My breakdown of the show:
-Witcher 3 dev reaction was hilarious
-I honestly thought Jade Raymond would finish the "voice of snake" line with "Keifer Sutherland", was genuinely amazed she just said "David Hayter", not giving a fuck.
- Psychonauts 2 announcement was surprising...and then reading it up later I was like "wait...this is the launch of a crowdfund?", I'm sure this game will make its mark and get made, just I dunno..launching a crowdfunding campaign and using it as an event is just..weird.
- I was glad to see Her Story getting some awards, I'd almost forgotten that game came out this year, but it is very deserving of the awards it got.
- I liked Joosten's performance of Quiet's theme, although I was sure Donna Burke would follow up with Sins of the Father
- Apparently I need to play Witcher 3, still have not touched that game, have never played any Witcher games, then again, I still haven't played DA:I which won last year's GOTY for TGA so hmm.
- I think the tribute to Iwata was touching, and also the Industry Icon award and talking up the legacy of Castle and Sperry was my jam, those guys were responsible for 1/3rd of my childhood gaming.
Edit: Almost forgot to mention, #FucKonami. Having Geoff come out and publically say a fucking lawyer prevented Kojima from collecting the award personally was a massive middle-finger to a company that could not give the slightest bit of a shit for their reputation anymore.
Overall, alright show.