I just got Scratches, the trailer seems really good. I'm playing Lone Survivor and the game is truly great. Too bad many people won't give it a chance just because hur dur graphics
I got the game through the last indiebundle, but I really want to play it with a Gamepad. Thats why I havent started it yet.
I'm actually having to dial back some settings in games like SR3, DX:HR, and Anno with my 570(at 1080p). DX11 games roast my card. I try not to upgrade more often than every other generation though. Plus another hard drive is more of an emergency issue for me right now. 670GB used out of 700GB on my Steam drive.
It's not supposed to be 7,49 euro?I can't believe that Saints Row 3 is still mispriced. Crazy. Totally got me to buy it, though.
It's not supposed to be 7,49 euro?
I didn't even know it has gamepad support, or are you going to use something to emulate it?
The franchise pack looks like half the price it was intended to be.It's not supposed to be 7,49 euro?
30 thousand mb... what kind of game is this?Man, that took way too long.
I can't believe that Saints Row 3 is still mispriced. Crazy. Totally got me to buy it, though.
Lots of samurai to download.Man, that took way too long.
I still have no idea why the game is so large.Man, that took way too long.
30 thousand mb... what kind of game is this?
Word from the Volition team on AMD issues:
Hey everyone,
It's been a few months since Saints Row: The Third hit Steam and as you know an issue has come up where certain AMD/ATi GPU's are experiencing micro-stuttering and general performance drops on capable machines. This has mostly been seen with cards in the 5xxx or 6xxx range.
Our team has provided multiple patches and updates attempting to correct this issue by adjusting key parts of Saints Row: The Third at the guidance of AMD/ATi, and they have shown mild improvement. Those with SLI no longer see micro-stuttering, and based on our performance tests, we've been able to increase overall performance. For those with affected cards, we're still not up the level of quality we all expect from a Volition game, and we thank you for your patience as we work with AMD for a solution. As soon as we have more updates regarding this issue, we'll be sure to let you know.
Thanks again,
Casual:so the Steam sale ends in 2 hours? Anyone has a good recommendation for flight sims? Have about 12 bucks in my wallet
Hey guys, I'm looking at Ys: origin, but is it important to buy the previous Ys for story content?
http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/us/en/pc/games/rpgs/last-remnant/ + COSYO-UDIDN-TGET1 Voucher for $3.00 total.
I think it's atypical for the "The" to be counted when sorting alphabetically. Oblivion and Skyrim are sorted according to "E", instead of "T", for example ("The Elder Scrolls")
Max Payne 3 says Hi.
What's Tom Clancy's HAWX in?It always makes me do a double-take when trying to find Civilization, though. It's in the S section!
It's still huge, though.Max Payne 3's download size is a little less than 29.7GB, IIRC.
Yep. Well Felghana has better story though Imo.Not even a little bit.
Games <$5Someone have the link to the search page in store (or to the steam forum topic) that had all the like $3 and under games? I can't seem to find it and I swore I bookmarked it.
Strangely, my 9800GTX+ managed to run Max Payne 3 at maximum graphics (sans AA) at 1920x1080, with a great performance. Don't know the exact FPS, but it wasn't slow in the slightest. And here I was afraid my machine couldn't run the gameTry my 9800GT. I'm just lucky I haven't run into any really major problems yet, but usually I have to play games on medium or less.
Games <$5
832 games to choose from.
And it starts...Can somebody tell me when the Winter Sale usually starts?
IL-2 Sturmovik
DCS Blackshark, DCS A-10
Both Casual/Hardcore:
IL-2 Wings of Prey
MS Flight
Picked up the Saint's Row pack this morning before I left for work.
Total pickups:
Binding of Isaac - $2.23
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Augmented Edition - $9.99
Civilization Collection (Summer 2012) - $24.99
Saints Row: The Third Franchise Pack - $13.29
Total: $50.5
Not bad. I've put maybe a couple hours into Binding of Isaac (couldn't really get into it), and I logged 32'ish hours into Civ V since Friday night.
Not even a little bit.
Took me 8 hours to beat on normal difficulty. It's not a long game and it's not very hard, though it has annoying spots near the end.
Loved my first Steam Sale, picked up many great games. Can somebody tell me when the Winter Sale usually starts?
It's still huge, though.
Loved my first Steam Sale, picked up many great games. Can somebody tell me when the Winter Sale usually starts?
No please don't do this to yourself......
No problem. Just do an advanced search in the store to limit stuff.Excellent. I'm sure my wallet hates you, but thank you.