Bought the game for 26 euro's on a key site and felt like it was worth the gamble at this point.
I like graphical impressive games and ubisoft games in general never really disappoint me as i like the assassin creed games.
Played the game on HUB settings, best quality settings basically, but i had ray reconstruction on because of reflections get improved massively and boy the game looks visually amazing. I made some pictures but HDR rekt the quality a thing that i dislike about HDR.
For the game on a 4080 laptop was absolutely solid, i got mostly in the missions when u need to infiltrate 120-150 fps at 3440x1440 ( performance dlss ), outside the world it would hover around the 100. Smooth experience with framegen. Had RTX features besides ray reconstruction dissabled because it would half my framerate for not much visual gain.
I played the 1.5 patched version, so mine experience is based on that.
I think i would pay a maximum of 30 euro for the game now i know what its about, the 70 euro's they ask for it is simple not worth it. To less content in the main story.
Positive things about the game:
- Really makes u feel like playing in a star wars world.
- Visuals, enviroments
- Liked the characters in the game, they felt like being in the world
- The game has multiple planets so it never overstays in one location and i really liked the way they handled it
- I liked that the cast was completely different from the star wars we know, felt like something refreshing but still have set pieces from the movies.
- Story progressed quick, didn't feel like i had to deal with much filler and was interesting enough to keep going.
- Game doesn't overstay, did ~3 hour gameplay sessions for 4 days and beat the game ( 13 hours total )
- First windy planet and tatooie where my favorite locations
- Liked the main character, i think people where way to upset about her looks. I think she worked well into it the game.
- Gunplay was good and satisfying.
- Stealth didn't overstay, sometimes u just want to get through a area and u just start a mass riot by shooting everything and the game allows you to do exactly that.
- Controls are simplistic i like that, easy to remember.
- Game has a lot of checkpoints to the point if i died i didn't feel like i had to do a lot all over again.
- Had 3 crashes to the desktop, so clearly some stability problems still but didn't lost any progress.
- Light issue's sometimes in the game, specially when u come out of a cutscene the enviroment needs to be lit again, maybe a downside of doing the lighting with raytracing. ( minor complain )
- Space parts i basically skipped entirely, didn't upgrade much of a ship besides what was needed for the main mission, it felt like a heavy underused mechanic. I also didn't like the controls of how the spaceship controls in space tank controls basically.
- Hate the map, I wish they would have gone with a more assassin creed style map
- No minimap on the screen, results in a lot opening maps when u travel specially in the forest planet or sit in city's.
- Ship upgrade felt meaning less, so did the hovercraft/bike u ride on. Specially the bike/hovercraft upgrades feel meaningless.
- No way to chance the look of your spaceship besides a skin, would have been fun if u had millennium falcon ship, or different bikes she rides on from the movies.
- Game would have have probably been more interesting if han solo took the helm with the millennium falcon, no clue why they didn't go that way.
- Hard to dodge gunfire at times, wish the cover mechanic would be more effective.
- Imperial basises on planets, 2 of them u couldn't shoot your way through it, because they will just endless swarm you, i wish they made a chance on that front, most places u can tho.
- Gun upgrades feel meaningless, wish the gun part would be more expanded on.
- Some quests u need to google on what to do, because the game simple doesn't learn u things or they want u to do things that u would honestly not think about even remotely. Wish they ironed this a bit more.
- Nixx ( the pet ) felt kinda useless most of the time, they could have done more with him
- Assassinating sometimes doesn't work, or the animation are to long, this really made most of my fights firefights in tattooie stealth sections.
- Didn't like the contracts for different factions system interesting, where u gain favor with one and get bad rep with another. Felt like it would screw me over in the main missions so skipped them on purpose.
- Some ( boss fights ) where more annoying then
About future content ( DLC's )
I don't really feel the need to play more of it after finishing the main story at this point, and further dlc's ( one is already out ) don't really convince me to spend another 30 on it. I had my fun with it.
All with all the time i spend with it, was enjoyable, i had fun i would give the game a 7.