Same. Nowadays seems every game needs to be open world, even fucking platformers. I just want World 1, level 2 stuff, not a toned down boring GTA.i'm with you. i'll take a 10 hour linear adventure over huge open world any day of the week
Has any review said how long the game is? The few I read just said short
Well, there's the issue - you've ignored a large part of why the game is great.
LBP2 was better than the first one in every way and felt like the definitive LBP. I don't see how it was unnecessary.
SSM and Naughty Dog would like a word with you!
You can beat SMW in an incredibly short amount of time but that doesn't stop it from not being one of the best platformers ever.The game does sound short indeed, but I don't plan on rushing through it. A lot of reviews mention that the game has a lot of variety despite its length. I'm hoping for a Portal type of experience - short but AMAZINGY!
You can beat SMW in an incredibly short amount of time but that doesn't stop it from not being one of the best platformers ever.
Lol wrong user. Friend just sent me that message and it somehow ended up in my qoute.I understand. Whats with the weird quote though?
Joystik said:As a sort of interactive art exhibit, Tearaway is delightful. As a game, it's disappointingly one-note.
This combined with Killzone: Mercenary and P4G is the absolute trifecta on Vita. No one should say this thing has no games anymore
O______O The best reviewed games this fall will be on Wii U and Vita?
...and only one a piece.
This is the Vita's first A+ game no?
Lol, true. ViitaU bringing the GOTYs. And they're 3D platformers, no less <3O______O The best reviewed games this fall will be on Wii U and Vita?
...and only one a piece.
I'm considering a Vita TV. Is this game playable without a touch interface?
I'm considering a Vita TV. Is this game playable without a touch interface?
This is the Vita's first A+ game no?
Did the Vita just get a system seller?
lol, so what's the point of TV Vita again? First ,,killer app'' not even playable on the thing...
And it's really the only Vita version I'd consider buying, too bad.
Oh man...
I don't even want to know what distorted idea of vita haters filled your heads with, vita has already many great games, games that would have been considered awesome on any other console(uncharted, wipeout, gravity rush, killzone etc) on vita they are not even considered because haters say so and lazy uninformed people listen to them...
Do yourselves a favor and look at the vita lineup(try something if you can) for yourselves without any influence from others and let's see if you will still think that tearaway is the vita's only great game.
Holy shit. GOTY material?? I'm so happy! I was really worried that this might end up a surprise dud.
Let's hope the sales are okay.
Oh man...
I don't even want to know what distorted idea of vita haters filled your heads with, vita has already many great games, games that would have been considered awesome on any other console(uncharted, wipeout, gravity rush, killzone etc) on vita they are not even considered because haters say so and lazy uninformed people listen to them...
Do yourselves a favor and look at the vita lineup(try something if you can) for yourselves without any influence from others and let's see if you will still think that tearaway is the vita's only great game.
This is available digitally Tuesday right?
Agreed. Just got a vita last week, and my mind is still imploding. gravity rush is amazing
And 3DS
Bravely Default could pull some big numbers from the Euro press too, although probably won't quite average in the 90s.
Reviews came out last week for ZeldaSpeaking of Zelda, did reviews come out for that yet? It sure is getting close to release.
Speaking of Zelda, did reviews come out for that yet? It sure is getting close to release.
Reviews came out last week for Zelda![]()
lol, so what's the point of TV Vita again? First ,,killer app'' not even playable on the thing...
And it's really the only Vita version I'd consider buying, too bad.
any reason to buy this physically? You get absolutely everything (pre-orders) buying it from PSN on Friday, right?