Just don't lick it.Candy cane lightsaber would be better
I do wonder if maybe the canonicity caused them to go back and say "stop pulling from the Radio Dramas, if you could," since it appears that's the kind of stuff that's causing the "grey area" to creep around.
But hell, they should just incorporate as much of that stuff as they can and say fuck it. That stuff is too good, as it is.
Man I`m all out of SW content and my obsession is not leaving me alone.
Any good canon comics?
Got up to date with STAR WARS: Darth Vader
-Prequel flashbacks hitting Vader where it hurts
-You can feel Vader's emotions while reading, no need for thought bubbles, that's great
-Vader being bossed around is something I really don't like, he's the baddest mofo in the galaxy!!
-Psycho c3po and pyscho R2 are pretty uninspired
-......Mon Calamari Grievous trying to replace Vader??? REALLY!?
Are you trying to crush my heart?I'm fully expecting it to happen. Well, maybe. Rebels is a tad more kid-friendly than Clone Wars. I wonder if they would do something so brutal.
You monster!
LOL! I'm sorry. But you know, at this point it could go either way.
It totally could. I was thinking about it though and really shouldn't all three saber users die before ANH? That seems fairly dark for that show.
Not really, just because they have a Saber doesn't mean they're Jedi.
Kanan and Ahsoka are not Jedi, Luke is the only Jedi trained in the oldwaysshitty
Are these new? A toy range showing Elite Speeder Bikes and an Assault Walker though I can't even tell what the hell is going on on the walker box.
Got up to date with STAR WARS: Darth Vader
-Prequel flashbacks hitting Vader where it hurts
-You can feel Vader's emotions while reading, no need for thought bubbles, that's great
-Vader being bossed around is something I really don't like, he's the baddest mofo in the galaxy!!
-Psycho c3po and pyscho R2 are pretty uninspired
-......Mon Calamari Grievous trying to replace Vader??? REALLY!?
So just found out of the Star Wars community thread. So I am saying hi!
So I just started watching the CG Clone Wars cartoon. My thoughts:
a) Show has its ups and downs but overall it is entertaining and one thing it does great is humanize the clones.
b) I don't like the look of this CG cartoon but it's not a big deal when it comes to enjoyment of the show.
c) General Grieveous remains oh so disappointing considering what I have seen him do in Tartakovsky's Clone Wars cartoon.
d) Jar Jar Bink still manages to ruin every scene he appears in. His slapstick is godawful, it's annoying, instead of funny.
e) Episode 16, the battle of Cristophsis and the search for the mole is the first amazing story of the show.
f) Knowing what the future holds, watching them interact with Palpatine is painful. Heck the whole thing is like watching a train wreck unfold.
Yep, they are. Should have been held back until Force Friday.
I must admit I actually quite like the idea of Vader being bossed around after his failure with the Death Star. Tarkin's dead so who else is the Emperor going to blame? It'll be satisfying to see him regain his influence in the future. We also see how Tarkin keeps Vader on a leash during A New Hope. I wouldn't say it's that much of a drastic shift at that point in time. The Cylo assassins idea is pretty mental though. That's just Kieron Gillen.
For anyone who might be interested, here is some detailed info regarding the "Journey to the Force Awakens" card series, which is releasing on Force Friday.
This set will be my reintroduction to the hobby, after decades of being away. Going to be picking up 2 hobby boxes of them.
Also, there will be another series in December - "The Force Awakens - Series 1", which will be dedicated solely to the movie.
These looks good. I might have to pick some up. Which, of course, will lead to me obsessing over them and hunting them all down.
I haven't collected cards of any type since baseball cards and the Marvel Cards back in the late '80s and early '90s. I don't even know the proper way to display them or more importantly store them. Just a binder with the plastic card slot sleeves?
That German scientist's voice acting was so grating. I haven't rushed back to rewatch it.So just watched from battle of Ryloth to second Geonosis. The three Ryloth episodes were great, breath of fresh air after the silly German mad scientist stereotype two parter, reminding us that civilians pay a heavy price in a war.
Then came Cad Bane, holy cow he is a great addition to the antagonist. And the second season continues with a string of three episodes devoted to the Jedis barely managing to counter his plans.
The fourth one is a spy intrigue one, and reminds me that Anakin is a horrible possessive husband. In season 1 finale he was telling Padme how she should consider their love more important than her work. Then in this episode when he has a job to do for the Jedi he tells her not to take it personally and duty comes first.
Then a very action packed fifth episode as the Jedis try to retake Geonosis. Season 2 started off very strongly.
That German scientist's voice acting was so grating. I haven't rushed back to rewatch it.
So just watched from battle of Ryloth to second Geonosis. The three Ryloth episodes were great, breath of fresh air after the silly German mad scientist stereotype two parter, reminding us that civilians pay a heavy price in a war.
Then came Cad Bane, holy cow he is a great addition to the antagonist. And the second season continues with a string of three episodes devoted to the Jedis barely managing to counter his plans.
The fourth one is a spy intrigue one, and reminds me that Anakin is a horrible possessive husband. In season 1 finale he was telling Padme how she should consider their love more important than her work. Then in this episode when he has a job to do for the Jedi he tells her not to take it personally and duty comes first.
Then a very action packed fifth episode as the Jedis try to retake Geonosis. Season 2 started off very strongly.
The fourth one is a spy intrigue one, and reminds me that Anakin is a horrible possessive husband.
Sucks that the wave one Poe figure has a built in non-removable helmet, blah.
So what is looking like must reads in the Journey to the Force Awakens?
Aftermath is the only book I'm really eyeing right now.
Star Wars baby names on the rise in real life
Aftermath's the one I'm most interested in. I'll probably pick up the Shattered Empire trade as well if I enjoy the individual issues. The Smuggler's Run young adult book by Greg Rucka should be worth a read and I might buy Jason Fry's Luke story too.
Kylo Kale.
I'm trying to decide of that's better or worse than calling your kid Daenerys or Khaleesi.
I got to read the script and subsequently Ive seen half of it, he continued, and I can tell you and the fans this: Honest to God, it is far and away probably going to be the best Star Wars youve ever seen.
Drew Struzan claims VII is the best Star Wars yet.
Yeah, it got posted in Off Topic. It didn't go down well.
Had a real geek out SW nerd moment this past weekend, but got to work the Weird Al concert on stage (I'm the trooper of course), and got cuddled and sang too briefly during "the saga begins"
Haha that's awesome! Good to see that he still sings that too.Had a real geek out SW nerd moment this past weekend, but got to work the Weird Al concert on stage (I'm the trooper of course), and got cuddled and sang too briefly during "the saga begins"
Holy crap that's awesome! I had VIP seats for one of his shows last month and I was nerding out just watching that. I can't believe what it would be like to be in the suit.
Haha that's awesome! Good to see that he still sings that too.
I'm trying to decide of that's better or worse than calling your kid Daenerys or Khaleesi.
Had a real geek out SW nerd moment this past weekend, but got to work the Weird Al concert on stage (I'm the trooper of course), and got cuddled and sang too briefly during "the saga begins"