It ran like crap for me (Win 7 64-bit) and kept freezing in the beginning whenyou first go into the basement and you hear monster growls
That sucks.
It ran like crap for me (Win 7 64-bit) and kept freezing in the beginning whenyou first go into the basement and you hear monster growls
I have no idea what you have linked to. Looks like a dodgy site.
I have no idea what you have linked to. Looks like a dodgy site.
Damn I'm disappointed The Last Remnant never went on sale![]()
Depends on taste as Ys Oath has more of a Zelda-esque structure (though not fully) whereas Ys Origin is a straight up dungeon crawl, but Ys Oath is cheaper and better to jump in with first, plus there's the slim chance Origin gets a sale tonight or something. So get Oath, see what you think, and get Origin later whether it gets a flash sale or not.
Neither are long games by the way and have become one-of-a-kind, so I don't think it's like asking which strategy game you should be getting when you could spend dozens of hours on just one.
Madwall has kindly donated a 75% of Trine 2 coupon, so I can hold a mini contest!
Write a one paragraph+ erotic fan fiction starring the characters of Trine 2 and post it here!
I'll choose the winner in an hour and fifteen minutes, at 9:00 PM EST!
Just caved on the Assassins Creed pack. I've never played much of it before but it always looks interesting. With my new laptop it should make for some nice couch gaming.
Not much of a test for the GTX680m though.
EDIT: Why only Splinter Cell Convition discountedI really want Chaos Theory.
Alright, thanks! I'll probably get Oath then. I shouldn't really be spending more money right now, but it's so cheap...
Truly, we are favored by the gods!What!!, Didnt think i voted till the 14'th but just voted and got the BADGE!!
Cheap and AWESOME. Oath is a good choice.Alright, thanks! I'll probably get Oath then. I shouldn't really be spending more money right now, but it's so cheap...
For the new page. Can anyone help me out with this one? I'd rather not checkout to find it runs horribly...![]()
some places have the entire pack for Splinter Cell games i think..
Final day purchases: Noitu Love 2 and a Broken Sword gift out-of-the-fucking-nowhere.
I have no idea what you have linked to. Looks like a dodgy site.
Verdict Obama SPAZ? Thanks GAF!
Are these still worth playing? Only ever played Double Agent on 360.
I have no idea what you have linked to. Looks like a dodgy site.
Are these still worth playing? Only ever played Double Agent on 360.
GMG has it for 9 bucks, use the 20% coupon and its 7.20
Just waiting on the second place winner!
Please check up top incase you have a Private Message. It could be you!
Chaos Theory is still amazing and I think Conviction is ok, for what it is, though not really representative of the franchise.
Its not me![]()
Damn I'm disappointed The Last Remnant never went on sale![]()
Looks like I did vote every day, the only one left is the summer camp one, which I have joined.
It was a normal day on the journey of your three heroes. Amadeus was busy taking a short cat nap, Zoya off on her own, and Pontius drinking the night away. "Hark, thief," Pontius shouted to Zoya, "come over and enjoy a drink!" A sly smile crawls upon Zoya's face as she seductively walks over to the obviously drunk Pontius, bending down and rubbing her bosom against his shining armor. "Whatever do you need now, Pontius? Would you like... a kiss from a fair maiden?" Pontius, as confused as ever, starts fumbling over his words. "A-a-a WHAT?! You wish to show me your affection?! If you say so..." Pontius puckers his lips and leans forward. Zoya does the same, but right before their lips lock... Zoya reaches behind Pontius, grabs his sack of gold, and runs! Zoya laughs, "Thanks for the gold, Pontius!" Pontius is fuming at this point, he slowly stands up and runs forward, only to collapse back onto the ground in his drunken stupor! "When I catch my bearings, you'll regret this, Zoya...!!"
The end. Too much?
I don't want it.
Can anyone recommend me Evochron Mercenary?
If the Summer Camp didn't activate your achievement leave the group and rejoin, I had trouble with that last sale and many people this sale too.
Just waiting on the second place winner!
Please check up top incase you have a Private Message. It could be you!
I just read that you can't rename or delete categories once you create them in Steam. Is that true? Sounds like a terrible idea.
Its not me![]()
Just tried running Vampire: Masqurade: Bloodlines. Received an 'Engine Error' on startup and each subsequent attempt to startup stating 'Available memory less than 15MB!!! -1'. Does anyone know what this is and/or how to fix it?