this is a pretty epic flagellation by some woke media over not liking the trash that terrible awful fan peasants like. and being jealous of them over it! was this written by a petulant toddler? no! it's just modern journalism:
For the past few weeks, I’ve been telling fans who love Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker that I was happy for them. That’s only part of the truth. The
funniest bit was this:
this guy is equating his not liking a movie with UNDERSTANDING THE PLIGHT OF DAILY MINORITIES (his editor, "Jill", obliviously signing off on it)
the fucking brain on this guy. LOL. like im not even sure what to call this. he thinks that him not liking a movie that other people like has shown him what it's like to be black? or gay? or black and gay? what the literal fuck?
fun fact: "minorities" "black" "justice" none of these words actually appear at all in this piece. despite trying to score woke points he actually doesn't consider the minority viewpoint in any way. they are not actually a consideration outside of as a blunt object to use to bash white people and compare his struggle (with not liking a movie) to having true understanding of the plight of historically marginalized people. this is peak consumer virtue signalling.
im curious about why the bolded is a bad thing. i see this everywhere. constant dread over "Oh god someone is going to be upset about this" "People will complain, burn the world with fire" what is with the over-reaction? who cares if they complain? it is just an opinion.
to consume media as an adult you need to have the respect for other people at least to the degree where you don't mind them speaking their opinions. you are not entitled to their silence.
like, is it not good that people can express themselves? we are just talking about a fucking movie after all. this should hardly be a touchy subject. it is a good thing that people can express themselves. the idea that it is a shocking, or "eye-opening", thing, that people would have an opinion on a movie that they see, i don't understand it. do these people live in another universe or something? what the fuck is wrong with them wanting to police every single human behavior?