Darth Karja
Don't worry about it. I really don't think Lucasfilm would tell a battery company anything about the new movie. They are not going to spoil it in a commercial. Kids are going to want to dress up as the new Star Wars characters and play with the new toys. If it turned out true it is just a coincidence.I'm not sure. but I am worried I just saw a spoiler in a new Duracell commercial!!! Sucks if true. It would have been cool to see that in the film and not spoiled in a commercial.
Beware :What I saw was an ad with kids playing with lightsabers. putting Duracall batteries in them, etc. But at the end a girl dressed as Rey, Force shoves some new Stormtrooper away from her!
So many times as a kid I pretended to be Jedi Han Solo flying a Star Destroyer.