May DayOk, Kandrick won the first prize. Second prize will be Terraria. I'm not posting how many letters this time!
New word(s)!
Hint 1 - This is 2 words
Hint 2 - It's not an object
EDIT: Oh a song. Hmm.
May DayOk, Kandrick won the first prize. Second prize will be Terraria. I'm not posting how many letters this time!
New word(s)!
Hint 1 - This is 2 words
Hint 2 - It's not an object
February Air
But I already have terraria.
Crap I never get these things. I'm on the phone can't search fast enough :,'(
If you already have it then why did you guess the correct answer you punk. >:O
I stealth edited.
Because my cousin wants it.
Lol no thing is I'm on Internet on the phoneWell get off the phone then![]()
It's really something seeing how much these games are full priced. Makes you appreciate the sale
If drizzle din't guess it then I would have and I already have the game as well.
I heard of Light a few times.
Lol no thing is I'm on Internet on the phone
Thanks for the fun puzzles dot!!
Omfg I was just listening to her yesterday too lolol. Yep I was trying to Google pics. Can't believe I didn't recognize...It's Lights.
Were you googling for pics or were you googling Lights? lol Glad you had fun.
The only game i really regret buying is Fray
I have 5 badges, nothing special happened -_-
Yay, Thread 3 :O
Got the Badge as well
Final (? lol) haul:
- Age of Empires III Complete Collection
- Alan Wake Bundle
- A.R.E.S. Complete
- Assass Brohos Deluxe
- Batman Arkham City + Harley Quinn's Revenge & Skin pack DLC
- Beyond Good and Evil
- Binding of Isaac DLC
- Binary Domain (amazon)
- Civilization V Complete (GOTY + Korea/Wonders DLC Combo)
- Dead Island
- Driver San Francisco Deluxe
- Far Cry Complete
- From Dust
- Frozen Synapse Red DLC + Soundtrack
- Jurassic Park - Gift
- The Last Remnant (GMG)
- Magicka: the other side of the coin + Horror Props + Holiday Spirits DLC
- Max Payne 3
- Need For Speed Shift
- Quantum Conundrum Season Pass
- Sanctum Complete - Gift
- Saints Row The Third + Season's Pass DLC
- Sonic Generations DLC
- Tales of Monkey Island
- Torchlight
- Trine Bundle + Collector's Edition Upgrade
- L.A. Noire Complete
- Monkey Island SE Bundle
- Modern Warfare 3
- Portal 1+2
- SpaceChem x2
- WH40K Dawn of War II Complete pack
Total spent:too much
Wait something magical happens?Wait till tomorrow 10:00pm EST
I have 5 badges, nothing special happened -_-
Wait something magical happens?
He must be planning another contest! 'Cause Valve ain't doin' shit~Wait something magical happens?
Since I already had Terraria (got it for my cousin) and I feel bad for it, I have a little contest for you guys.
My name on GAF is Drizzle, and my nickname on Steam is Rain_1.
There's a helicopter game on the Sega Genesis from which my Nickname (Rain) derived from, the same way my neogaf name (Drizzle) derived from Rain.
Name that game and you'll get Trine (the first one)+Shadowgrounds+Shadowgrounds Surivor on Steam.
Did anyone who bought Burnout Paradise somehow get a key straight away? I've seen some people who supposedly were able to play it instantly.
Did anyone who bought Burnout Paradise somehow get a key straight away? I've seen some people who supposedly were able to play it instantly.
Super Thunder Blade (ninja edit)
Did anyone who bought Burnout Paradise somehow get a key straight away? I've seen some people who supposedly were able to play it instantly.
But you said Heli! ;/Sorry, it's an AIRPLANE game.
But you said Heli! ;/
Yes, i'm an idiot and you get a second chance.![]()
They're purely decorative at this stage, and Valve wouldn't attach prizes to them without first announcing such an initiative, I'd imagine.
Half-Life 3 is announced; world doesn't believe it.
Lol you guys confused me even more. I'll return that time I guess.He must be planning another contest! 'Cause Valve ain't doin' shit~
I have no self Control.