Fools idol
The bank of England literaly being verbose that pension funds have 3 days before they turn off the QE tap so market collapses is truly the hero we all needed in this shitty market
How are we feeling about Chinese stocks right now? Why is everyone worried about Xi Jinping now? Is this delisting fears again...?
Are you BABA boys still in?
I ate my shit sandwich at around $100. Happy I did.
Nasdaq just announced they are banning Chinese IPOs due to the sketchy nature of them. My plan was to try hopping onto them at the opening bell. Made money on GCT, but lost on GRFX.Absolutely no chinese stock at all and looking at Xi Jingping and the communist party I have zero faith in any investments in China. I was thinking on and off about BABA and BYD, but glad I didn't considering they are going full authoritarian and only hardliners there throwing out all reasonable people.
To be completely honest I am legit afraid to some degree. Even if the worst doesn't happen (nuclear ukraine or attacking Taiwan in 12-24 months) the rift between the west and russia/china/brics is seemingly getting larger and larger and no matter how well we avoid any crisis and maneuver well ... we will still be worse off than in the crazy illusion wealth period of 2009-2021 fueled by borrowing from the future generations.
Nasdaq just announced they are banning Chinese IPOs due to the sketchy nature of them. My plan was to try hopping onto them at the opening bell. Made money on GCT, but lost on GRFX.
Made money on KNDI, GCT and LI. Lost money back on KNDI, Tencent Music and GRFX. I think I'm up $10,000 net. Whew.
How are we feeling about Chinese stocks right now? Why is everyone worried about Xi Jinping now? Is this delisting fears again...?
Are you BABA boys still in?
I ate my shit sandwich at around $100. Happy I did.
Well, FB is making tons of money to absorb the losses.Meta's business is still going great..
Its just the spending on Vr that has gone insane
The funny thing about inflation rates and interest rates is that the theory is when inflation gets high, the gov and banks bump up rates. Increased loan and mortgages rates kill peoples money so that they buy less stuff and suppliers and stores panic and drop prices so they keep coming in to buy stuff.A little of macroeconomics for today.
A bunch o central banks like Canada, Australia, even FED etc. gave up to dovish tone on recent weeks...
Example of the day - Italy:
Expected inflation for this month: 1.4% mo. increase
Real data today: 4% mo. increase.
Now imagine what the interest rate increase necessary to curb the example above will do to a country with almost 135% debt/gdp rate.
The lesson: Don't play with fire, inflation and monetary incentive guys.
havent posted here in a bit.
It's been a good week for my short positions, tesla especially. I think most of the big downward move is over for Elon. There is room down to maybe 130$ max but I dont see it happening unless the overall market takes a really big shit.
Yep, I'm tempted to dive back into Tesla, doubled my money on the last round from the stock split and got out before the current downturn. Happy to head back in these days with the semi launching and Pepsi taking a decent contract for their fleet. Elon's twitter exit strategy helps massage things back to pointing up I reckon.
That China downturn is real though.
Portfolio sunk a lot since the peak a year ago. Thankfully, I'm around 50% cash, so its been a slow burn.
I'm not touching Tesla until late next year. There are just far too many out of control headwinds for elon right now and the stock still has too many cultists trying to buy the dip. We are not yet at capitulation.
I'm going to hold onto what I have for now. I'll look at stuff next Jan or Feb. Tax loss selling season too. Still got a week for people to dump stocks for a loss. Hopefully, next year it picks back up.
That poster you were talking about was ManofOne. Too bad he left. His stock posts were great. One of his tips ON Semiconductor I bought. I got impatient and dumped it after 3 months as it did nothing. As soon as I sold it went up 70-80%. I should had listened to him.Yeah, personally sold everything but one stock. I heeded some advice in this thread from way back to cash up and wait to pounce back into the market. I'm in that holding pattern for now before I buy back in on 4-6 stocks. The GAFfer pretty much saw the last 6-12 months coming beforehand I agree with their take and actioned my personal side of things. I forget the GAFfer's name, they had a red avatar I think, they worked at a top end finance/bank and did this analysis for a living. They seem to have disappeared completely from GAF though, at least this thread anyway. As for my trust investments they're largely untouched, they just tick away and aren't really for trading speculation or market trends, more so portfolio diversity and keeping multiple income streams for us long term.
He does seem to be on a crazy run/stretching himself too thin lately, with adverse results for his companies. I'm in the same boat, I think Tesla and a bit more downturn to go.
Tax time down under is end of June/start of July. At least it separates XMAS and business, something I appreciate a lot here.
That poster you were talking about was ManofOne. Too bad he left. His stock posts were great. One of his tips ON Semiconductor I bought. I got impatient and dumped it after 3 months as it did nothing. As soon as I sold it went up 70-80%. I should had listened to him.
havent posted here in a bit.
It's been a good week for my short positions, tesla especially. I think most of the big downward move is over for Elon. There is room down to maybe 130$ max but I dont see it happening unless the overall market takes a really big shit.
Tesla was always an overrated stock based on EV and Musk hype. Replace Musk with a typical 60 year old white haired suit and tie guy and Tesla would worth a fraction of what it is now. The stock now has a PE of about 38. If it drops to $50, PE still 16.tesla getting destroyred. I covered a few of my shorts shares and took some of the profts on puts.
Will hold the rest and see how it goes. Could we see sub $100 tesla soon? time will tell.
Tesla was always an overrated stock based on EV and Musk hype. Replace Musk with a typical 60 year old white haired suit and tie guy and Tesla would worth a fraction of what it is now. The stock now has a PE of about 38. If it drops to $50, PE still 16.
The company is still worth more than Toyota, Ford and GM combined even though they all make giant profits.
I'll take a risk if it hits $50.
On the plus side, I made money on that fucking APE stock. Made 50% on it and dumped it this morning. That cushioned some of my losses today. Thank god!
its not going to 50$ again dude...Tesla was always an overrated stock based on EV and Musk hype. Replace Musk with a typical 60 year old white haired suit and tie guy and Tesla would worth a fraction of what it is now. The stock now has a PE of about 38. If it drops to $50, PE still 16.
The company is still worth more than Toyota, Ford and GM combined even though they all make giant profits.
I'll take a risk if it hits $50.
On the plus side, I made money on that fucking APE stock. Made 50% on it and dumped it this morning. That cushioned some of my losses today. Thank god!
$50 is nightmare terrority right? I mean........jeez
Try $16.
Demand destruction is a thing. How bad it will get? no one really knows but people are certainly not buying $60-100k new cars during a hard recession.
Elon has said the past few days he is going to not be selling any shares until 2025 now, but if you read between the lines of the full conversation had, it's clear he sees demand destruction coming if not already here. Tesla will will be forced to prioritise their unit sales over their Margins, which ultimately could mean it will be priced more as a value company over growth. That is the only way I can see tesla going sub $100, maybe as low as $50 but its a very very unlikely scenario given how much diehard dip buyers are ready to swipe.
Let me tell you though. At the troughs of the recession, those who have the cash means and balls to buy when everyone is running for the hills on Tesla, new fortunes will be made. I bought the stonk hand over fist while the market crashed over Covid 19, and it 10x'ed my personal wealth within 2 years. I sold the lot, as posted here. Time will repeat it self again, you just have to be patient and ready as fuck to strike when the time comes. It can take years of patience for that one opportunity.
We just had one such opportunity with AliBaba at $60, which I loaded the boat. I understand that is too much risk for many blood here, but I rest my case, you dont make the big bucks playing it safe.
Demand destruction is a thing. How bad it will get? no one really knows but people are certainly not buying $60-100k new cars during a hard recession.
Elon has said the past few days he is going to not be selling any shares until 2025 now, but if you read between the lines of the full conversation had, it's clear he sees demand destruction coming if not already here. Tesla will will be forced to prioritise their unit sales over their Margins, which ultimately could mean it will be priced more as a value company over growth. That is the only way I can see tesla going sub $100, maybe as low as $50 but its a very very unlikely scenario given how much diehard dip buyers are ready to swipe.
Let me tell you though. At the troughs of the recession, those who have the cash means and balls to buy when everyone is running for the hills on Tesla, new fortunes will be made. I bought the stonk hand over fist while the market crashed over Covid 19, and it 10x'ed my personal wealth within 2 years. I sold the lot, as posted here. Time will repeat it self again, you just have to be patient and ready as fuck to strike when the time comes. It can take years of patience for that one opportunity.
We just had one such opportunity with AliBaba at $60, which I loaded the boat. I understand that is too much risk for many blood here, but I rest my case, you dont make the big bucks playing it safe.
$50 I'm in!Woof TSLA
My price target starting to get more realistic!
Never bought Apple ever. Every once in a while during downturns I'm tempted to get in, hope for a 10-20% rebound and get out. A shame too because I started trading during the dot com boom in 1999. I remember when Apple got decapitated the day it warned and it dropped probably a ton. I remember it at $10-20 before their iPod craze started (which Yahoo says is split adjusted to about 30 cents!).If you’re in AAPL still… I’d get out. Your beating is coming.
It won’t be as bad as the others.. but might as well save some money.
Investing in the stock market when it is down is usually a good bet in the long run. I wish I did it on March 2020 that's for sure. I believe this year will be bearish too, but hopefully 2024 will be a great year.Cant believe my portfolio has gone up 5 days in a row. All week green, and the last trading day in 2022 green too.
2022 was a bloodbath. My stocks dropped about 25%. Thankfully I was about 40-50% cash. So my net loss was about half that.
So far, this lucky streak has my stocks gaining back 6% in a week (portfolio up about 3%).
I have something to say here that I would probably not regret in my old years.
I went long Ali-baba (75% of my portfolio. over the prices $60-80 this past weeks. I have been quiet here because I have been very busy re-organizing and reshaping my portfolio of assets to do so. I understand to most here that China is probably too risky, but in my humble opinion, the worst is over for Ali Baba at $80 range. There are two core reasons - 1 obviously being the geopolitical capitulation and deep value the company currently trades at for its LONG TERM (by long term, I mean 5-10 years at absolute bare minimum). 2 being it's technical chart. The buy volume over the past few weeks on this name despite the geopolitical climate has been nothing short of staggering - it looks almost certainly to be like federal level Chinese institutions, as well as probably other global institutions buying.
As always the case, invest your money using your own due diligence. I will keep it as simple as that - but mark this post those of you who wish - I think we will be at a 10 bagger for Baba in the next decade as China cleans up it's act and the geopolitical climate is reshaped forever. China does not have a central bank, you have CCP. They have said they are going to support their stocks - and I believe that this is the crown jewel they have. You can bet your ass they wont be saving all the speculative shit like Nio, Didi and what not, but BABA absolutely - it is their Amazon, probably the core most important company in their economy. There is your support pivot floor imho. Anyone who doesn't consider these things can take a look at how powerful federal reserve powers are over stock prices and liquidity, China's CCP on it's own companies is even greater. It's likely that the giant fund level volume of buys and short covering that occurred recently is echo of that realization.
replying to myself here but my all-in investment into $BABA just crossed 80% return on common stock and approximately 450% on my call options.
It almost feels disgusting to 3x my portfilio size in a market where most people have lost their asses. I wanted to share this post as when I wrote it, I was as much sharing it for integrity as I was convincing myself my decision was the right one to make.
What a week. $baba at $115 again, roll on $200.
I hope you are all ready for lord wealth destroyer J.Powow himself to rug pull the market with the CPI report tomorrow.