Finally got around to playing this game. I see the OT isn't very lively... and after the 12 hours I've put in I can see why. The game does a terrible job of preparing you for it. Like I get it's supposed to be tough, but there's challenging, then there's this. For example in my latest attempt I have tried going a pure fighter build because apparently going hybrid your first run is a fool's errand.
So on this fresh character I bump max strength and constituion, average dexterity and perception, and sacrificed intellegence and charisma to the lowest possible. Made my way through the intro quests or whatever they're called, and they were easy-peasy. Wandered around a bit and found the Imperial Guard and decided it fit this character so I joined it. They seemed completely fine allowing some nobody off the street join so imagine my surprise when it launches you into a fight against 5 enemies, with just yourself and 2 ill-equipped other nobodies. Needless to say I've wasted the last hour, so I go to search for advice...
First off, searching for advice for this game is difficult. It doesn't seem to have much discussion surrounding it (evident by this rather dead OT) but also the game itself makes it difficult to search for specifics. When I do finally find advice for this particular fight it is from a developer of the game, which I thought would be pretty helpful. Boy was I mistaken. Their advice is literally to 'restart and make a new character'. That's not really an adequate solution in my opinion. To me a good game, no matter its difficulty, wouldn't just allow you to launch into an unwinnable fight where the only solution is to restart.
Had I designed the game I would have not allowed the player to access that particular quest/fight until they had somehow proven themselves to the Imperial Guard that they were worthy material. That would have served as a check to respect the player's time and not just force them to start over. Either there could have a series of trials that allow you to build up for a battle, or the Guard just ignores you until you've built something of a body count and reputation.
Anyway... Guess that turned into a bit of a rant. One that will probably not seen by many, because again, nobody seems to be talking about this game. I still plan to play it, but apparently playing it means either needing a guide to find which fights are currently impossible to win, or just huge amounts of trial and error which isn't my definition of a good time. Hopefully it improves.