Nine is in... a lot of marriages.
I think we are waifus because of some mass IRC wedding she had.
We are a free love community.
Nine is in... a lot of marriages.
I think we are waifus because of some mass IRC wedding she had.
The divorce is basically going to be a class action lawsuit then.Nine is in... a lot of marriages.
I think we are waifus because of some mass IRC wedding she had.
No, no, I want to see darkside and pizzaroll in cahoots. It's a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Nine is in... a lot of marriages.
I think we are waifus because of some mass IRC wedding she had.
I think I just got a major whiff of incest. Or maybe it was just some incense. Incest incense?If anyone wants to marry Nine they need my blessing, since I am her de facto older brother.
Nine is in... a lot of marriages.
I think we are waifus because of some mass IRC wedding she had.
Well... too late for that?If anyone wants to marry Nine they need my blessing, since I am her de facto older brother.
The only law I follow is the law of moé!
me and pizzaroll are best friends now.
So I heard. Congratulations!
So is everything else, which Avatar doesn't do well. Storyboarding and direction are PART OF THE VISUALS.
Sword art online 1-3
I'm starting to like this (possibly because I like .hack)
I also see this is following the light novel very well
Wait wut?
There's a light novel believe it or not
Oh I know. I've read up to Vol 8. I don't think they're following the LN version quite well. Leaving out details and the execution for episode 3 just wasn't there. The only episode I found well done so far is 1. By itself as an anime, the show is good but when it is in comparison to the LN, it's not following it well at all.
Why do people keep watching RKB?! I thought we were done with this!
In the end, I blame darkside.
I told you it fell apart after the second episode. Despite not seeing it myself!Yeah, these are pretty much my thoughts. Doubly so as I neither participate in nor care about reading mango. At least the ED was still there to brighten things up.
I told you it fell apart after the second episode. Despite not seeing it myself!
After some struggles and much outside assistance, here's the clean key visual character art for Red Data Girl:
I liked to call Hikaru no Go "Utena no Go".
I'm partial to this one dedicated to the r/a/dio pals:
D/a/ngo Mah N**** - /a/ feat. Bedford
You could say that it is of questionable quality, but... does that matters when you can feel the love flowing?
Kuma-kun is cool and all, but Eggmun classy 'tuesd/a/ys' are the best!
I also see this is following the light novel very well
Wrong adjective there, buddy.
LotGH, fighting for the feminist ideals way before Utena was even conceived.
avatar sucks.
Yes, very well. That's why one of the most essential scenes from the side-story was removed and totally destroyed the emotional attachment the viewer would have with Kirito. >_>;
I'm partial to this one dedicated to the r/a/dio pals:
D/a/ngo Mah N**** - /a/ feat. Bedford
You could say that it is of questionable quality, but... does that matters when you can feel the love flowing?
Kuma-kun is cool and all, but Eggmun classy 'tuesd/a/ys' are the best!
Did you never play Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents? O means yes/success, X means no/failure. It's the reason why the Japanese releases of Final Fantasy back in the PSX era had the O button as confirm and X as back.
(Can someone explain this one to me? Is it some sort of reference or cultural thing?)
True true.
it's an opinion =/
I wonder what an animu-Gaf civil war would be like?
Pro-Avatar side showing benevolence and not completely crushing Anti-Avatar GAF
I wonder what an animu-Gaf civil war would be like?
Pro-Avatar side showing benevolence and not completely crushing Anti-Avatar GAF
welp, now i've got another thing to look out for in the ikuhara sailor moon epsHere's a present for you:
I don't think it's an opinion. The entirety of the Red Nosed Reindeer is a very moving and emotional story. By making it one episode with crappy transitions, poor execution, and bad pacing, they sacrificed not only the emotion behind the episode but our attachment to the characters. It was much more easy to care about the guild, Sachi, and Kirito as I read more and more about them. To make us watch a 20 minute episode and try and make us care is hard imo. Honestly, I didn't even give a crap what happened to everyone and it was pretty much a "lol, people die, duh." episode.
I wonder what an animu-Gaf civil war would be like?
I was talking about what I said.
It would be Kyoani vs. Bones vs ufotable. We would have Duckroll leading on the Bones side against the heathens. I would lead the ufotable sides with honor and the scumbag leader and the followers of kyoani would be destroyed.
I would have to sit it out, since I don't align with any of those studios. Old Bones perhaps.It would be Kyoani vs. Bones vs ufotable. We would have Duckroll leading on the Bones side against the heathens. I would lead the ufotable sides with honor and the scumbag leader and the followers of kyoani would be destroyed.
What about Shaft?
I would have to sit it out, since I don't align with any of those studios. Old Bones perhaps.