The Many Voices of "Yuri Lowenthal" in Video Games
Implying he can do other voices.
He pre-ordered but deep down inside he wishes he got that special edition
He did a pretty good Russian voice tho... Give him more credit why donchaya? Go try being a VA. It must be hard.The Many Voices of "Yuri Lowenthal" in Video Games
Implying he can do other voices.
Dude, it's so worth getting the special edition.. local anime store always has it in stock though. I might digitally import it to my phone to listen to all of it.
He did a pretty good Russian voice tho... Give him more credit why donchaya? Go try being a VA. It must be hard.
He could still get it if he ordered by amazon. They accept returns and then you can order the special edition.. special edition looks so good ;_; I almost don't want to open it..
i havent opened mine either. my body isnt ready.He could still get it if he ordered by amazon. They accept returns and then you can order the special edition.. special edition looks so good ;_; I almost don't want to open it..
He did a pretty good Russian voice tho... Give him more credit why donchaya? Go try being a VA. It must be hard.
Yeah I didn't want the case for the 3dsXL I do not have. The art for this one does not really pique my interest so $30 for a part of the soundtrack was not worth it to me, we are not in Japan so I do not want to pay their ridiculous CD prices
I won't get it. You can't convince me. Never!!!!!!!
i havent opened mine either. my body isnt ready.
Just close your eyes and pretend your him riding a motocycle while making the noise.So either choose the P3 protagonist or P4 protagonist. Where's my Tatsuya option?
I don't need to, you'll convince yourself.
Just close your eyes and pretend your him riding a motocycle while making the noise.
Go git gud and get a gaming PC. You're gonna need it when you're developing games.Stop, not this week ;_; I'ts black friday/cyber monday week and I wanna get diablo and ps+ and Xbox live cheap.
I'll just buy a lighter and flip it open every time I win a battle or do something cool.
Stop, not this week ;_; I'ts black friday/cyber monday week and I wanna get diablo and ps+ and Xbox live cheap.
Stop, not this week ;_; I'ts black friday/cyber monday week and I wanna get diablo and ps+ and Xbox live cheap.
I'll just buy a lighter and flip it open every time I win a battle or do something cool.
Stop, not this week ;_; I'ts black friday/cyber monday week and I wanna get diablo and ps+ and Xbox live cheap.
PS+ gets lowered in price? Also flipping open Zippo-type lighters feels really good
Why not both? I'm kidding. That'll destroy your wallet but you'll love it.
PS+ gets lowered in price? Also flipping open Zippo-type lighters feels really good
Perfect solution:youll get all of them
Well, you can use it for the new 3ds xl, if you get it. Yeah.. I really dislike the high CD prices they set for most of their OSTs. It's worst when I only really like one or two tracks and the rest is mediocre.
Because I just got pokemon tooAnd I'm getting the limited edition for GG with that sick box art. And I also just bought the ultimax TE2 for like 200.
I've had enough of your bs for the night.
Unless they drop in price to something stupid there is no way I'm giving Nintendo more money for 3DS, I hate the feel of the system and personally feel the new 3DS thing is kinda bullshit. They aren't in the position to make a new system they should not release a hardware upgrade that does not really seem to be a huge improvement and with the first big exclusive for it looking not great in footage they themselves put out. I'm super Biased against 3DS so I'm probably just being a salty baby about it
yeah, i've seen the pre paid cards go for like 30-40
That's what I'm hoping. I really don't want to pay 120 a year for online I can't even use yet on either system because there aren't even any games
oh shit oh shit oh shit I need to be looking out for this
It's finnneeee. It just means you have a very nice christmas this year.
So he's kyouske and you're ayase.. interesting..
It's finnneeee.
So he's kyouske and you're ayase.. interesting..
inb4 ImoutoGAF
Still waiting for that PSP translation to come out...
I don't even celebrate christmas. But I should just buy my own tree and tell my family to fuck off while I buy my own gifts and put them under the tree.
inb4 ImoutoGAF
Me too. dont tell anybody.
He really hasn't done anything recent, but did we use the Benny vs Zach gif yet?So, I don't have a gif or stylish image for Zach for the next OT, any suggestions for Zach art or pics?
So, I don't have a gif or stylish image for Zach for the next OT, any suggestions for Zach art?
So, I don't have a gif or stylish image for Zach for the next OT, any suggestions for Zach art or pics?
Parfektpissed off sombrero pic again, its super fashionable
I'll do this too.Draw it yourself.
I'll do this too.
inb4 ThisGonBeGud.gif
do the other one tho, it will be great
Draw it yourself.
So, I don't have a gif or stylish image for Zach for the next OT, any suggestions for Zach art or pics?
Every time I see a 4k television commerical, I want to enter the screen, and inform people that unless you have something that outputs in 3840x2160, which you fucking probably don't, then you are only getting a upscaled pictured.
And that shit is disgusting. God, 4k tvs are so fucking dumb.
Don't mind me.
do the other one tho, it will be great
Alright I need to go look for more obsure games that need to be translated like that toradora one.
Don't do it! Sega has to bring it over here! The steam version of the first game did super well here... They have to right?im really tempted to buy a PSP just so i can play valkyria chronicles 3 with the english patch
Don't do it! Sega has to bring it over here! The steam version of the first game did super well here... They have to right?
Make it into a webcomic now. Is it a dog in the botton one?BE IMPRESSED. I USED ALL THE SKILLS PLAGUE TAUGHT ME
Is it a dog in the botton one?
Sega? Bringing Japanese games over? LOL. Its ok you poor poor fool.