misses bull
Would you choose him ever for any reason over Kanji
kanji, hes a gay character that doesn't make my eyes roll
Would you choose him ever for any reason over Kanji
Who would win in a fight? The characters from Persona or SMT.
I like him, hes cute
kanjis betterhusbando wars start now
Who would win in a fight? The characters from Persona or SMT? *hides*
Who would win in a fight? The characters from Persona or SMT? *hides*
Who would win in a fight? The characters from Persona or SMT? *hides*
there is no war, Kanji best everything. Liam O'Brien runner up
Raidou Kuzunoha would win everything just for being a stylin' motherfucker.
Raidou Kuzunoha would win everything just for being a stylin' motherfucker.
If you want a challenge and a balanced game I'd say start with EO3, if you want something to ease you into the series I'd say EO4.
That being said, there is a demon for EO4 on the E-shop, and I think that gives a better picture of what the EO series is about rather than Untold. (I'd wait to play untold, some of the changes make it hard to go back and play older games in the series.)
No need to even bother with 1 or 2, considering 1 was already remade as untold and 2 is getting remade as well.
Who would win in a fight? The characters from Persona or SMT? *hides*
So I just finished reading Akumetsu.
Seriously, everyone stop what you are doing and read it.
I just checked the demo's name. Looks like the millenium girl demo is the untold demo. Are you saying untold is newer and streamlined which would ruin the older games?
Another video to add to the to watch pile !
Also, here is an new teaser for the Super Best Friends Fan Game.
OTP the two characters nobody wants
because no one else will
hes there to fuck yukkio
She has alot of time to cause no one will pick her
yosuke will
I hate you all...because he enjoys spending time with the garbage
Catching up on some SBF stuff. The guacamelee LP is a lot better now that Liam is playing. 2muchdickery.
I hate you all...
I hate you all...
I know right? They're having so much fun. Though I kinda wish they went for the Devil costume instead of the Skeleton one
EO3 still has the best classes/ cast in the entire series, at least in terms of desgin.
I'm more upset that they're playing the 360 version. With PC they could use that amazing Woolie skin.
So with all the Korra talk happening I decided to start Book 4
inb4 Korra finds Toph and gets her ass kicked back into gear
Also Korra w/ short hair
I'm more upset that they're playing the 360 version. With PC they could use that amazing Woolie skin.
I doubt that skin was in development when they were playing this game, though.
I thought they were playing the Bone version. Also I think Pat's the only one that does PC capture, but it is a shame we can't see a different skin every session.
I doubt that skin was in development when they were playing this game, though.
Did you fucking guess that?
I kinda agree.So far from what I've seen of her.
Don't listen to them. I don't know they have this idea that Yukiko has no personality. All the characters do. The only issue is that they are paper thin. Yukiko has an airhead princess kind of personality.