gutabo said:I'm here!
Gutabo (Honda) vs Jenova (Guy) 2-0
Gutabo (Honda) vs Jenova (Cammy) 2-0
GGs man!!
gutabo said:I'm here!
PhatSaqs said:So since dbj and I cant play due to him not being available what do I do lol
EraldoCoil said:Pool Abel
Eraldo Coil vs Rocwell
game 1: 2-1 Eraldo Coil
game 2: 2-1 Eraldo Coil
Is the outcome really that surprising? :lolkiryogi said:Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat![]()
kiryogi said:Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat![]()
EraldoCoil said:i'm the Rodney Dangerfield of this bitch.....i get no respect i tell respect....
keep up the pressure. as long as you made the attempt you'll be rewardedArol said:My matchup hasn't responded at all. I have him as a friend in PSN but he hasn't logged in 4 days now.
eissan said:pool juri:
eissan vs axel final set score 2-1
first game eissan 2-0
second game axel 2-1(bah I am salty about that should've gone 2-0 in it)
third game 2-0 eissan
GG's very good gief. first in a while which could grab me without having to jump and then do the 360.
Yeah we're still there, but since classes started up again most of us are out of there by like midnight.kiryogi said:I miss you guys XD Is latenight still goign on anymore. XD I hop on a bit after work sometimes and all I see is Darko D: Then I go play something else.
kiryogi said:I'm tellin ya tho. I was teching his throws D:
the_log_ride said:Damn, Gyrian. Finishing our Ranbat was good and bad. It was nice to get it out of the way so early, and not have to worry about it all week, but now I'm having some withdrawals. Sunday can't come soon enough so that we can get set with WEEK 3!
GAF Ranbats. Srs bizness.
I'm sad it was lagging and that we both couldn't do our bestHitokage said:Game 1: Hitokage(Chun-Li) 0-2 SephirothRK(C. Viper)
Game 2: SephirothRK(C. Viper) 2-0 Hitokage(Chun-Li)
Oh well!
Gyrian said:Ah, the Coil Defense.
EraldoCoil said:LMFAO!!! :lol
You guys are never gonna let me live that
the salty rage on that day was over 9000
Rice-Eater said:Man this online ranbat is not as easy as it seems. I sent a PM to my opponent but he hasn't responded. I guess I could send a friend invite to but I'm not sure that will change anything. I'll try that though, but if I get no response then I just don't know what to do.
Gyrian said:FYI, ReiGun is online right now, and playing us over PSN.
I believe the pools were edited at some point. Right now, I'm 5 and you're 7.Rice-Eater said:Isn't my opponent this week suppose to be Captmcblack? In the week 2 rankings I'm 5 and he's 7 or am I mistaken.
Rice-Eater said:Isn't my opponent this week suppose to be Captmcblack? In the week 2 rankings I'm 5 and he's 7 or am I mistaken.
Gyrian said:Always check the OP.
We did have some unexpected last minute shuffling, but it was completed still over Sunday before anyone got any fights in.
I tried to call as much attention here to that as I could; fortunately this topic doesn't move too quickly.
I won't be around my 360 until about 5:30 EST. So anytime after that is good for me.PhatSaqs said:Yo DBJ when you wanna get this in?
vissione said:Pool Sagat
BeHest vs Edgeward
Match 1:
BeHest (Cammy) 2 - 0 (Cammy) Edgeward
Match 2:
BeHest (Cammy) 2 - 1 (Cammy) Edgeward
Shoutouts to making the deadline.
lol. Ok ill be on then.dragonballjoseph said:I won't be around my 360 until about 5:30 EST. So anytime after that is good for me.
And how about we play Puzzle Quest 2 instead of Street Fighter for the rankings. <_<;