Someone else got to it first, sorry!Soneet said:I want a copy. I'm from Europe so I'd like to share costs with an US citizen (over paypal).
*poke* can I have it?
Someone else got to it first, sorry!Soneet said:I want a copy. I'm from Europe so I'd like to share costs with an US citizen (over paypal).
*poke* can I have it?
The turn preview is not your friend. Do not believe its lies.Freedom = $1.05 said:im so bad at this. I keep getting creamed in the first campaign mission : /
I'll take you up on that offer if possible.thefro said:I've got an extra copy to gift in exchange for someone gifting me something that's $5-8 on Steam.
I actually don't have Half Life 2 Episode 2 yet, so that would qualify.
Soneet said:I'll take you up on that offer if possible.
same. but i passed that mission. i'm on third (escort) mission lulz but i like what i'm playing. gonna play SP until i figure out what i'm doingFreedom = $1.05 said:im so bad at this. I keep getting creamed in the first campaign mission : /
LocoMrPollock said:Added you.
LocoMrPollock if anyone wants to add me.
IT MIGHT NOT WORK WITH 6900 series AMD cards, many people seem to have issues.
PMd you.Korranator said:Alright I can host a copy, if someone wants in on a trade.
LethaL ImpuLse said:I'd like to pair up with someone for a copy. I'd paypal you, or if you want I could gift World of Goo
Dmax3901 said:I'll go halves with someone via Paypal.
Akia said:Is this game 3 player or 4 player?
Dmax3901 said:I'll go halves with someone via Paypal.
YES PLEASE!vehn said:this game needs to be on ipad!
Chrysalis said:Sent you a PM as well. Will confirm with whoever gets back to me first.
Chavelo said:Hey, guys. Got 4 bucks on my paypal account. Anybody wanna get me a copy? I'll deposit first. Send me a PM! Steam: chavelo.
SalsaShark said:so what server does gaf play in?
SalsaShark said:so what server does gaf play in?
Toonami 99 said:How do you guys split the cost? Does steam allow you to install/share on multiple accounts?
they just send via paypal (the cost). Steam puts extra copy in your gift option (since you get 2 copies when you buy the game). you just send the extra copy to email or someone's steam ID.Toonami 99 said:How do you guys split the cost? Does steam allow you to install/share on multiple accounts?