Should I pick up Call of Cthulu? Currently reading At the Mountains of Madness and thinking I need an interactive Lovecraft fix.
Right. It's not osme super sekrat thing going on behind the scenes
Not sure what to buy with my last five: Gal Civ 2 or Analogue...
Someone sell me on Splinter Cell Conviction.
Good splinter cell game? Good game in general?
I'll gift a free copy of bastion to someone who meets these requirements:
-Make me a funny paint drawing about cheese.
-Must be within the first 5 pictures in response to this.
-I pick the winner from those 5.
wtf?? I didn't get the vote on every day badge even though I did.
Then I have succeeded twice now, but I am not satisfied yet!Oh God, what have you done? I was content with just Ys: Oath, but because of that pic I had to get Bastion too. And then Psychonauts. And then the Bioshock pack. And then Hydrophobia because at that price why the hell not?
ffffuuuuuuuuuucccck.... I will never have the time to play half of them... a bloo bloo bloo
And you'll realize how amazing it is, and then you'll tell me how you regret being so negative towards the game!Hey, if I actually win a copy of it, I'll play itjust for ya
Someone sell me on Splinter Cell Conviction.
Good splinter cell game? Good game in general?
Borgnine said:This was not nearly as bad as I was lead to believe it was going to be. The biggest complaint I heard was that it did away with stealth gameplay in favor of action, which just isn't true. It's no Chaos Theory, but there's plenty of stelth gameplay available if you want to play it that way. It's just that straight up action can be a viable, though less fun, alternative. I thought the writing on the wall and desaturation effects were both fantastic. It's also just a great looking game in general with some nice polish. Some drawbacks are Sam Fisher's stupid voice which I've always hated, and easily the stupidest story ever imagined. I mean it's bad even by video game standards bad. Lukcily you can skip most of the cut scenes, though there are a few instances where they force you to listen to their dumb bullshit. This recommendation was brought to you by Cisco Telepresence.
So tomorrow's the last day right?
So instead of Arma 2 I think I'm gonna get Blades Of Time LE and YS:Oath in Felghana.
So tomorrow's the last day right?
I like how everyone has stopped talking about that code thing.
If you voted before the new dailies, you will have to vote again later today to get the badge.
So instead of Arma 2 I think I'm gonna get Blades Of Time LE and YS:Oath in Felghana.
Bah, no Defense Grid dailyI'm bummed.
So instead of Arma 2 I think I'm gonna get Blades Of Time LE and YS: The Oath in Felghana.
Then I have succeeded twice now, but I am not satisfied yet!
And you'll realize how amazing it is, and then you'll tell me how you regret being so negative towards the game!
For as long as it took for this sale to start it seems badly planned. So many repeats.
I like how everyone has stopped talking about that code thing.
Alright, I picked the winners.
Please PM me your e-mails, guys!
One you take over planets and building spaceships. The other you talk to girls. I'd buy the one where you can't do it in real life.Not sure what to buy with my last five: Gal Civ 2 or Analogue...
♥You're not talking about that pile of crap, Bastion, are you? Good lord, you probably like games like Flower and Journey, too, don't you?
Pyramid Cheesehead!
(Oh god I am not good with Paint)
(EDIT: Added some background color)[/QUOTE]
Ahh thats a good one : )
I really think it was intentional. You know how much Valve loves to harvest usage data and patterns. Really curious to see the sales effect some of these repeats had, especially the titles whose discounts were adjusted up or down after their initial appearance during the Sale event.
It's boring if you make it boring. Turn on all the idols and experience the game it was meant to be played. Learn enemy patterns, change your gear depending on the situation, play reactionary with counter-blocking and long-range only. You can make it insanely fun.
I need reasonings! Both look excellent.
No formula 1 2011 discount through the WHOLE sale? Seriously? No Unreal pack repeat on a daily for the whole sale (apart from that 6 hour flash deal which I missed due to work)? But Bioshock again? Splinter cell again? Portal 2 again, Witcher 2 again, Dead island again.. Christ, what going on? Whats the point of these flash deals if its just repeating the same things over and over. At this rate Batman and fable freaking 3 will get put on the flash deals again in 12 hours time.
I've been following these sales for the past couple of years, this has been the most underwhelming by quite a margin, the amount of repeat deals have been really disappointing.
Wasn't it the daily deal literally the day before the sale started? I think it was 75% off.
Bah, no Defense Grid dailyI'm bummed.
The discounts haven't varied for featured items.