Cats are disgusting creatures, there I said it.
u wuna fite m8?
Cats are disgusting creatures, there I said it.
I become mildly salty when Korra is the topic of choice, but that's all.
I become mildly salty when Korra is the topic of choice, but that's all.
The only time I get uncomfortable is when everyone starts talking about how great eva is. Yuck.
Or when people talk about inferior subs being better than dubs
gurren lagann
It's the one topic I can't talk aboutWhy would that make you salty?
u wuna fite m8?
It's the one topic I can't talk about
I watched only a chunk of it, and I was just bummed out compared to TLA. It had a big shadow to stand in. When I say salty, I'm exaggerating off of what SkiLa said.
lets go
Start of Season 2. Gross.What part did you stopped at? I stopped at the start of S3 and haven't gotten to it because of Kamen Rider.
Yup. Not seriously complaining, I know lots of people dislike other topics here. It's all good.We all have our moments when conversations come up that not everyone in the thread is a fan of. While the lewd talks can be annoying if they go on too long, if its in balance with every other kind of discussion that happens, I'm not opposed to it. Ofc I don't speak for everyone though.
settle it in a Pokemon battle
the ones majors were psychiatry to psychology to philosophy to medicalThe woolie is the secret rising super star, rising so fast he becomes a black hole.
Episode like 3 or 4 then.
They feel special or something, or learned to be snobby..
What majors did they study?
That's pretty great. Also, what a great avatar.
Or when people talk about inferior subs being better than dubs
gurren lagann
The only time I get uncomfortable is whenever you open your pie hole.
Me neither. Kamina's dub voice is basically the voice of godI can't imagine that subbed tbh.
lets combine the 2 instead mwhahahahahaha
lets go
I can't wait to settle all our conflicts in Smash U, 10 more days until the Promised Land.
Shit, i didnt even realize it was that close. I should probably stop procrastinating and pre order it already
Anyone wants to play Ultimax while waiting for the podcast?
Start of Season 2. Gross.
chickens are the enemy
also food
I can't wait to settle all our conflicts in Smash U, 10 more days until the Promised Land.
It's not food, it's violence tho.
Season 2 starts off pretty bad but it gets better in the second half and season 3 is ATLA tier.
Season 2 starts off pretty bad but it gets better in the second half and season 3 is ATLA tier.
Y-you have an avatar screencap as an avatar... I have no words.
It probably looks horrid in Vanilla theme.
Oh, yeah, Korra. Yeah I'll make myself go through it sometime, but I just ended up feeling butthurt by the whole thing. I'll prolly wait till it ends or almost ends and watch the whole thing through.
lets go
the ones majors were psychiatry to psychology to philosophy to medical
I'm not discounting this guy, he is smart and has a good handle on things but that does not excuse him for being a dick and he still has years ahead of him if he would ever just pick a fucking class and stick with it.
The other one has just been bouncing around various engineering courses trying to find one he can make it through without failing out.
I grew up with these people and have always been compared to them all most as rivals. I know I picked the quick way out for the benefit of my mental health but I also knew that by going the way I'm going I'll be pretty much set and be able to live a comfortable life in a house of my own by the time I'm 25, barring catastrophic events, while they will be paying off whatever students loans their mother won't for years to come. It is just super frustrating situation
Shit, i didnt even realize it was that close. I should probably stop procrastinating and pre order it already
Are we gonna do 8 player smash here?
Are we gonna do 8 player smash here?
sick Shadow of the Colossus inspired painting I saw
Hell yeah!Yeah dawg, I'm ready for that pre-load. We gunna have some midnight battles in here (maybe)
"Set as Desktop Background"sick Shadow of the Colossus inspired painting I saw
I want this. Can we all meet up in person to do this?8 player smash, Little mac only, final destination
8 player smash, Little mac only,final destinationpoke floats
Yo that's pretty sick.
sick Shadow of the Colossus inspired painting I saw
.lets combine the 2 instead mwhahahahahaha
Yo that's pretty sick.
How's this.
How's this.
Dat avatar XD.. It's too great. We need to go deeper.
How's this.
Dat avatar XD.. It's too great. We need to go deeper.
I like dogs but I'm fascinated by marine life.Show me your moves!
Also are you a dog person then?
DamnI wish, but it's local only for 8 players ;_;