Should I get the original or Assault on Dark Athena which apparently has an enhanced version of the original?
Assault on Dark Athena, no question.
PC version is recommended if possible.
Should I get the original or Assault on Dark Athena which apparently has an enhanced version of the original?
Game might actually look better than Wolfenstein lol. Although looks like wolfenstein has more enemies on screen with more hectic battles. Still, it's a bummer they were saddled with id tech 5.
Id tech 5 would be amazing if we weren't burdened by storage size. I have a feeling 5-10 years from now we'll be looking back at it being way ahead of its time. I still think Rage is one of the best looking games ever made. Probably the closest a game has come to looking like concept art.
Chronicles of Riddick: perhaps the best movie in the series. And it just happens to be an amazing game too...possibly the best "movie game" ever made.
For me Pitch Black just edges it out for being the original, but you have to admit Chronicles tells a better story than the first sequel. That said, I still haven't seen the latest installment "Riddick" yet. Life and such. Shame on me.
Ok, thanks OP. It's settled. I've been piecing together a new little HTPC/light gaming rig. The second its done I'm going to marathon all the movies including the latest installment. Then the first game I fire up is gonna be Chronicles. Oh yes, its goin down.
Chronicles of Riddick is considered the worst in that movie franchise, it's not even close.
In what ways is the Dark Athena version better than the original?
I loved the original to death but I never did finish it.
So the GOG link in the OP is the one to go with, correct? And I don't need to have any real knowledge of the series before jumping into Butcher Bay? I've never played it and really want to after Wolfenstein and because this summer is pretty quiet.
Yes to both.
I've recently started to play the Riddick games on PC. Butcher Bay has been amazing so far, but I haven't played it in a month due to Dark Souls II consuming my life lol. I'll beat Wolfenstein before I get back to Riddick.
Has anyone tried GeDoSaTo with Riddick? Do the extra features like HDR bloom and Bokeh DoF work with it?
Valtýr;113983441 said:Doesn't seem to work. Well it works in that it allows a higher res as an option but when you select it, it doesn't downsample it. it simply renders the game at the res.
Can someone link me to an ENB mod for this? I'd like to try it out.
Grief, are there any guides to getting Riddick maxed out PC you'd recommend?
- Start the game
- Turn settings to maximum
- Turn off in-game AA (Force with drivers)
- Play the game
I can't stress how great the graphics were on the Xbox. It might as well had been a launch 360 title.
Picked it up and played an hour or so and have enjoyed it thus far. The game sure does look good, especially at 4K, runs at about 40fps too.
In-game AA set to off?
In that screenshot I don't think so, I had SSAO and in game AA forced on through the console. I know now that I should disable in game AA and force it because MSAA seems to be horrendously optimized.
I haven't bought this yet but probably will very soon. It says in the OP to force AA with Nvidia Inspector yet I have a 7970. I'm guessing RadeonPro will work for me?
Assault on Dark Athena, no question.
PC version is recommended if possible.
I got it from gog. Installed it, but the game runs in what I believe 720p in a small box with the rest of my 1440p screen in black. To make it worse, it doesn't even show the whole image, just the upper left corner so I can't even go into the settings and set things straight.
pls help
- %LOCALAPPDATA%\Atari\The Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena.
- Alternatively, search your C drive for Atari and it will be in the AppData/Local folder.
- Access the configuration file which is titled, 'Environment.'
- Change the line VID_MODE to the following: VID_MODE=2560 1440 32 60
Yes, you should be able to force AA through that as well.
I recommend turning off AA as the in-game implementation seems to be very unoptimized, I currently have 4xMSAA forced through Nvidia Inspector. Edge detection seems to be hit or miss with either set up. Force V-sync through drivers as well, as the in-game setting seems to cause some mouse lag. If you follow these steps, then the game should run on a toaster.
So what is nvidia inspector and why haven't I heard about it before? How do you force v sync through the drivers?
here are some screens (will be posting more in the screenshot thread)
For a dramatic increase to shadow quality bring up the console with Ctrl and ~ and type xr_softstencil 1 to enable soft shadows. They look stunning and are a massive strain on performance but modern hardware can get around that with brute force.
You can also add xr_softstencil=1 to the environment.cfg file in Appdata.
I'm having a bug where I can't play the Steam version in 1080p no matter what I try.
One of my favorite games of all time. I'd love to replay the original Xbox version, as I still prefer its look over the remake in a lot of ways, but it's not backwards compatible on 360.
Makes me wonder if we shall see another Riddick game as an interstitial prior to the release of the next Riddick movie.
Vin confirmed that another Riddick game was entering development... but unfortunately it's going to be "more of an MMO".
Gaf thread on this which produced this nugget:Vin confirmed that another Riddick game was entering development... but unfortunately it's going to be "more of an MMO".
I imagine him going to various states and countries, walking in on his team doing something other than programming and being like, "Yo. I need you." then the person nods, they both leave, and move on to the next one. In the end the whole crew is slow walking towards a building where the game will be made.