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The Age of Decadence |OT| Roman Post Apocalyptic Urban Intrigue Simulator 2015


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Subbed. I've been following this game for a while, but I'm still on the fence.

People who are getting this now: How similar is the combat to Dead State?

It's much much more interesting. Humans armed with actual weapons are unsurprisingly more interesting to fight them braindead zombies.


Yesterday Iron Tower Studios made a release news post.

It goes over stuff like the setup, combat difficulty, and c&c but the part I found the most interesting was the stuff for the future.

What's Next?

We'll continue supporting the game and paying attention to your suggestions and concerns (as long as they fit the core of the game). During the next 3 months we'll work on extra content because why not? I dislike DLCs, so we won't charge anything for all extra content related to the game.

Our short-term project is a party-based dungeon crawler set in the AoD world. One of the characters mentions a prison-mine called The Second Chance and you'll be given an opportunity to escape it or die trying. This game will use the existing assets and systems.

Our long-term (i.e. a full scale RPG) project is a "generation ship" game, inspired by Heinlein's Orphans of the Sky. We're aiming to create a different experience with the same core ('hardcore', TB, C&C). So, combat will be turn-based but focused on ranged rather than melee (earth-made laser guns - rare but powerful, ammo even more rare, so save for special occasions - vs crude ship-manufactured firearms favoring burst rather then precision), level up to distribute skill points and unlock new feats, focus on the individual and more dynamic C&C, focus on exploring rather than working your way up in a faction; you'll be one of the 'freemen' who aren't born into a caste-like faction, more traditional open level design.

Today sales apparently spiked enough coming out of Early Access that the ship colony RPG is going to happen so mark your calendar for 2026.


So yeah decided to grab the game. So far I am liking the game. Picked a mercenary and went with the Legion which is as you might imagine is very combat heavy and the combat isn't really much to write home about, it's hard is about all I can say about it. Still if it is as short as people have mentioned this play through will be a nice place to use as a baseline to compare to others.


I died like a bitch during the training fight. Dude immediately goes for my arms and makes my hit percentage go to less than 15. More than convinced me to do Loremaster my first go through, I can see mobs coming in and decimating me in three turns.
When y'all say that the writing is cynical, how cynical are we talking? Game of Thrones/The Witcher "everybody is a sucker or an asshole" cynical? Because I'm not about that life.

Otherwise, sounds very promising. I almost always go the heavy persuasion route anyway.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
When y'all say that the writing is cynical, how cynical are we talking? Game of Thrones/The Witcher "everybody is a sucker or an asshole" cynical? Because I'm not about that life.

Otherwise, sounds very promising. I almost always go the heavy persuasion route anyway.

NPCs will lie to your face and you wont even know it. Its a game about a civilization in its post apocalyptic death throes. I'm sure people who have played it can tell you exactly how cynical it is.



Murderous Psychopaths Needed

How would you like to immortalize your fighter and bring pain on thousands of players who'd curse your name with their characters' dying breath?

Our next update will add several title challengers. You see, being the Arena Champion doesn't mean that the title is yours forever and ever. It will attract those who seek fame - who wouldn't want to brag that they killed the champion and stomped him into the mud?

So if you're a murderous psychopath with at least 100 confirmed kills, post your combat build (character screen and inventory). We'll select the most interesting builds and faithfully recreate them down to the hair style. Maybe we can even talk our artist into drawing a custom portrait (based on the hair style not what you look like in real life) to capture that murderous fire in your eyes and Vince into writing a backstory.

- We'll keep the looks, stats, and skills.
- We might change the name to be more lore friendly. I'm sure that Balls Stomper is a great name but...
- We'll keep the equipment except for unique weapons and sky metal. Crafted equipment will keep their crafting level but it will be done with blue steel instead of sky metal. Uniques will be replaced by crafted weapons or new uniques.
- The challengers will be able to use poison, sharpened weapons, neurostymulants, antidotes, nets and bolas.

Looking forward to your submissions.





You are looking at the reason for "A for awesome", and the reason for the fact that most modern RPG protagonists can be both their universe's incarnation of a hard-hitting Renegade as well as a caring Paragon wrapped up in one space Jesus package.
Jesus christ that steam thread. A game that isn't exactly like every other game, HOW IS THAT ALLOWED???

Anyways, I was completely sold on this game like three posts into this thread and then somehow was increasingly more sold on it as I kept reading.


Yeah, and the 10-ish hour length of one run makes me kinda excited, I might be able to squeeze in a playthrough before Tales of Zesteria comes out


Neo Member
I haven't played this game before but I heard about it a lot. So I picked it up and I'm having a lot of fun.

The UI is a bit clunky and I'm not a big fan of the "badass" writing style, but the way it supports various builds and how different routes come together over multiple playthroughs is pretty great. The setting has more depth to it than I initially thought and the combat is surprisingly more engaging that I imagined, too.

Overall, it's a bit too niche to be my favorite among the recent RPG Revival games (that'd be D:OS I guess), but it is good.


I've been waiting for this game to come out since forever ago and I nearly missed its release.

Went Loremaster and basically dumped everything into dialogue skills and I'm basically sailing through the game quite easily for now, I just select the streetwise or persuasion answer I like the best and everything tends to go my way.
Still, it's really fun to see the way the various parties in the starting location connect to each other while I waltz through town manipulating everyone with sociopathic glee.


what stats did you end up going with? everything points to 4/4/4/whatever but I feel like I'm missing something, like some nuance in the last 3


what stats did you end up going with? everything points to 4/4/4/whatever but I feel like I'm missing something, like some nuance in the last 3
I went 4/5/5/6/10/10

I could've gone with more on Perception, but it hasn't really done anything for me as of now but the same could be said for Dex and Con.
The 10 in char and int, however, are pretty much a lock.

The end of "chapter" summaries are great.
I went 4/5/5/6/10/10

I could've gone with more on Perception, but it hasn't really done anything for me as of now but the same could be said for Dex and Con.
The 10 in char and int, however, are pretty much a lock.

The end of "chapter" summaries are great.

I've had dex come in handy a few times, you can jump/roll out of the way of stuff.


I've had dex come in handy a few times, you can jump/roll out of the way of stuff.
I've had a couple checks, but it was nothing that I actually needed to make for anything important.
Other than that I am mostly making other people do stuff while I run around convincing other people to do other stuff and then somebody dies. Oops.


Hoo, I just beat a fight against a mercenary patrol that I thought was impossible with my build. The combat is hard as balls, but there are plenty of options that I'm discovering. I loaded an earlier save and had my thief/alchemist (with some points in Sword) brew some Liquid Fire, which at first seemed pretty useless since it's low damage. However, it also creates a barrier that can't be crossed for a handful of turns! So by some clever zoning and with the help of my crossbow-armed accomplices we demolished the assholes that were wiping the floor with us previously.

Feels great, man. Totally an optional quest, but the gold and skill points are a cool bonus.

Edit: And more fights won! My cowardly tactics are prevailing as long as I'm backed up by armour piercing crossbows, hah.


The setting is more intriguing than I expected going into this. It continuously has me wondering
whether there ever was any magic at all, or if the stories are all just instances of sufficiently advanced technology.


Rolled a merchant with mostly non-combat skills plus critical strike that I have used in dialog. I am enjoying it a lot for now. I won't comment much yet, becuase I want to try the game more than ones to judge the C&C.


I've been following this for a few years, since I first heard about Dead State actually.
The Dead State devs mentioned it at some point or something.
I might just buy it like I did Dead State, I haven't got round to playing that yet.But I will...


Worships the porcelain goddess
See, this is why I love PC GAF. Here I am, thinking about picking up Tales of Zestiria (with the good and bad impressions all over) and I click on this thread and here's another awesome sounding game brought to my attention.

This looks pretty darn cool. =D


So I finished the first run with quite a few things left behind and, judging from the achievements, a lot of stuff I didn't even come close to seeing (seems to be mostly because of different branches being chosen).

10 hours in total and it somewhat weird overall, but very enjoyable.
Some of the stuff I encountered I still have no clue what it was supposed to do and wasn't clear if I just didn't figure it out or I couldn't get through them with that run (but this kind of confusion happens a bit with RPGs with many moving pieces).
I think that the main quest was somewhat of a weak point, it just felt kind of dropped on me and just there while I was doing fun stuff around the various cities, and the straight up mystical elements made it overall pretty strange when the vast majority of my game time was spent talking with people in offices. It just didn't feel like much of a driving force and the conclusion itself was not impressive, but it's fine because it was the journey that mattered.


holy damn how have I never heard of this, I love dialogue based RPGs with lots of choices and consequences
One of the classic C&C tropes in cRPGs is to present a common videogame situation and then subvert it, Witcher does a lot of this for example. I feel that this is enough C&C for me and I don't really need to take this up to 11 and have 8 different stories in one game.

I don't see the point of C&C being the one things that makes the game (unless it is a story-only game like LiS etc.). Witcher 3 did C&C in a sandbox, it worked and it wasn't super overbearing.

Subverting trops doesn't have a lot to do with C&C.

And I love the Witcher games, but they barely have any C&C at all.

C&C is the thing that makes RPG games, as it's what allows you roleplay for real.
The game crashes quite often when transitioning zones (like 1 in 15/20 loadings).
Save frequently.

There are two zones that I am unable to access because the game crashes every time I select them from the world map. I really enjoyed my first four hours with the game, but I don't think I'm going to continue unless/until the problem gets sorted.


I've entered the third city. The setting has definitely grown on me. Not super original, but it builds slowly into something intriguing while being very understated.

The Thieves Guilds quest line has had one very interesting option that I didn't go for, so far. It'll be fun revisiting that in another playthrough.

Re: Bugs. I've run into a few annoying ones. Once, the camera got locked into the previous zone during a transition which made it impossible to select objects. Another time I got locked into a room since the exit dialogue wouldn't initiate. Teron was pretty stable, but that's been available the longest for testing so I'm not surprised ...


There are two zones that I am unable to access because the game crashes every time I select them from the world map. I really enjoyed my first four hours with the game, but I don't think I'm going to continue unless/until the problem gets sorted.
The first crash I had, I feared that it was an actual problem with the zone, but it turns out it was just the loading process itself that crashed some times.
At the entrance of what zones did you have these crashes?
Re: Bugs. I've run into a few annoying ones. Once, the camera got locked into the previous zone during a transition which made it impossible to select objects. Another time I got locked into a room since the exit dialogue wouldn't initiate. Teron was pretty stable, but that's been available the longest for testing so I'm not surprised ...
I haven't actually had many bugs outside of said crashes, I think; I was pretty surprised that quest continuity and branching things didn't start falling off or leaving me into weird situations like it happens pretty regularly with these lower budget RPGs (hi Hollywood in Wasteland 2 and hi...everything...in Dead State).
Only one time one thing I actually achieved seemed to fail to register with the game (even if it actually recognized that I actually completed the task) and at least 1 quest failed to show up at all on the journal.
The first crash I had, I feared that it was an actual problem with the zone, but it turns out it was just the loading process itself that crashed some times.
At the entrance of what zones did you have these crashes?

The first problem is
the village where one of the Teron refugees -- Aemolas -- says he buried a ton of gold
. The second is Teron itself, now that I have left it for other cities. The crashes occur before the loading screen even appears. I select the location, my screen goes black, and thirty seconds later the game crashes. I hoped that advancing a bit further (and attempting to transition from different locations) might solve the problem, but so far no luck.


The first problem is
the village where one of the Teron refugees -- Aemolas -- says he buried a ton of gold
. The second is Teron itself, now that I have left it for other cities. The crashes occur before the loading screen even appears. I select the location, my screen goes black, and thirty seconds later the game crashes. I hoped that advancing a bit further (and attempting to transition from different locations) might solve the problem, but so far no luck.
The first location I haven't visited, the second issue didn't happen to me.
But I only came back to Teron after certain events transpired.

Also my crashes were pretty fast.


Post-Release 1: Russian localization & Improvements

First of all, we’d like to thank you guys for your support. Thanks to you we had a great launch and we’ll continue making RPGs.

Some of you have concerns about the difficulty. We hear you. While we won’t change the core of the game, we *will* add options that make mandatory fights for certain characters (like the mine for the praetors) easier.

We’ll continue supporting the game and going through your feedback for the next 3 months, during which we will work on extra content and improvements requested by the community.

Today’s update mainly adds Russian localization, courtesy of the Russian supporters of our game who worked for more than a year to bring it to you, and minor tweaks, improvements, and bug fixes.


  • New Path: Praetor can get a strong poison for the mine from Dellar.
  • Added better cape icons.
  • Added healer and blacksmith fast travel points on the maps.
  • Improved the map quest’s flow. If you couldn't talk to Antidas about it, you can talk to Abukar and he’ll send you to Domitius.
  • Changed Hellgate lasers generators’ position, lockpick required, disabling gives civic SP. You can disable them without going through lasers first.

  • Fixed minor journal issues.
  • Fixed issue with Hector’s quest when you met him via Claudia.
  • Fixed issue with being transported to Senna's house when you talk with him at the palace.
  • Fixed issue with the blank slide in Maaadoran endings.
  • Fixed issue with HD achievement and blowing up Al-Akia.
  • Fixed TG fence in GNZ having no items.
  • Added a few missing combat SP.
  • Fixed issue with Hellgate’s constructs not activating.
  • Fixed issue with the bolter and aimed attacks.
  • Fixed a rare issue in monastery storm walls fight.
  • Fixed issue with animation speed setting not applying.
  • Fixed rare start-up issues.

  • Tweaked reputations in Teron.
  • Tweaked Praetor’s monetary rewards.
  • Thieves in TG2 have more arrows.
  • CS partial failure with mine guard lowers his HP by 20 (was 10).
  • All players start with some basic crafting schematics.
Combat Balance:

  • Bash has better chance to knock down.
  • Constructs have slightly bigger CS chance, lowered damage.
Thank you again for your support. Expect the next update by the end of the month.


I'd actually put it pretty close to both of those, but the dialogue is very different in style, and very far from the more flowery, dramatic tone in those games. It's grounded, gritty, realistic, cynical, low-level stuff. Sort of like George R. R. Martin or Joe Abercrombie, maybe.

And with that, you've convinced me to give it a shot.

Great OP, too, very intrigued.

Edit: Dang, not available for OSX.
Finished it as an Imperial soldier, must say that the ending was quite lackuster imo, even though I liked the journey. The combat was hard as hell but also rewarding, and the dialog was great.

Ending spoilers:

Ancient Aliens/technology? Really?
block is so weak compared to dodge.
There is nothing easier to fight than those with a shield in one hand. Just aim their head. No they can not dodge. Yes they will block a lot but your dmg is so high it will cut through the helmet and shield with ease, and dent them at the same time lol


I went 4/5/5/6/10/10

I could've gone with more on Perception, but it hasn't really done anything for me as of now but the same could be said for Dex and Con.
The 10 in char and int, however, are pretty much a lock.

The end of "chapter" summaries are great.

It really seems like both perception and dex need to be 7 to get decent returns out of them. Anything lower and you're missing dialogue options. I'm also finding constitution to be less than useful, though I've found a few checks for it.
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