In my opinion he tries too hard to be funny.
I personally like NakeyJakey video better, his both funny and informative.
??? Its channel about him talking about video games.He talks too much though.
I meant to say that because the videos are too long, the funny parts don't stand out as much as Dunkey's. Btw, I agree with the criticisms in here that Dunkey isn't as funny as he used to be.??? Its channel about him talking about video games.
Its reason I still keep my PS5 around.....I completely lost interest in Sony's first party this gen but 3rd party games have been great.
My most hype game this year is almost here!
Because he actually talk about the game and wants bring his point a cross and put some jokes in between, Dunkey other hand is just trying be funny similar to CinemaSins and Honest Trailer, but unlike them his not that funny.I meant to say that because the videos are too long, the funny parts don't stand out as much as Dunkey's. Btw, I agree with the criticisms in here that Dunkey isn't as funny as he used to be.
It’s like when satirical sites e.g. Babylon Bee / The Onion bag on the right and left respectively… ‘they’re just not funny anymoreHe used to be funny until he said something mean about my favorite game system, now he’s not funny anymore and I hate him.
He’s always been trash in my bookHe used to be funny until he said something mean about my favorite game system, now he’s not funny anymore and I hate him.
There are definitely some dumbasses around here. You got that right!I like how his video triggered the obvious deluded fanboys. They always fall for it. These funny vids should be done more often so we can sort out the normal humans and the dumbasses around here. Also every joke has a bit of truth in it.
And none of them will come close to GTA's release in staying power!Some?
This is what they have slated from 2024 onwards:
1) Helldivers
2) Astrobot 2
3) Concord
4) marathon
5) death stranding 2
6) ghost of tsushima 2
7) Wolverine
8) Venom
7) ND's new IP
8) SSM's new IP
9) Horizon 3
10) Bend's New IP
11) Bluepoint's New IP
12) GT8
13) Media Molecule's new IP
14) HouseMarquee's new IP
15) Rise of Ronin which they are publishing though not sure if they own the rights to the IP like they do for Helldivers
They are going to end the last 4 years of this gen very strong. Just as strong as they did the PS4 gen.
I agree with Dunkey on the remakes that are basically copy pasta when it comes to level design and gameplay, and their moronic focus on cross gen games which resulted in a bunch of samey games from studios that should NEVER be making $200 million samey games. But the upcoming slate is mostly new IPs and next gen only titles.
This doom and gloom is hilarious to me because its not like sony first party had a truly great first 3 years. I think uncharted 4, bloodborne and the last guardian were the only truly great games while others were flawed like KZSF and The Order or mediocre like Infamous Second Son, Ratchet remake and Until Dawn.
It is possibleAm i the only one who fucking hate this guy?
Ass of Can Whooping what’s your take on all this nonsense?
I can't baby sit this fucking company when I'm still waging war against xbox
Gamers complain that developers get laid off and that game development is unsustainable. One way to occupy the devs with something profitable in between the big games - and to make extra bucks - is to make remakes/remasters, which takes little resources and has good ROI.
Gamers who don't have to buy them - "on no, how dare, I'm sure it was a choice between new IP AAA title and remaster, and lazy game devs chose to release remaster!"
Gamers who don't like Sony games are pissed because Sony isn't catering to them and instead makes games for 10-15 million people who buy them.
Dunkey has always been a fan of Nintendo above all else. The only other system he usually calls back to from time to time is PS2 and that's mainly to mention the PS2 Spiderman 2.It's not nearly as dire as some clearly want it to be. Not even close.
Still waiting for the part where he is wrong.I though this guys was sometimes funny and then he made a video where he said Horizon FW was garbage.
Some people likes it, some didn't. Is there an objective way of judging if a game is good or garbage?Still waiting for the part where he is wrong.
Let's not pretend Sony isn't helping them.MS marketing team putting in that work the last few days
Exactly what I thought reading this thread hahaHe used to be funny until he said something mean about my favorite game system, now he’s not funny anymore and I hate him.
No. Can't stand his fake gangsta spew.Am i the only one who fucking hate this guy?
That would make sense. You think he'd know better after all the Nintendoomed posts.Dunkey has always been a fan of Nintendo above all else. The only other system he usually calls back to from time to time is PS2 and that's mainly to mention the PS2 Spiderman 2.
Same. I was looking forward for The Last of Us Online but Sony cancelled it. Now I only care about Stellar Blade.As I was contemplating whether to get myself a PS5, I realized that as an owner of a PS4 Pro and a PC, I couldn't quite find a meaningful reason. Then this video came across my feed. What do you think about this?
100%MS marketing team putting in that work the last few days
we literally just came out of one of the most amazing years in gaming ever. There were some disappointments like starfield and ff16 but most games hit the quality mark we expect from AAA games and then some. RE4, TotK, Baldgurs Gate are genre defining games and plenty of other games consistently delivered.Dude doesn’t say a word and everyone is like, yep nailed it. Masterclass lol
This is without a doubt the worst gen ever. Things are looking dire in the HD console space. Hope things get better.
MS marketing team putting in that work the last few days
Funny how that narrative changed from:
“Sony with no competition is bad” to
“Sony is following MS out the door”
Honestly this feels more ironic to me than anything because it's mainly the Nintendo fanboys doing the hating, waving around how much the switch has sold. Look at the comment section ffs, it's all Nintendo dudes lolChasing trends for that money. All the xbros are trying so hard to put Sony in the same bracket as Xbox. Yet, one is breaking records and the other is on the path to third party.
This shit is embarrassing.
we literally just came out of one of the most amazing years in gaming ever. There were some disappointments like starfield and ff16 but most games hit the quality mark we expect from AAA games and then some. RE4, TotK, Baldgurs Gate are genre defining games and plenty of other games consistently delivered.
It took way too long to get to the point where big games are releasing at a steady clip. We are halfway through the generation, one which has been inundated with remakes and remasters to help publishers fill the void. Pretty soon we’re going to be excited for cross gen games again and we’ll be right back where we were at the start of this generation lolThis year has started out slow but soon we will get FF7, Dragons Dogma and Rise of Ronin. It will end strong with Star Wars and next gen AC. Even MS might have a decent year with Hellblade, Avowed and Indiana Jones.
Death Stranding 2 and GTA6 trailers were absolutely mind blowing, and we are only going to get more amazing stuff with Bioware revealing Dragon Age this summer along with Crystal Dynamics reboot, and who knows what else Sony studios have been cooking. Not to mention all the Nintendo first party titles they have been holding back for Switch 2. Next gen mario, next gen metroid, next gen mario kart, might all get revealed at E3 with a holiday 2024 or spring 2025 release.
If you are talking about sheer numbers, I guess so. But Horizon Forbidden West, Gran Turismo 7, Spiderman, God Of War Ragnarok have definitely not been abysmal. I'll take quality over quantity.He's 100% right.
Sony first parties output has been abysmal on PS5, and you really lack self-esteem if you think otherwise