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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 3: Sale is over, use this thread for "Look wat i bot"


Are the last sales posted? Meaning, if there is something on sale like Ys origin, should I buy it now or is Valve making any last sales today?
This is my first sale spent with GAF. This community is fantastic with so many great posters, I am happy to have all of you on my steam friends list. Add me if you haven't: Jechtshot78

Are the last sales posted? Meaning, if there is something on sale like Ys origin, should I buy it now or is Valve making any last sales today?

Buy it now before it is too late


I keep going back and forth on getting jagged alliance back in action. I loved 1 and 2 but the demo left me disappointed. I heard there are patches but i haven't seen much been said about them. Anyone have any views on yes or no?


Jumped on TLR on GMG when I really know I shouldn't. This is really the first summer sale I participated in. I think everybody's first is by far the worst. I ended up spending upwards of $300, but its still a hell of a deal for as much content as I got. There are a few things that I immediately regret getting, such as Anno 2070. I haven't played it yet, but it was pretty expensive compared to everything else.


I'm finally done with the sale. It was awesome all things considered, even if there were no contest from steam itself (GAF more than made up for it) . :]

Alan Wake bundle
Amnesia: The dark descent
Borderlands GOTY
Company of heroes (GMG)
Crusader Kings 2
Crysis 2 maximum edition
Galactic Civilization II ultimate edition
Half Life anthology (gift)
Left 4 Dead 2
The Last remnant (GMG)
The Longest journey
Max Payne bundle
Mirror's Edge
Monkey Island special edition bundle
Portal 2
Civilization V GOTY+some DLC
Saint Row the Third franchise pack
Super Meat boy
Shogun 2 Rise of the Samurai + blood pack DLC
Vampire the masquerade - bloodlines
Ys Origin

Gifted Crysis collection

Holy shit, the sale was of epic proportion for me. 0_0
Well, it's really almost over now.

I held myself back for games like Bioshock pack, ARMA and Witcher 2 (mainly because of a tight budget) but hopefully I can get on them in later opportunity :)


Well got home early. Got one hour left to get anxious about buying something im missing with invisible money I dont have :p


Got The Walking Dead in time. Woohoo!

I'm happy with myself this year:

damages said:
The Walking Dead
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Trine 2
Hitman: Blood Money
Borderlands GOTY
Alan Wake Bundle (Summer 2012)
The Binding Of Isaac Soundtrack, Binding of Isaac Wrath of the Lamb
The Binding Of Isaac

Now.. when will I have time to play these games? When? :(


Final Tally

Max Payne 3 (Actually finished this game before the sale ended!)
Legend of Grimrock
Tropico Bundle
Witcher 2
Batman AC Harley Quinn DLC
Monkey Island SE Bundle
Crysis 2
Thief 1 & 2
Splinter Cell Conviction
Fallout Collection
Deus Ex Hr All Dlc

Got pretty much every game I wanted from the sale so overall I'm happy.


Well, I just received Bastion from ImRight. Guess I won two contests in this sale! What kind of flawless luck I have. Haha Thanks again for the awesome game! :3


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I really needed this little surprise after the exam I just took.

I love this community <3.


100% deserved!


So did anyone buy the Nancy Drew collection? I know some people mentioned wanting to jump on it pre-sale. Are they worth playing as adventure games?


Quick question about New Vegas....in the launcher, what does the "Data Files" option do? I bought the ultimate edition, but the only thing checked is FalloutNV.esm.

Should the rest of that stuff be checked?
Was definitely not as excited about this one as previous sales, most likely because of the Amazon sale starting before where I spent $70 and there wasn't as much hype on here.

Steam sale and a few dailies/weekend right before the sale start haul:

Dungeons of Dredmor
Dawn of War II Gold Edition
Deux Ex HR
Plants Vs Zombies
Ys Oath in Falghana
Fallout New Vegas
Civ III Complete
The Witcher EE

Probably only spent $35, but other then Plants vs Zombies, all games I have never really played much of. Will buy stuff like Batman and the Witcher 2 during the Winter sale.


My final haul:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
NFS: Hot Pursuit
Morrowind Game of the year
Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City + DLC
Gotham City Imposters + DLC
Civilization V
Galactic Civ II
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Freedom Force
Freedom Force Vs the Third Reich
Space Pirates and Zombies
Delve Deeper

I also bought 2 more copies of Civ V, 2 copies of Freedom Force and 1 copy of Gotham City Imposters to gift to a couple friends.

Grand total $99.94
I feel like I did pretty well on a bunch of games I've been wanting for forever.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
haikira, fucking amazing! Yet another person gets to play Bastion :D
Bought the Longest Journey and sort of regret it as it exemplifies perfectly why I like to buy older games on GOG. GOG actually puts in time to make sure the game is free of compatibility issues whereas on Steam, it's just thrown up there. Within the first scene of the game, there were some graphical flickering (the tree which was pertinent to the first puzzle).




Greed Corp (<3 Yeefbear)
Noitu Love 2 Devolution (<3 Wibblewozzer)
Prince of Persia 2008 (<3 Eschaton)
Shadowgrounds (<3 Summer Seal Giveaways)
Shadowgrounds Survivor (<3 Summer Seal Giveaways)

Total: $95
Average Per Game: $3.27


GAF's Ed McMahon
If anyone has a spare copy of Red Orchestra 2 GOTY deluxe edition that they want to trade/sell, shoot me a PM!


Unconfirmed Member
Okay people who have played DayZ, is it worth picking up ARMAII: CO for?

I'd rather wait until christmas sale when I know it will be cheaper, but I'm afraid the community wil have died off by then.


So much for ignoring this sale....at least kept it to sub 7 dollar games..more or less.

Recieved as gift:
Portal 2
EDF: Insect Armageddon
Flatout (via Steamgifts, so technically not part of the sale)
Mount and Blade:Warband (technically had this already but not on steam)

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (that deal was just too good to pass up!)
Fallout New Vegas missing DLC (Lonesome Road, Honest Hearts)
Total War: Shogun 2 missing DLC (Ikko Ikki Clan, Dragon War Battle Pack)
Hard Reset
F.E.A.R. Ultimate
Ys The Oath in Felghana
Galactic Civilizations II
Red Orchestra 2
Morrowind Game of the Year
Oblivion Game of the Year Delux
Dawn of War II Gold
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X

Going to go completely crazy during the Winter Sale when I'll have a hundred bucks or so to spend...still need to get Saint's Row 3, The two batman games, Witcher 2, Ys Origin, Day of Defeat: Source, and Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai, among others.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow Haikira! That's awesome!

Many thanks.
Now please, enjoy one of the best games of (2011) 2012!
You're making me want to give it another shot :O

Combat felt really boring about 2 hours in, but after playing Alan Wake to completion it'd be hypocritical of me to not give Bastion another chance
Yes, please give it a bit more time! When idols starts picking up, activate them and start enjoying the amazing experience that is Bastion!
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