As a thanks SteamGAF, here's a popular conversation subject as a thanks for the fun!
Please enter only if you are going to play the game.
I just want people to have fun, so what does that mean? Fanfiction! To enter, all you have to do is write a short piece of fanfiction, 1 or 2 paragraphs is good, but feel free to go longer. Please keep it gaming related and know content does not matter! I know some people need time to get their creative juices flowing, so the contest ends at 1:30 EST(2 hours, give or take) and I'll choose my favorite. Quote with your entry.

Got it?
Snake muttered beneath the icy air; "Maybe if I surprised him..."
He had been steadfastly following his newest threat, a threat that made his previous bouts with Metal Gear a trifling incident. He recalled Otacon's briefing in his head: "Snake, it's kind of a schlep, but you'll just have to outsmart him! This isn't like one of my Japanese animes anymore, it's something....bigger! I know you can do it, just remember the VR training!"
Otacon's empty encouragement did little to assuage Snake's concerns;
"VR? A virtual grunt of the digital age, that's just great."
Nonetheless, Snake was determined;
"He'll never see me coming..."
He lurched forward into the darkness, calculated footsteps with his suppressed SOCOM pistol at the ready. In spite of being a geriatric mess, Snake had saved the world again and again; what could possibly stop him at this point? However, within the peering blackness a craggly voice halted Snake in his tracks;
"I'm afraid Octocamo won't save you this time"
"Who's there?!" shouted Snake as he raised his gun;
No answer.
Snake attempted to ping Otacon over the codec but was met with the screeching impact of radio feedback. With no other option but to continue down this hallway drenched in the darkness, Snake skulked on and continued to skulk on for what seemed like hours. "How long does this hallway go?" thought Snake. As if to answer his rhetorical question, a cackling laughter erupted. An uneasiness beset Snake;
"What the hell?"
He continued forward, still attempting to ping Otacon to no avail. Eventually, Snake saw a dim light in the distance.
"bout damn time" he said excitedly as he quickened his pace for the finish line. His excitement was be stymied when he realized the light just marked a dead end.
"What now?"
Just as he finished venting his frustration, a white light emerged from under him. The ground was lifting up! Snake quickly grabbed onto the platform to keep his balance as the jolt of the movement literally almost threw him off. The ground appeared to be some sort of elevator.
"What in the hell is going on here?" Snake mentioned as he continued to tap his codec in what now seemed like a fruitless attempt to reach Otacon. Eventually the elevator stopped to present...a child.
"I am the catalyst", said the child. "The Metal Gears were early versions of the reapers, made by me to save organics from synthetics by killing the organi-"
before the child finished his sentence Snake placed his SOCOM pistol into his mouth and screamed "I'M NOT ABOUT THAT LIFE" and squeezed the trigger, splattering his brains onto the cold sterile floor.