I guess everyone is busy playing Bayo.
I'm studying for an exam i write in 2 hours. Also no wii u.. soo.. meh. Thirst is not real enough.
I guess everyone is busy playing Bayo.
I guess everyone is busy playing Bayo.
Let's check out my haul, will we.
So good. Hometown for days, baby, and another figure to find a place for.
But surely that can't be it, right?
Now that I have hair again, I wonder what else can make me cool?
Ah, there we are. Coolness achieved.
People are saying that one of Bayo's taunts in Bayonetta 2 is "if you want to know how to talk to a lady, ask your mom."
Something is... Missing from my avatar.
There we go.
You're missing the best girl in p4Kanji in a dress.
Something is... Missing from my avatar.
somthing like this?
edit:I was too late!
Everyone knowsYu looks better in a dress.
Girl Brosuke is best boy girl in Personers for.
Teddy is the only one who looks good though to be real
Maybe if Girl Brosuke's hair was less stupid
It's okay Oberon, yours is good too
actually it's better but who's counting
Girl Brosuke is best boy girl in Personers for.
Teddy is the only one who looks good though to be real
Maybe if Girl Brosuke's hair was less stupid
He was not even close to kanji and teddie.
Teddie best boy and girl
We are now having drag persona waifu warsBut girl brosuke has the best fanart.
I like how everyone is ok talking about p4 minor spoilers..
We are now having drag persona waifu wars
I watched Little Witch Academia for the first time today. That was pretty good. So good that I'm sad that it never got a full show. Hopefully LWA 2 can get one.
I guess everyone is busy playing Bayo.
But Ultimax!
I like how everyone is ok talking about p4 minor spoilers..
Trigger constantly saving anime. I would love for a full show.
A lot of people get a real move that gets anime'd up visually. Flicker punch is an actual thing.Hajime no Ippo: ep 9
Flicker Punch? More like Dhalsim Zoom Punch.
Does this mean that every big opponent is gonna have some crazy anime move, cause if so, that's gonna be hilarious.
Does ultimax havei guess teddy is fair game.. since it's been a while.girl outfits for the guys? I dont remember any.
For teddie it does
Well that makes my comment obsolete
Rewatch it sometime, there's an amazingly cute detail in just the first scene.I watched Little Witch Academia for the first time today. That was pretty good. So good that I'm sad that it never got a full show. Hopefully LWA 2 can get one.
Rewatch it sometime, there's an amazingly cute detail in just the first scene.
What are you referring to?
The blonde girl is in the audience for the show, she was a fan.
I may or may not just be acting like I knew this before watching the Demo D video.
Rewatch it sometime, there's an amazingly cute detail in just the first scene.
The blonde girl is in the audience for the show, she was a fan.
I may or may not just be acting like I knew this before watching the Demo D video.
I also saw that video.
But girl brosuke has the best fanart.
Y-you r-really think so s-senpai?
Am I the only one that noticed it on my own?
I'd make a joke, but why bother.
Rip in peace euro frienders. Salt is real.
I'd make a joke, but why bother.
That we cannot deny.
Fuckers got Disaster. Makes it even in my book.I want that game so bad
I'd make a joke, but why bother.
I also saw that video.
Fucking finally, more like. ATLUS time is second to Blizzard and Valve, but it still hurts.
Fucking finally, more like. ATLUS time is second to Blizzard and Valve, but it still hurts.