Daily: MotoGP13 50% off
(Today, 01:01 PM)
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Daily: MotoGP13 50% off
(Today, 01:01 PM)
you're slacking
GMG20-IWGQX-41IS1 will work on the Halloween Sale games.
Edit: Dogs of War Online will be getting a Free Weekend next weekend.
Daily: MotoGP13 50% off
GMG20-IWGQX-41IS1 will work on the Halloween Sale games.
Edit: Dogs of War Online will be getting a Free Weekend next weekend.
b-b-b-ut it's a free to play game.
Speaking about Red Faction... What will happen with Red Faction Guerilla GFWL?
I have no idea, but that game is one of the next on my backlog list. All of my GFWL games are, btw.Speaking about Red Faction... What will happen with Red Faction Guerilla GFWL?
b-b-b-ut it's a free to play game.
No updates yet. Nordic Games owns the franchise and is solvent, which bodes well, but they also don't really have much in the way of development resources to be able to support stuff, which bodes poorly.
Speaking about Red Faction... What will happen with Red Faction Guerilla GFWL?
A while ago (like maybe month or two) I emailed Nordic to ask about their support plans for the former THQ games, and kind of snuck in a question about Red Faction Guerrilla and GfWL.
I didn't even expect an answer at all, but got a very polite "no comment at this time" answer.![]()
No updates yet. Nordic Games owns the franchise and is solvent, which bodes well, but they also don't really have much in the way of development resources to be able to support stuff, which bodes poorly.
I have no idea, but that game is one of the next on my backlog list. All of my GFWL games are, btw.
As Stump said, there's been no official comment, but there is this, for what it's worth:
"No comment" tends to be PR-speak for "We're working on it but can't discuss the matter at this time", so with any luck, things are in motion.
Does it have a big connector with lots of pins on the back? If it does, it's not SATA but IDE/PATA.
Daily: MotoGP13 50% off
Sorry for the late reply fellow GAFfer. I think it is a SATA then, I have one of those red cable and a 4 pin Connector, yay, I might be safe on one component. Correct?
I wonder if Ms Splosion Man or Incredibly Twisted Shadow planet are going to get de-GFWLed
All we know so far is:
- Batman: Arkham Asylum and City are having GFWL replaced with Steamworks (with the GOTY flavours already at this point)
- BioShock 2 has had GFWL replaced with Steamworks
- Epic is discussing internally what to do with Bulletstorm
- Codemasters is removing GFWL from Dirt 3, while Dirt 2, F1 2010/2011, Fuel, and Operation Flashpoint: Red River "are being looked at"
- Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is having GFWL removed (no word yet on whether Steamworks will replace it)
- GFWL is being removed from various Capcom games, but again we don't yet know if Steamworks will be put in its stead
Everything else is up in the air at this juncture.
Edit: Added sources.
ITSP is being worked on:
I'm about to play Batman Arkham Asylum for the first time ever. What difficulty setting do you recommend to start with? I want something that won't be a walk in the park but also won't make me want to kill kittens in frustration.
Sorry for the late reply fellow GAFfer. I think it is a SATA then, I have one of those red cable and a 4 pin Connector, yay, I might be safe on one component. Correct?
IDE on the left SATA on the right.
I'm about to play Batman Arkham Asylum for the first time ever. What difficulty setting do you recommend to start with? I want something that won't be a walk in the park but also won't make me want to kill kittens in frustration.
By the way, where can I find the graphics settings to change texture quality? I don't remember seeing that option on the launcher or the in-game options menu.
Thin red cable sounds like SATA indeed.
If it's cont a connector about 10mm in length and slightly shaped like and L then yes that's a SATA connector. IDE connectors are super old and are about 50mm in length and have 40 pins so they're quite easy to tell apart. Hang on I'll get pics.
Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie 2....seriously? I can not help think that is a bit of a joke, should be DLC IMO
Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie 2....seriously? I can not help think that is a bit of a joke, should be DLC IMO
Why not? Rebellion decided that out of all their garbage, that sold good. Why not throw a new version together quickly to maximize funding for more bad games from them?Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie 2....seriously? I can not help think that is a bit of a joke, should be DLC IMO
Hmm, I wonder what will happen with Dark Souls. Dead multiplayer?
Hmm, I wonder what will happen with Dark Souls. Dead multiplayer?
It seems to be for everyone in the Steam Group.Is family sharing openly available?
...That thin red cable says SATA. I guess that answer my own question, right? I need more coffee or more sleep. Thank you both for the help, sorry for the bit of off topic, I'm really off when it comes to stuff like this.
EDIT: Dr Dogg, I think I have both of them...? The one on the left was also connected to one hard drive and to the motherboard.
If GFWL isn't patched out, the MP will be non-functional, yes.
Normal or Hard is fine. The challenge rooms are the only place you really need to master the game and those are separate.
Go with hard difficulty. I played it on hard on my first time playing and there were no frustrating parts. The biggest difference is that on hard you don't get the counter icons above enemies' heads.
But you won't be able to play the main campaign?
Hahaha sounds like you got an old motherboard like mine.
Most motherboards in the last 10 years have around 4 SATA sockets or more. That's plenty for a middle of the road PC. IDE has been dead for a very, very long time now.
What you exactly trying to do Monk? Sounds like your doing my old hobby of frankensteining old computer parts together.
Do we know if GFWL will be removed from the Dawn of War games too?
All we know so far is:
- Batman: Arkham Asylum and City are having GFWL replaced with Steamworks (with the GOTY flavours already at this point)
- BioShock 2 has had GFWL replaced with Steamworks
- Epic is discussing internally what to do with Bulletstorm
- Codemasters is removing GFWL from Dirt 3, while Dirt 2, F1 2010/2011, Fuel, and Operation Flashpoint: Red River "are being looked at"
- Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is having GFWL removed (no word yet on whether Steamworks will replace it)
- GFWL is being removed from various Capcom games, but again we don't yet know if Steamworks will be put in its stead
Everything else is up in the air at this juncture.
Edit: Added sources.
I actually don't have a motherboard and the rest of the components. I'm saving & starting all over for a simple/humble PC after unexpected bills. I had this DVD Drive with that thing red cable attached to it and the other cable too stored for some time but I remember that it used to be connected to the hard drive. I want to keep everything I can, I also have my 2005 Creative 2.1 speakers still alive after 8 years, one case and I'm trying to get one of those CRT or old TFT Monitors.![]()
Everyone that participated in the GMG Golden Joystick thing should have gotten an email with codes for discounts and store credit on the DLC for those games.
Why not? Offline mode will still be available. I think you can even earn achievements on an offline GFWL profile.
This is everything we know so far. If its not here, we don't know about it.
Ah right. You'll be golden then. Everything is SATA these days. So if you get an SSD, new hard drive or even a Bluray it will be the red one. Regards to CRT monitors you'll find that 99% only have VGA connections, as in the blue plug you screw in but you can get DVI to VGA adapters. Try and find a 100hz CRT if you can (I don't think you'll find 120hz one here in europe) though a working good example might be hard to find and a bit pricey.
Dirt 2 and Dirt 3 do.I just remembered, aren't the Dirt games also using GFWL?