I actually voted for GalCiv this time since CKII is currently included in a discounted bundle on Amazon.
no, it seems like it has been replaced by Nancy Drew games
I actually voted for GalCiv this time since CKII is currently included in a discounted bundle on Amazon.
Just finished Psychonauts. Holy fuck, how was a sequel never made...
Because it didn't sell at release.
Another Anno question, regarding 2070:
One of the DLCs says this:
I can't work out if this is an actual content DLC or a 'skip some gameplay to get a win button' DLC.
Because it didn't sell at release.
no, it seems like it has been replaced by Nancy Drew games
I feel like it has to have made a significant amount of money since it got popular again on PC, and was rereleased on XBLA. Where's the excuse, now!?
could someone who has played dear esther tell me, when i go to start the game it gives me options like "the lighthouse" etc. like levels to choose from, what is the deal with this, should i just go in order and then the last one will give me something that is recognizable as an ending? figured it was just an open world. i'm interested to play it, just want to make sure i don't do something wrong or whatever.
How about some Hard Reset for a poor sober guy? Thanks.just sent my man EYE divine cybermancy
i am a silly gifting drunk
Will this Steam sale see a recoup of previous sales on the last day or...?
could someone who has played dear esther tell me, when i go to start the game it gives me options like "the lighthouse" etc. like levels to choose from, what is the deal with this, should i just go in order and then the last one will give me something that is recognizable as an ending? figured it was just an open world. i'm interested to play it, just want to make sure i don't do something wrong or whatever.
So, I'm from South America and this probably won't be even close to something you've tried before but it's my favorite dish after all.
Imagine this funny looking bowl made out of clay. This just came out a huge oven and stuff is super hot. You take a look at it and whatever it is, it's pretty well cooked. You stick your fork in and...wait a minute...this...this bowl is full of DELICIOUS GROUND CORN.
You can't stop eating it but wait, there's more: the bottom of the bowl is full of ground meat mixed with cooked onions and other spices! You start mixing it all up, it's perfect. The Inca gods would be proud.
Once you're done with the bowl you ask for another one because it's fucking delicious:
Gotta love the backhanded begging. I'm not against gifting. At all. But this thread has been flooded with," O, I'd LOVE a copy of Bad Rats/etc. I literally have 20+ copies of games I bought for gifting or just fun giveaways as it is. Bit it's cheapened with quasi begging posts and almost makes me not want to do it. I'm still trying to think of a fun giveaway for Skyrim. If anyone has any ideas for a fun giveaway for it, by all means let me know.How about some Hard Reset for a poor sober guy? Thanks.
I'm going to one up you with a Pueto Rican dish.
So there you are you walk into the kitchen and see an aluminum tray with lasagna. As you sit down and cut yourself a piece you notice it is strangely sauce-less and there is this yellow stuff in there that isn't cheese nope instead you realize some mad genius has replaced where there would normally be pasta with flattened fried plantains in each layer as if by some dark wonderful magic.
After the initial shock you finally attempt your first bite and taste cinnamon not only did the lunatic put in plantains he caramelized them with brown sugar and cinnamon. Still reeling you chew and taste not just ground beef, but an amalgamation of beef and sausage. Nothing about this lasagna makes any sense, but at the same time nothing has ever tasted so good.
This was actually something I experienced at about fourteen when I visited my grandfather
one summer. The man knew how to cook.
Get Bulletstorm. Please.
Im closing in on buying RAGE right now... good or bad idea? It looks pretty, but I'm just wondering if anyone thought it was worth playing.
Gotta love the backhanded begging. I'm not against gifting. At all. But this thread has been flooded with," O, I'd LOVE a copy of Bad Rats/etc. I literally have 20+ copies of games I bought for gifting or just fun giveaways as it is. Bit it's cheapened with quasi begging posts and almost makes me not want to do it. I'm still trying to think of a fun giveaway for Skyrim. If anyone has any ideas for a fun giveaway for it, by all means let me know.
Glad CK2 will most likely win the community vote, it's an amazing game that everyone should get!
Imagine being the king of a small European country in the 1400s. Also imagine that you're a homosexual, socially inept dwarf with a penchant for naval strategy. Now imagine your wife is being unfaithful with your overambitious brother who is planning to assassinate you and take your throne, but before he can carry out his plans you are accidentally killed during a fox hunt and your 5-year old daughter takes the throne. This is Crusader Kings II, and you know you want it.
I'm still trying to think of a fun giveaway for Skyrim. If anyone has any ideas for a fun giveaway for it, by all means let me know.
Gotta love the backhanded begging. I'm not against gifting. At all. But this thread has been flooded with," O, I'd LOVE a copy of Bad Rats/etc. I literally have 20+ copies of games I bought for gifting or just fun giveaways as it is. Bit it's cheapened with quasi begging posts and almost makes me not want to do it. I'm still trying to think of a fun giveaway for Skyrim. If anyone has any ideas for a fun giveaway for it, by all means let me know.
Bulletstorm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rage.
Awesome shooter. My single player FPS of the generation. The story is meh, and the driving stuff is average, but the actual gunplay is amazing. Along with the environments, the enemy variation and animation, and the music add up to a overcome it's downfalls.Im closing in on buying RAGE right now... good or bad idea? It looks pretty, but I'm just wondering if anyone thought it was worth playing.
You bought a copy of skyrim to give away?, Very very generous!, Althought
My friend Not even the most imaginable give away possible could match the Epic-ness of skyrim........ But alas i guess we must all now try to think of one.............
Everyone, Assume the Thinker Position!
Your Skyrim contest should be best dragon call in which gaffers upload mp3s of themselves yelling like a dragon.
To restate, Rage is horrible.
It's like they went "Hey Bethesda, we want to make an open world Doom. How do we do that? Do we do that by becoming part of Bethesda? Will that automatically make our game open world?".
When did it start on the 12th? (I wasn't online for it)
If it started at midnight, then 24 hours from that date (first day) would be 13th, 24 hours from that the 14th (day 2), etc.
It's like that whole thing with cententials, I think.
Your Skyrim contest should be best dragon call in which gaffers upload mp3s of themselves yelling like a dragon.
Is RAGE worth $10 though? I'm hesitant to pay that much for a game that I'm not sure of.
it's a great game that has the best shooting feel this gen.
Im still playing through it ocassionally and I really really like it. The "puzzles" are easy enough but the game just feels good movement-wise and it allows you to be effectively "good" at it and pull off some neat stuff. It's fun.
crazy talk, and I love Bulletstorm
If you're into "shoot stuff a lot until it dies because shooting things a lot means it is difficult".
Because then yeah.
Also, you're no longer welcome in my treehouse.
I retract my declaration of unbridled love for you...
Is RAGE worth $10 though? I'm hesitant to pay that much for a game that I'm not sure of.
I dont know mang it has the best enemy animation ever and solid AI. Monkey dudes come out in all angles around you. It's more satisfying than challengin, i'll give you that. Meant to be played on hard from the get go if you ask me.
Wow, that game looks good, maybe I could... Oh, $4.99, I'm down for 7 cents, guess I'll pass.Im still playing through it ocassionally and I really really like it. The "puzzles" are easy enough but the game just feels good movement-wise and it allows you to be effectively "good" at it and pull off some neat stuff. It's fun.
Sounds good. I love games with really tight and polished controls and core mechanics.