Portal 2 is so much better than Bastion, though.
They are completely different experiences.
Portal 2 is so much better than Bastion, though.
I thought about finishing the summer sales with these...
Kohan Warchest -$4.99
Syberia Bundle - $3.74
Penumbra Collector Pack - $4.99
What do you guys think? Are these games worth it?
Doesn't matter.They are completely different experiences.
Doesn't matter.
Could be morse code. The first word would be MOO.
..------ .-.--... ......-- .--..-.. -...-..- -.-.---. ..-.---. .-...-.- .---...- ---..-.. ...---.- --...-.- -.-.-.-- ....-.-- -----.-. .-.-.---
--...... -.-..--- ------.. -..--.-- .---.--. .-.-...- --.-...- -.---.-. -...---. ...--.-- ---...-. ..---.-. .-.-.-.. ----.-.. .....-.- -.-.-...
Wishing I bought the augmented edition of Human Revolution. The soundtrack is amazing!
They "packaged" it pretty bad though, compared to other great soundtracks like Assassin's Creed or The Witcher's. The songs aren't long enough and the soundtrack ends up falling short of being as amazing as it felt in the game/trailers.Wishing I bought the augmented edition of Human Revolution. The soundtrack is amazing!
I'll just wait for the inevitable Ys bundle in a few months.
I'd rather get other stuffs first. Come at me bros.
:lol The_Monk, you've been wanting to go to bed for ages now! GO TO BED!Dead tired, almost done with the highscores on the other thread.
What did I miss fellow GAFfers?
But other people can have no say on my opinion. Portal 2 was more enjoyable in my experience. Regardless, they are both good games.It kind of does when people like different types of games more than others.
steam id: click on my username -> visit salsa's homepage
:lol The_Monk, you've been wanting to go to bed for ages now! GO TO BED!
I meant to add a bunch of people to my friends list, but I can't remember where it got really hectic in the last thread. Can someone tell me which page? I know it was like yesterday or Friday.
Or just put your steam ID at the end of your posts duders. Starting now.
Wishing I bought the augmented edition of Human Revolution. The soundtrack is amazing!
Was reading a bunch of reviews this morning (to see if I was missing any games/over rating others on my wishlist) and came across this:
I promptly removed both games from my wishlist. I thought I was being seduced by the hype and that sounds like everything I don't like in a game.
Came at me GAF. I'm ready.to run
Beast Legacy, thank you SO much for this gift! Now I'll definitely see if this game is the masterpiece everyone's been talking about!
Wishing I bought the augmented edition of Human Revolution. The soundtrack is amazing!
Is Portal 2 really that good people? I don't know if I can risk $5 on it.
Is Portal 2 really that good people? I don't know if I can risk $5 on it.
So true! Was my favorite soundtrack of the year, followed by the one from Ace Combat Assault Horizon.
Wow, that's an excellent deal! I think I payed like 7 for that :3 I might be wrong though...Deus Ex GOTY: 2,49
Is Portal 2 really that good people? I don't know if I can risk $5 on it.
I have six bucks left. What's the best game that runs on a semi shitty laptop?
I'm not a big fan of Ys Oath, but this review is atrocious.:lol
Was reading a bunch of reviews this morning (to see if I was missing any games/over rating others on my wishlist) and came across this:
I promptly removed both games from my wishlist. I thought I was being seduced by the hype and that sounds like everything I don't like in a game.
Came at me GAF. I'm ready.to run
Is Portal 2 really that good people? I don't know if I can risk $5 on it.
Was reading a bunch of reviews this morning (to see if I was missing any games/over rating others on my wishlist) and came across this:
I promptly removed both games from my wishlist. I thought I was being seduced by the hype and that sounds like everything I don't like in a game.
Came at me GAF. I'm ready.to run
I should have hated on Portal 2 so someone might have gifted it for me.
Is Portal 2 really that good people? I don't know if I can risk $5 on it.
Even then, it's missing quite a few tracks, unfortunately.
The comments below the review pretty much explain why he had those problems:lol
Was reading a bunch of reviews this morning (to see if I was missing any games/over rating others on my wishlist) and came across this:
I promptly removed both games from my wishlist. I thought I was being seduced by the hype and that sounds like everything I don't like in a game.
Came at me GAF. I'm ready.to run
Did you get TLR from GNG?Games Price Total
Ys Oath 5 47
Vampire: Bloodline 5
The Last Remnant 7
Recettear 5
Binding of Isaac 2
Ys Origin 8
Binary Domain 10
Trine 1/2 5
Is Portal 2 really that good people? I don't know if I can risk $5 on it.
If you play coop with someone you know, yes.
Frozen Synapse multiplayer since the computations are done serverside (it seems).
Is Portal 2 really that good people? I don't know if I can risk $5 on it.
I thought about finishing the summer sales with these...
Kohan Warchest -$4.99
Syberia Bundle - $3.74
Penumbra Collector Pack - $4.99
What do you guys think? Are these games worth it?
It kind of does when people like different types of games more than others.
I spat out my drink XDOnly works if you're
Is Portal 2 really that good people? I don't know if I can risk $5 on it.