You can 'walk' in this game??
You can 'walk' in this game??
Anyone have any idea when they are going to allow server transfers? Peak time on the republic fleet for me is 30-50 people, most ive seen is 70 (Thandys Noori). So frustrating finding groups, and trying to sell/trade stuff. Totally agree with you guys, they really need to up the server population caps/merge.Must be nice. I dont think ive ever seen 300 on fleet at KV. It gets in the 200s during peak though.
Yikes, that sucks. My server (The Swiftsure) has around 240-300 people on the fleet pretty much 24/7.
Anyone have any idea when they are going to allow server transfers? Peak time on the republic fleet for me is 30-50 people, most ive seen is 70 (Thandys Noori). So frustrating finding groups, and trying to sell/trade stuff. Totally agree with you guys, they really need to up the server population caps/merge.
Holy shit, that would be nice. =( Empire side?
Raising server caps is not going to help server population balance issues. Almost no servers are full anymore and only get high pop at best in prime time. Server transfers aren't going to help much either if a bunch of Rep players go to the few servers where they have a decent population.
Eventual server merges will help, but empire population is going to be packed on said servers.
Yeah, but there really is nothing you can do about the faction imbalances.
Personally as a player, I really don't feel an XP bonus would be an incentive to go to the other faction...
if anything it would drive me off the opposite side as I find this game already too generous with XP handouts.
New Republic-only Races woudn't work either because ppl arent going to go thru raising their main and support characters (if you use them) and redo the entire crafting receipies and stuff. Not to mention it would P*** off all of the Imperials (with good reason).
The best they could do is to try and balance as much servers as they can while the mergers are happening... and then again, what about players with toons on both side ?
Tough break for Bioware.
Yeah, but there really is nothing you can do about the faction imbalances.
Personally as a player, I really don't feel an XP bonus would be an incentive to go to the other faction...
if anything it would drive me off the opposite side as I find this game already too generous with XP handouts.
New Republic-only Races woudn't work either because ppl arent going to go thru raising their main and support characters (if you use them) and redo the entire crafting receipies and stuff. Not to mention it would P*** off all of the Imperials (with good reason).
The best they could do is to try and balance as much servers as they can while the mergers are happening... and then again, what about players with toons on both side ?
Tough break for Bioware.
I want to give a special shout out to Kelzor for all his help as of late for getting me through some flash points. Like people pointed out in the guild it's a pain in the ass to get some of these mid level ones done even with 140+ people online on the fleet at night.
Last night was especially entertaining though, because I think both myself and him crashed to desktop 3 or 4 times each trying to do Cademimu. On the upside every drop obtained was new gear for my Operative, so I never have to run it again yay.
Thanks to Nessus the other night too for helping clear Mandy raiders. Really helps guys like myself who only get a few hours here and there, and don't want to miss out on this kind of content so the game remains fun and fresh.
<3 GAF.
Dark Reaper Republic Representing son!
Our population has gotten much healthier since launch. We cap out at about 140~ on the fleet, didnt pass 100 a few weeks ago.
Ilum is a mad house tonight, 2 instances on our server for the first time since i can remember honestly.
A lot of doom and gloom about server populations on and even the official SWTOR forums, so I am really glad that my always standard server is actually getting healthier!
I still think they need to get rid of about 20 servers in the US.
14 ppl on corellia on a high pop server. wtf
Nobody has any reason to visit anything that doesn't have an instance on it, or ilum. At this point almost everyone you see elsewhere is probably datacron hunting casually or playing an alt.
14 ppl on corellia on a high pop server. wtf
Yup, good luck on any heroics.
There have been several instances (at least 4 i can think of off the top of my head) with my companions where it looks like they are about to give me a quest, and then they sort of go off on their own and come back essentially saying "mission complete".
I checked on two of the instances on Torhead (database site) and it looks like i should have been able to tag along with them, and get some kind of quest.
My guess is that Bioware has decided i am too over-leveled to do this content so they just change the script so that i am not given it.
If this is the case i have to say im a little disappointed in the design decision there. I would have at least liked the option to accept or decline the quest, as i really like the companion aspect of the game, and feel like i am missing out on content involving their character development. Why couldn't they just scale the difficulty of these, so the player doesn't miss out on the content? I would have still like to do them if they where grays too, but now i'll never see that content as far as i know.
Just rushed through all the story quests for my JK on Hoth. Split it up between last night from about 8-10p and tonight from 10-midnight.
There were four people on the entire planet yesterday, and six this evening. I passed one person... on a planet that is 50+ sq km. It's just absolutely, positively... barren. Empty. It all feels so dead. Like I'm goofing around with a character long after the game has been forgotten about and everyone has moved on. Yet, it's only two months after release. I mean, the game sold well and I imagine subs are doing at least halfway well. But I've concluded that the low server limits/too many servers was stupid. A very dumb design decision that Bioware had to see coming. It makes running around so fucking boring. So much so that I don't think I'm going to bother with an alt unless something is done. Which is a shame, because that means I'll probably only sub for another month or so; rather than the year or so that I expected to. I want to play the other classes, and experience their stories; but not if that means I'm playing in a fucking ghost town for 100 hours each.
Though, I will say, I enjoyed the story toward the end, and I'm really liking how the dominoes are lining up in my JK story. It's pretty decent, and I can't help but think shit is going to hit the fan soon!![]()
Just rushed through all the story quests for my JK on Hoth. Split it up between last night from about 8-10p and tonight from 10-midnight.
There were four people on the entire planet yesterday, and six this evening. I passed one person... on a planet that is 50+ sq km. It's just absolutely, positively... barren. Empty. It all feels so dead. Like I'm goofing around with a character long after the game has been forgotten about and everyone has moved on. Yet, it's only two months after release. I mean, the game sold well and I imagine subs are doing at least halfway well. But I've concluded that the low server limits/too many servers was stupid. A very dumb design decision that Bioware had to see coming. It makes running around so fucking boring. So much so that I don't think I'm going to bother with an alt unless something is done. Which is a shame, because that means I'll probably only sub for another month or so; rather than the year or so that I expected to. I want to play the other classes, and experience their stories; but not if that means I'm playing in a fucking ghost town for 100 hours each.
Though, I will say, I enjoyed the story toward the end, and I'm really liking how the dominoes are lining up in my JK story. It's pretty decent, and I can't help but think shit is going to hit the fan soon!![]()
The Legacy system will hopefully help. That's a very good point, and I'm looking forward to hopefully being surprised.
But I still don't think it's going to make a huge difference. Since December, I have yet to see more than 80 people on a single planet. Heck, Nar Shadda put up a second instance on Keller's Void... when there was only 40 something on the first instance :-/
I know it sounds like I'm bitching. I don't hate the game, or am calling it inept or anything. I guess... I dunno... I just hyped the game up for so long, and in my head I always invisioned these massive battles that just happen randomly and could only be possible in an MMO. Chilling in a cantina with 20 other players on a random planet, say Tatooine, playing Pazzak. And then a buddy telling me him and his group randomly encountered a hidden world Boss on Hoth, and they need help, quick, before another guild of 10 people get to the boss first. So me an my buddies pack our bag and go fly to Hoth, and meet our friends. And when the 20 of us arrive, we come to the realization that we still can't take on the boss ourselves. And so we ask that other, competing guild for help. Together, the 25 or 30 of us fight this beast till its death. All the while, it's such a specatcle that experienced players stop to survey our strategies as we battle; and the new guy who's rolling his low level character stops questing for 20 minutes to watch in amazement. Slowly ~10 or 20 spectators are just enjoying the show and congratulate us when we take the beast down.
I ask around in general chat what's going on in the galaxy. A big bunch of high level guys are being jerks on Tython. There's 100 or so people back on Tatooine taking part in faux speeder races while an audience of another 100 or so take bets. And of course, there is lots of action just throughout each planet as thousands of players strive to complete their story quests while striking up conversations with people all over.
Unfortunatley, it's nothing like that :-( My imagination got the best of me. But looking back, my expectations don't seem so ridiculous. What's the point of the Star Wars IP, with a rich history and a variety of well-known planets. A huge galaxy with hundreds of species and a massive fan base... if planets are just going to be barren wastelands, and completely devoid of other players?
Also, cpp_is_king; I like your idea, too. Moving from planet to planet takes WAAY too long. And the airlock and orbital stations is just pure, unadulterated, poor design.
If they can get Popcap to do Pazaak and Swoop Racing I will be in heaven.Adding Pazaak would be great for Cantinas thats for sure, hell add Tatooine Hold 'em while they're at it and it would attract a whole different crowd. Quick travel to your ship is a must.
How significant is the population issue on the servers? Is it just that people are leaving the game in general? Or sides are so unbalanced that if you are on the wrong side the server is pretty much dead? Or a combination of both?
On my server, I have had pretty decent battles in Ilum, and when we're outnumbered we could always depend on kiting imps to the good old turret.
Class balance is an issue in Ilum, I think marauders/sentinels are a pretty good place in pvp except for Ilum. It's just turned into an aoe ranged/heal fest and welp, their is nothing they can do there.
Unbalanced sides are a huge issue, as there is no incentive to rolling on the less popular side right now. More access to pugs, easier to dominate in Ilum, a stronger, more mature Auction House.
I still think Bioware can influence the steamrolling issue. For example, one incentive that they could do on extremely unpopular sides is to up the valor gain and have trade missions give more rewards.
Class balance is an issue in Ilum, I think marauders/sentinels are a pretty good place in pvp except for Ilum. It's just turned into an aoe ranged/heal fest and welp, their is nothing they can do there.
I wish Illum on my server would have some actual battles. People there are just now doing kill trading groups. Any time i've gone and found enemy pubs, they will start asking me to help form a trade group instead of actually battling. How lame. Illum needs lot of work
i agree 100% on the lack of marauder utility on ilum. unless i stay back and spam my buff, there is not a whole lot i can add (other than act as fodder for the other team).
Melee suck in general for giant ilum battles, because it's just a giant aoe lagfest; where melee are usually the ones dying on both sides, because they gotta man up and suicide if they want valor. At least we got a 9 second invincibility for some valor before we die.
Does this mess with communication as well? Sometimes I can deal with being in an area by myself as long as I see talk between players via chat channels taking place. It's why I had a hard time with FFXIV in regard to how their chat system was setup. I stayed in Everquest 2 for as long as I ddi because there were chat channels that were server wide. That planets are leveling areas I would assume chat is planet/zone wide but are there other options (don't recall from the beta) that make players feel like they are still playing along side other players even if they aren't in the same area other then guild chat.Biggest issue is that world pvp doesn't really happen and people don't like not seeing lot of other players running around in the world.
Does this mess with communication as well? Sometimes I can deal with being in an area by myself as long as I see talk between players via chat channels taking place. It's why I had a hard time with FFXIV in regard to how their chat system was setup. I stayed in Everquest 2 for as long as I ddi because there were chat channels that were server wide. That planets are leveling areas I would assume chat is planet/zone wide but are there other options (don't recall from the beta) that make players feel like they are still playing along side other players even if they aren't in the same area other then guild chat.
Wow.I don't understand how any MMO can be designed without any type of LFG system and other key systems. Especially after the disaster that was FFXIV's launch which they had to be watching. It didn't even dawn on me to pay attention to that in the beta phase I was in because I just assumed it was there. It's such a standard feature now. There are more then enough MMOs out there to draw design ideas from. Especially since the game was coming off somewhat WoWish from the very start.
Wow.I don't understand how any MMO can be designed without any type of LFG system and other key systems. Especially after the disaster that was FFXIV's launch which they had to be watching. It didn't even dawn on me to pay attention to that in the beta phase I was in because I just assumed it was there. It's such a standard feature now. There are more then enough MMOs out there to draw design ideas from. Especially since the game was coming off somewhat WoWish from the very start.