You know there's a running comic book series for nearly every main character in the OT at the moment, right?
I think those are all set before Return of the Jedi.
You know there's a running comic book series for nearly every main character in the OT at the moment, right?
That's all old stuff, though, right? Post ANH, at least for the main Marvel Star Wars comic. I don't think there's post-ROTJ comics out right now.
The point I was trying to make was that everyone is upset that Aftermath doesn't touch on what the main characters did post-ROTJ, and I don't think the EU will touch on that, not until the movies give us a chance to tell us first.
I think it's inevitable that there will be a cartoon that takes place during the time of the New Republic.
Does aftermath striaghten out I'm on chapter 3 and I felt a hundred things were thrown at me
When you think about it,Finished S2 of Clone Wars. The last 3 episodes focused onBoba Fett. Man, what a little whiny brat! Also, how did he hook up with that crazy bitch Aurra Sing?
I didn't know Netflix had finally added that Clone Wars/X-Men crossover miniseries.
I liked the part where Wolverine's claws were turned into lightsabers. Almost as cool as Colossus doing the fastball special with Yoda.
When you think about it,it's fitting Boba Fett would be a whiny loser as a kid with how little he got done as an adult in the movies.
Yep. What did he ever do in the movies? He caught Han Solo...that's about it.
Yep. What did he ever do in the movies? He caught Han Solo...that's about it.
I think it came up in this thread before but someone suggest it would be great if Boba Fett gained his renowned completely by accident - that he just lucked into success. Like if the only reason he was able to follow the Falcon was because while he intended to leave when the fleet did, he had dropped his keys and just happen to be there when Han and crew flew away from the Star Destroyer's garbage.
that would be perfect
that would be perfect
Every time this comes up I have to make the distinction.
The photo above is from shooting the additional scenes for the ROTJ Special Edition.
Jeremy Bulloch the original Boba Fett, is far more Clint Eastwood in nature.
But then again this is the Star Wars OT and I probably didn't need to tell you that
had no idea, i'm casual af
No worries!
Admittedly, I'm a huge Boba Fett fan and I'd be the first to tell you that the majority of my love for the character comes from the (now non-canon) EU.
He had very little screen time in the actual films, that coupled with his really cool armor added to the mysterious allure of the character.
A lot of people say he "did nothing" in the films to which I'd disagree, but his screen time left a lot to be desired.
(I haven't watched the Clone Wars, I couldn't get into it. It has a really, almost excruciatingly slow start. People tell me to give it a second chance though.)
No worries!
Admittedly, I'm a huge Boba Fett fan and I'd be the first to tell you that the majority of my love for the character comes from the (now non-canon) EU.
He had very little screen time in the actual films, that coupled with his really cool armor added to the mysterious allure of the character.
A lot of people say he "did nothing" in the films to which I'd disagree, but his screen time left a lot to be desired.
(I haven't watched the Clone Wars, I couldn't get into it. It has a really, almost excruciatingly slow start. People tell me to give it a second chance though.)
Is Fett the one that Vader addresses when he says 'And no disintegration' ?
Yes. Implication being Fett is/was trigger-happy, i think.
Yeah. They kind of call back to it inIs Fett the one that Vader addresses when he says 'And no disintegration' ?
Up to season 3 of Clone Wars, here's a few random musings I've had.
All the best characters I've seen so far were made for the show. Cad Bane, Hondo Ohnaka, 99, Duchess Satine, Riyo Chuchi and Ima-Gun Di have been fantastic. That being said, Plo Koon is cool as shit, he sounds like Bane!
I find Anakin pretty grating, almost everything he says is some sort of "I make my own rules" remark to which everyone always responds with a "Oh Anakin, you rascal". I do like his occasional Vaderisms, such as his interrogation of Gunray.
The alien cultures have been pretty cool, I loved the episode with the Talz. The Toydarians are total bros as well, wonder what made Watto so selfish.
I enjoy the occasional cameos from classic Star Wars characters, seeing Bossk was a particular delight. Really annoyed they made Greedo speak English though, stupid decision.
Jar Jar Binks is still utter shit, I don't know why the show's creators decided to include him. They're clearly really in touch with Star Wars, why give even a single episode to potentially the most hated character in the series? (Although these same people created Ziro the Hutt, so they must have lapses.)
In summary, so far I'm enjoying the show, not as much as Rebels but I still have a lot left to watch, so my opinion may change. Almost all of my problems with the show stem from the prequels themselves, so the creators really made something good out of what they had.
Glad your enjoying it! The show finally finds its footing in the latter half of season 3. 4-6 is an utter thrill ride as far as the main arcs go. 5 in particular, you really start to get what Anakin is truly about.
Yes. Implication being Fett is/was trigger-happy, i think.
Well Vader turned to him to find Luke in the Darth Vader comic. I guess he must have had a reputation at that point.I want to like Boba, I really do. But the kid has to show me something.
Maybe we'll get an appearance in Rebels S2? Did he ever, in canon, have the 'most feared Bounty Hunter in the galaxy' like Jango? I don't recall.
Well Vader turned to him to find Luke in the Darth Vader comic. I guess he must have had a reputation at that point.
I want to like Boba, I really do. But the kid has to show me something.
Maybe we'll get an appearance in Rebels S2? Did he ever, in canon, have the 'most feared Bounty Hunter in the galaxy' like Jango? I don't recall.
Well Vader turned to him to find Luke in the Darth Vader comic. I guess he must have had a reputation at that point.
The prequels and Clone Wars series did it's best to make me dislike Boba Fett.
My age might be showing, but I didn't realize that TCW was such a point of reference to so many.
My age might be showing, but I didn't realize that TCW was such a point of reference to so many.
It was the gateway to Star Wars for a lot of young fans. It's a testament to the quality of the show.My age might be showing, but I didn't realize that TCW was such a point of reference to so many.
Great story, even if it makes zero sense with Boba Fett's backstory. The ending is perfect.The Last One Standing (from Tales of the Bounty Hunters)
They're only half-truths from a certain point of view."Senators, I presume you're acquainted with the collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi Wan Kenobi?"
I mean, I would too if that's all I had to go off of :/
I really think that Boba Fett suffered the worst when Lucasfilm wiped the EU clean to start over. There are a lot of really bad things about the EU and few really good things. The embellishment of Boba Fett was one of those great things.
The prequels/Clone Wars (from what I can tell from TCW) did him ZERO favors.
Before, his allegiance was ambiguous, not good, not bad.
He's not a Jedi, and not a Sith. In the end he's looking out for himself, letting bigger players like the Empire and the Rebellion work their issues out as he goes about his way. The contract from Vader was a paycheck not a vendetta. He was more of an anti-hero.
Nowadays he's being painted as a bad guy, classic villain etc. (and good lord I just YouTube'd him in TCW. I'd hate him too)
Well I am 38, so take it from another old timer: TCW is fucking great.
Great story, even if it makes zero sense with Boba Fett's backstory. The ending is perfect.
Speaking of Tales of the Bounty Hunters, I will always remember IG-88's story for how hilariously stupid it is. IG-88 takes over a planet, uploads his brain into the Death Star II, and punks the Emperor with a door. And then even though he's in control of the Death Star, he ends up getting blown up with nobody realizing that he was ever there.
I've got Tales of the Bounty Hunters and Tales from Jabba's Palace somewhere at my parent's place. Couldn't tell you anything about them though.
That story was the other good one.Zuckuss and 4LOM being ultra-bros made this book gold.
Same here. I read them about 20 years ago, along with a lot of other EU novels and comics. The Thrawn trilogy is about the only thing that really stuck with me, the rest of it is mostly a blur.
Me 3. I read a bunch of it, but nothing really stuck with me. I remember hating a character named Kyp in the Jedi Academy books.
I'm glad it's been wiped.
The EU purge made me glad I could never get into those books. Now we've got a whole new crop of books for me to ultimately ignore.