He misses so much. He would love Leia and maybe Padme :/Well, in his defense, we do have a ComicGAF person who has yet to see any Star Wars movie despite owning them on BD.
He misses so much. He would love Leia and maybe Padme :/Well, in his defense, we do have a ComicGAF person who has yet to see any Star Wars movie despite owning them on BD.
The Mortis arc didn't bother me as much because it took place in sort ofaltered reality/dimension. The rules can bend there and I rolled with it.
However I just wish they wouldhave kept the secret to being a force ghost more....secret. In S6, for the last few episodes they should have showed Yoda going into a cave and not coming out for awhile and when he emerges he knows the secret. Or he meditates or something. Actually showing those wizards/witches and Yoda fighting, and accepting, his dark side self was a little too much and really didn't tell us anything. Just leave it a mystery and let the viewer form their own opinion. You don't have to show or explain everything. Especially when it comes to the ways of the force.
The Mortis arc didn't bother me as much because it took place in sort ofaltered reality/dimension. The rules can bend there and I rolled with it.
However I just wish they wouldhave kept the secret to being a force ghost more....secret. In S6, for the last few episodes they should have showed Yoda going into a cave and not coming out for awhile and when he emerges he knows the secret. Or he meditates or something. Actually showing those wizards/witches and Yoda fighting, and accepting, his dark side self was a little too much and really didn't tell us anything. Just leave it a mystery and let the viewer form their own opinion. You don't have to show or explain everything. Especially when it comes to the ways of the force.
You literally just described the force ghost explanation we got in Episode III lol.
The Clone Wars has no sense of scale. There are several episodes where a character looking for something is told the planet that thing is on and somehow that narrows it down easily.
The series occasionally even contradicts itself on scale; in one episodeA few episodes later,thousands of colonists are kidnapped into slavery.the Jedi rescue a few dozen of them and apparently that counts as saving the people.
One of my few gripes about the series that has stayed constant each season.
The movies are just as guilty as this.
There is a rumor Grievous is in the Utapau system in ROTS. Obi-Wan lands in the exact city he happens to be in.
Obi-Wan traces Jango's dart to Kamino in AOTC, he happens to land at the front door of the building the Clones are being built.
In Empire Strikes Back a single Probe Droid lands on Hoth and does so right outside the Rebel base.
Also in Empire Luke is told to go to Dagobah and crashes right next to Yoda's home.
OK almost done with S1 of Clone Wars and when the hell did Ahsoka become a pro space fighter pilot?
You don't need to "shake it off" at all, really. It's a level of scientific/geographic accuracy that no other aspect of the films seems concerned with adhering to. It's just part of the convention of the storytelling.
I mean, what's the mythological/storytelling utility of including a bunch of scenes where our heroes have to spend hours orbiting every planet, scanning and analyzing results and then trial & error visiting locations until they find the spot they need to find?
There isn't one, really. So there's no storytelling reason to treat planets as anything more complicated than a single setting.
Yeah, the element of treating planets as if they were single locations has been the case in every film since day 1. Remember the escape pod in ANH just happened to have crashed within a short driving distance of Luke and Obi-Wan.You don't need to "shake it off" at all, really. It's a level of scientific/geographic accuracy that no other aspect of the films seems concerned with adhering to. It's just part of the convention of the storytelling.
I mean, what's the mythological/storytelling utility of including a bunch of scenes where our heroes have to spend hours orbiting every planet, scanning and analyzing results and then trial & error visiting locations until they find the spot they need to find?
There isn't one, really. So there's no storytelling reason to treat planets as anything more complicated than a single setting.
I'm not really interested in the game but that Vader figure looks great.Picked up my Vader Infinity Figure today. Pretty excited. Han and Chewie are next.
Picked up my Vader Infinity Figure today. Pretty excited. Han and Chewie are next.
There is a lot you can't look at logically. I mean look, the Republic went from having no military to having a military large enough to rule the entire galaxy in under 3 years. The cost to fund that would involve tax increases of astronomical levels. This in a political system in which the "taxation of trade routes in the outlying systems" was a major cause of concern and mania just a few years before that. Every single planet would have joined the seperatists!
None of this stuff works logically. You just gotta roll with it.
That's always been such an annoying thing for me wrt to AotC. When Kenobi finds the clone farm, these guys are all gearing up with armour and guns. And then when the start, the clone wars have, you see these guys in all sorts of ships. Where did all that materiel come from? Why didn't it bother anyone that not only did these clone troops appear out of the blue, but presumably so did an entire space navy?
In that instance R2-D2 launched the pod, and he knew where Obi-Wan was.Yeah, the element of treating planets as if they were single locations has been the case in every film since day 1. Remember the escape pod in ANH just happened to have crashed within a short driving distance of Luke and Obi-Wan.
Sifo Dias, or rather someone else pretending to be Sifo Dias. Attack of the Clones was pretty clear about him ordering the army, so I'd assume he also paid for it.Edit: In the old EU it was Plagueis who paid for it if I recall correctly. I don't believe we ever got a canon answer who paid for the clone army.
Sifo Dias, or rather someone else pretending to be Sifo Dias. Attack of the Clones was pretty clear about him ordering the army, so I'd assume he also paid for it.
He saw what happened to Threepio if don't keep your mouth shut. Got his memory wiped, effectively the droid version of death.Has anyone ever attempted to provide an in-universe explanation as to why R2-D2 keeps so much information to himself or why so few characters seem to recognize him?
He saw what happened to Threepio if don't keep your mouth shut. Got his memory wiped, effectively the droid version of death.
Its as if America had no military to speak of and one day it landed on our doorsteps. Weapons, ships, personnel, and all with a giant bow and everyone in government pats themselves on the back for finding it.
Edit: In the old EU it was Plagueis who paid for it if I recall correctly. I don't believe we ever got a canon answer who paid for the clone army.
The Clone Wars confirmed that it was Sifo Dyas who payed for it, or at least put it on the Republic's tab. Of course, the specifics weren't said, but it is confirmed that Dooku and Dyas handled it all, with Palpatine's help (unbeknownst to Dyas).
I'd assume the original order included hardware considering we see the clones armed and armored when Obi-Wan visits Kamino.Even the ships etc?
Finding warm bodies to serve as cannon fodder isn't really that hard - its building up the tech/hardware that is difficult.
I didn't think this warranted a thread of it's own, but I just watched a cool fan-made trailer of what a possible Boba Fett solo movie would look like.
For any Infinity fans out there, Amazon has the 3.0 playsets for $25. The new Rise Against the Empire set (with Luke & Leia) is also at that price.
Onto Season 2 and damn this Bounty Hunter is more competent than Sidious' Sith Warriors combined.
Season 2 goes to some really dark places. The last arc especially.
Vader says it to Admiral Motti in A New Hope when he criticises the force and Vader's abilities. I'm guessing they reference it in the Clone Wars? I can't remember.Someone explain to me the
'your lack of faith is disturbing'
line please?
The return to Geonosis is hit or miss for me, the initial assault was good for one thing.
So what's the chances of us ever getting some Plagueis background info/history, now that presumably his EU backstory and book are no longer canon?
What is the consensus on that trio of YA novels? Saw them in my local store and was wondering whether or not to jump in.
I have heard good things about Lost Stars. I think The Battle of Jakku takes place in it.
I'd guess low at least for now. RotS to TFA time period and beyond seems to be their focus for now. I'm guessing the amount of content from the prequel era and before will be limited.
Yeah I agree. But I hope we get some resolution to the Maul storyline after Sons of Dathomir.
Yeah I agree. But I hope we get some resolution to the Maul storyline after Sons of Dathomir.
What is the consensus on that trio of YA novels? Saw them in my local store and was wondering whether or not to jump in.
Good news for anyone who wanted to read The Story Before The Force Awakens (the OT Korean webtoon) in English: we now have official translations!
The first three chapters are already up here: http://www.webtoons.com/en/sf/Star Wars/list?title_no=544
And for anyone following it in Korean, the newest chapter is up here: http://webtoon.daum.net/webtoon/viewer/33250
Yes they are canon that was never the case in the old canon as well, they met multiple times pre-ANH in the old EU.Hmm are these canon? Because the end of first onewould clash with A New Hope since I that was the first time he met Obi-Wan.