Should I spend my last 5 dollars on gal civ?
Unless you don't already have Portal 2.
Should I spend my last 5 dollars on gal civ?
I added it to my "Remember"-list, so I'll definitely pick it up later on! I love the vibe I'm getting from the trailer, looks really creepy~OMG Please get it and play it! Or wait to play it on Winter/Halloween
You are awesome remember, haha![]()
You have a, eh?deadly premonition
Ison PC? It looks pretty neato, love theDeadly Premonitionwhistling theme.
Hey guys, what is up with this? The lettering for the hard drive requirements of PixelJunk Eden are different. Mean anything?
Okay! I didn't wanna show you this video but I see that I'm forced to now!
You sir, are fucking amazing! Thanks to everyone who bought Bastion today, I promise you won't regret it!![]()
Damn you GAF and your persuasive ways!!
Those are repeats between winter and summer sales, though. We've been bludgeoned to death with repeats within this sale itself. This concept of flash sales is just garbage the way it was done.
Are you serious? Heh, I only played Portal 2 for a few hours on my brother's 360 when he still had it, and it was wroth at least $20 for what I played. No where near finished, either.
$5 might not seem like much to a lot of you but for some it is...
Thanks for all the feedback people.
You sir, are fucking amazing! Thanks to everyone who bought Bastion today, I promise you won't regret it!
Sorry, GAF convinced me that I shouldn't look at any spoilers! I'll just let it all come at me when I play the game :3*spoilers*
! ♥I think I get it now! hahahh poor sweden.
Thanks Yoshi.![]()
Hey guys, what is up with this? The lettering for the hard drive requirements of PixelJunk Eden are different. Mean anything?
If you have any interest in football/soccer whatsoever, buy Football Manager 2012.
It's an absolute steal at the current price, and if you take a bit of time to learn it (there's in-game help which is very useful if you're new to the series) you'll get your money's worth many times over. Why am I so sure? Well, for a start, this book is being released soon:
Actually, it is a lot a decent amount for me. I can't buy Portal 2 because I don't have $5 right now. Are you trying to make me feel bad, or something?
Ok guys I'm sick with a sinus infection so I've missed outr on all the stuff this morning and afternoon. I have $6.09 and I'm getting Fable: The Lost Chapters. Could you guys help add stuff to that to hit my limit so I can finally be done with this sale? It would be really helpful as I'm trying to limit my time on the computer (my eyes hurt from the light ;_.
Look at my face for a second:Did you work on it or something?
Yea I would pick it up but I doubt we'll see it. Chances are low.hope Renegade is the next flash sale.
Still working on this. The solution is probably obvious, but I can't find it, haha.
Look at my face for a second:
Do I look like a genius?! Only genius people worked on this game ._.
Anyone wants a guest pass for Red Orchestra 1 ? I have two available, just PM me if you want one.
Also have a 75% off Serious Sam 3 coupon if anyone wants it.
If you have any interest in football/soccer whatsoever, buy Football Manager 2012.
It's an absolute steal at the current price, and if you take a bit of time to learn it (there's in-game help which is very useful if you're new to the series) you'll get your money's worth many times over. Why am I so sure? Well, for a start, this book is being released soon:
Yea I would pick it up but I doubt we'll see it. Chances are low.
I want to pick up 1 or 2 more things before the sale is over.
Looking at:
Burnout (if it goes on sale again)
Splinter Cell
Bioshock 2
Renegade ops (if it goes on sale again)
I'll wait for the new vote and flash to see if there's anything else I like but if not I'll flip a coin or something and pick one of the above.
Dammit, now I'm hypnotized.
6x4/4 is 6
Which cancels out the 6 in "446"
Which leaves 44
left 4 dead 4
I will get you next ti... I mean, what are you talking about o.o?!Dammit, now I'm hypnotized.
Look at my face for a second:
Do I look like a genius to you :_:?
If you have any interest in football/soccer whatsoever, buy Football Manager 2012.
It's an absolute steal at the current price, and if you take a bit of time to learn it (there's in-game help which is very useful if you're new to the series) you'll get your money's worth many times over. Why am I so sure? Well, for a start, this book is being released soon:
You'll pick up the basic rules very quickly - and there's the "ask assistant" feature, where the game will pick what it thinks are your best players, and the best formation, for you to use. This can be useful for the first few matches while you get an understanding of how things work. Plus, it's a great game to learn. You can easily start over and have multiple games - you can even have multiple users in one game, so you could control two teams at once, which would speed up the learning, then you can resign from one of them or start a new game once you feel more comfortable with it.What if you know absolutely nothing about soccer or sports in general? (._. )
I don't even really like football that much and they're my most played games on steam, so addictive
My pics
Y's Oath (lil over our budget)
Audiosurf (Most fun I've had with a steam game, I keep going back to it after installing games)
Bastion (amazing)
Man, I hope JC2 will go 75% off. I keep thinking to buy this game, but end up don't.
If it goes on sale, I will finally see if the hype around it comes true.
My friends play time in that game :/
I will buy if there isn't something I want more by the end.
If you have any interest in football/soccer whatsoever, buy Football Manager 2012.
It's an absolute steal at the current price, and if you take a bit of time to learn it (there's in-game help which is very useful if you're new to the series) you'll get your money's worth many times over. Why am I so sure? Well, for a start, this book is being released soon:
So Jagged Alliance. What's the guts?
Does anyone know what version of the AMD drivers I use to update them from I need the one the doesn't need service pack 1.
Fun 3rd person strategy game similar to X-Com and the sort. More real world setting, excellent cast of characters.