window. I wouldn't mind if I got a few months out of it - anyone want to throw their opinion in? And yes, I do dig the the Star Trek franchise, if that helps...
How do you get a runabout? Also, there's a new state of the game:WuselDusel said:Finally got an Intrepid - neat ship. I also bought me a runabout. Pointless but fun thing!
Maxrpg said:How do you get a runabout? Also, there's a new state of the game: !
These should be the next set of patch notes as well:Maxrpg said:How do you get a runabout? Also, there's a new state of the game: !
* Respec
* Death Penalty
* Difficulty Slider
* More open auto-fire
* Replayable missions
* Improving Memory Alpha
* Fixing those Commodity missions
LordAlu said:I'm quite suprised they haven't done some sort of week trial download at all. I applied for a beta key on the STO website the moment they were available and never got in. When the game is £40 to buy i'd like to at least see if it would hold my interest before paying that much plus a subscription fee.![]()
Ahh, you mean like the trial key you get when you buy WoW? Then I shall ask politely!WuselDusel said:There are buddy keys available (only one per account). Maybe someone will be nice enugh to hand one out![]()
LordAlu said:Ahh, you mean like the trial key you get when you buy WoW? Then I shall ask politely!
If anyone here has a buddy code that they won't be using, then I would kindly ask if they would gift it to me so I may trial this game? Many thanks!![]()
Maxrpg said:How do you get a runabout? Also, there's a new state of the game: !
Risible said:I'm really on the fence about trying this. You guys seem to like it, but the Steam forums are full of people that are really upset with the game.