Gleeson is General Hux and is in charge of the First Order base - Starkiller Base. Nod to Luke Starkiller I guess.
There's a spare seat...They just brought out Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill is probably soon to come. How much you want to bet Harrison Ford WON'T be there?
There's a spare seat...
And Harrison Ford's ass will never touch it.
You were saying?And Harrison Ford's ass will never touch it.
It happens to the best of us.He is looking OLD.
Boyega talks about talking Harrison Ford to a Nigerian restaurant in West London. People gawked, and somebody walked up to ask him, "Are you Harrison Ford?" "I used to be," he replied.
He is looking OLD.
EDIT: Nevermind found itBack up for me.
The lucky sods. Wonder if there will be new music.They're literally walking the entire audience down to another room to see a Star Wars concert now.
I feel like a little kid again. Beautiful.
Star Wars Card Trader base series 2 hitting later today.
a clip from today's panel.
Or... if you prefer... THE FULL PANEL!
Also, I just finished Tarkin and have 3 books that I haven't read yet: Heir to the Jedi, A New Dawn, and Lords of the Sith. Which should I read next?
Awesome, I'm gonna start on LotS tomorrow then!Read LotS since it's next to Tarkin in chronology (it's actually before Tarkin but they take place in the same year). Then AND, then HttJ. HttJ isn't really that great though - reads more like a young adult novel.
That said, the actual young adult novels (the Servants of the Empire series) are great and the best thing in the new canon so far.
This pic should've gone here rather than the Ep 7 Comic Con thread. Apols.
Anyways - Donnie Yen confirming he is joining the Star Wars universe.
A few pictures from the LEGO sets of Episode VII
Spoilers include character names and stuff but not much else
Must....not....buy Millenium Falcon set....