Congrats. You now know how to properly play The Masterpiece =D/XD
Now: Play again. Without Listen Mode.
Do it.
i already did it. in my survivor run. and it was awesome!
Congrats. You now know how to properly play The Masterpiece =D/XD
Now: Play again. Without Listen Mode.
Do it.
Well... you're a little ways in. There are a couple fights you'll have to redo.
Restarting the encounter might do the trick and only make you replay (max) one fight.
So much hype around this game... SO MUCH.
I cannot seem to figure out what's so good about it, but I will definitely finish it. it's a GOOD game but it's not the 'citizen kane' of the generation like everyone says.
I mean, the polish is no way NEAR the level of the uncharted games, and so far to me the combat has been repetative as, either you're fighting.humans or runner zombies or clickers
That said I'm only about 33% of the way through so it might keep getting more amazing as I go and I'm not going to stop but all the hype it had I was expecting it to blow me away but so far all I'm seeing is a stock standard game here, nothing revolutionary, nothing that makes it stand out so much. I rate Uncharted 2 and 3 better so far, I even rate Tomb Raider better so far.
I didn't put any points on the bow, as it didn't feel like a weapon I'd use when in trouble. In fact, I didn't use it at all when I could use the other weapons.
I'd definitely upgrade shotgun first. You'll need it in closed spaces, where the bow and rifle are pretty much useless.
EDIT: Upgrading revolver/pistol is a good choice as well, as you get plenty of ammo for them on normal difficulty.
game is great...
so i made a poster for it!
game is great...
so i made a poster for it!
I 100% agree. The extreme over-praise TLoU has received is so overblown that I'm absolutely baffled, and I'm a huge Naughty Dog fan. The graphics were far more unpolished than U2 and U3, and the story was decent with an awful ending that ruined it for me. Plus the combat and samey environment wore out their welcome with me by the 11 hour mark. But a solid 8.5/10 game. Game of the generation? No.
I also prefer U2 and U3, as well as Tomb Raider (both TR and Bioshock Infinite are in the running for my GOTY 2013)
Lol 33% through.
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
Hey I haven't given it my final review yet, but that doesn't mean shit - just saying "lol 33% through" is a really crap response to the comments that I've made about the game which I think are really relevant.
The game lacks polish - fact.
The combat is even more repetitive than Uncharted (up to this point I don't know if it changed) - semi-fact.
There is nothing more to it so far than moving from point to point collecting parts and items to make different weapons and items to fight enemies, there is no climbing, nothing more than a point to point stealth / combat shooter with great dialogue and great characters - fact.
What about this game makes it the game of the generation I cannot seem to fathom, it's way overhyped, but that's a perspective from just 33% through the game - lets see if it changes, I really REALLY hope it does because I am yearning for something more!
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
Edit - Just to clarify, this is me being overly harsh on the game, I'm still really enjoying it, it's a fantastic game, perhaps deserving of a 8 or 9 out of 10 but not all those 10's... no fucking way in the world. The Witcher 2 stomps all over it as game of the generation.
So much hype around this game... SO MUCH.
I cannot seem to figure out what's so good about it, but I will definitely finish it. it's a GOOD game but it's not the 'citizen kane' of the generation like everyone says.
I mean, the polish is no way NEAR the level of the uncharted games, and so far to me the combat has been repetative as, either you're fighting.humans or runner zombies or clickers
That said I'm only about 33% of the way through so it might keep getting more amazing as I go and I'm not going to stop but all the hype it had I was expecting it to blow me away but so far all I'm seeing is a stock standard game here, nothing revolutionary, nothing that makes it stand out so much. I rate Uncharted 2 and 3 better so far, I even rate Tomb Raider better so far.
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
Edit - Just to clarify, this is me being overly harsh on the game, I'm still really enjoying it, it's a fantastic game, perhaps deserving of a 8 or 9 out of 10 but not all those 10's... no fucking way in the world. The Witcher 2 stomps all over it as game of the generation.
Hey I haven't given it my final review yet, but that doesn't mean shit - just saying "lol 33% through" is a really crap response to the comments that I've made about the game which I think are really relevant.
The game lacks polish - fact.
The combat is even more repetitive than Uncharted (up to this point I don't know if it changed) - semi-fact.
There is nothing more to it so far than moving from point to point collecting parts and items to make different weapons and items to fight enemies, there is no climbing, nothing more than a point to point stealth / combat shooter with great dialogue and great characters - fact.
What about this game makes it the game of the generation I cannot seem to fathom, it's way overhyped, but that's a perspective from just 33% through the game - lets see if it changes, I really REALLY hope it does because I am yearning for something more!
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
Edit - Just to clarify, this is me being overly harsh on the game, I'm still really enjoying it, it's a fantastic game, perhaps deserving of a 8 or 9 out of 10 but not all those 10's... no fucking way in the world. The Witcher 2 stomps all over it as game of the generation.
Hey I haven't given it my final review yet, but that doesn't mean shit - just saying "lol 33% through" is a really crap response to the comments that I've made about the game which I think are really relevant.
The game lacks polish - fact.
The combat is even more repetitive than Uncharted (up to this point I don't know if it changed) - semi-fact.
There is nothing more to it so far than moving from point to point collecting parts and items to make different weapons and items to fight enemies, there is no climbing, nothing more than a point to point stealth / combat shooter with great dialogue and great characters - fact.
What about this game makes it the game of the generation I cannot seem to fathom, it's way overhyped, but that's a perspective from just 33% through the game - lets see if it changes, I really REALLY hope it does because I am yearning for something more!
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
Edit - Just to clarify, this is me being overly harsh on the game, I'm still really enjoying it, it's a fantastic game, perhaps deserving of a 8 or 9 out of 10 but not all those 10's... no fucking way in the world. The Witcher 2 stomps all over it as game of the generation.
Why are you calling your shitty opinions "facts"?Hey I haven't given it my final review yet, but that doesn't mean shit - just saying "lol 33% through" is a really crap response to the comments that I've made about the game which I think are really relevant.
The game lacks polish - fact.
The combat is even more repetitive than Uncharted (up to this point I don't know if it changed) - semi-fact.
There is nothing more to it so far than moving from point to point collecting parts and items to make different weapons and items to fight enemies, there is no climbing, nothing more than a point to point stealth / combat shooter with great dialogue and great characters - fact.
Hey I haven't given it my final review yet, but that doesn't mean shit - just saying "lol 33% through" is a really crap response to the comments that I've made about the game which I think are really relevant.
The game lacks polish - fact.
The combat is even more repetitive than Uncharted (up to this point I don't know if it changed) - semi-fact.
There is nothing more to it so far than moving from point to point collecting parts and items to make different weapons and items to fight enemies, there is no climbing, nothing more than a point to point stealth / combat shooter with great dialogue and great characters - fact.
What about this game makes it the game of the generation I cannot seem to fathom, it's way overhyped, but that's a perspective from just 33% through the game - lets see if it changes, I really REALLY hope it does because I am yearning for something more!
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
Edit - Just to clarify, this is me being overly harsh on the game, I'm still really enjoying it, it's a fantastic game, perhaps deserving of a 8 or 9 out of 10 but not all those 10's... no fucking way in the world. The Witcher 2 stomps all over it as game of the generation.
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
This is pretty much what I think Sony/Naughty Dog have said it is.point to point stealth / combat shooter with great dialogue and great characters
So basically, you would be demanding your money back because the game is merely fantastic instead of "OMG GOTG!"?Edit - Just to clarify, this is me being overly harsh on the game, I'm still really enjoying it, it's a fantastic game, perhaps deserving of a 8 or 9 out of 10 but not all those 10's... no fucking way in the world. The Witcher 2 stomps all over it as game of the generation.
the story was decent with an awful ending that ruined it for me.
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
I cannot seem to figure out what's so good about it, but I will definitely finish it. it's a GOOD game but it's not the 'citizen kane' of the generation like everyone says.
game is great...
so i made a poster for it!
I loved (and platinumed) Uncharted 1 and 2, but was sick of 3 by the time it was over.
To me at least, TLoU feels like a breath of fresh air compared to the Uncharted series.
Granted, I haven't played the new TR yet, but I wasn't initially turned on by the prospect of a TR reboot anyway.
TLoU has been on my radar for a long time. I didn't need forums or news sites to tell me to get excited for it. I'm taking my time with it and it's delivering in many ways. I can see how it's GOTY for many, but if you were seriously expecting GOTG (hype or no), then... I guess we're wired very differently.
Can someone fill me in on why everybody acted during the first days as if the opening was the best thing ever? I thought it was pretty weak and cliché.
Can someone fill me in on why everybody acted during the first days as if the opening was the best thing ever? I thought it was pretty weak and cliché.
Hey I haven't given it my final review yet, but that doesn't mean shit - just saying "lol 33% through" is a really crap response to the comments that I've made about the game which I think are really relevant.
This game is really hyped up. I'm glad I played it while I still knew nothing and wasn't reading any threads. Because of how hyped and popular it has become, it's inevitable that some people are going to want to dislike something about it. There is always a backlash when there's hype and popularity.
If I had read some of the crazy impressions before I played it myself, my expectations would have been unrealistically high too.
game is great...
so i made a poster for it!
Hey I haven't given it my final review yet, but that doesn't mean shit - just saying "lol 33% through" is a really crap response to the comments that I've made about the game which I think are really relevant.
The game lacks polish - fact.
The combat is even more repetitive than Uncharted (up to this point I don't know if it changed) - semi-fact.
There is nothing more to it so far than moving from point to point collecting parts and items to make different weapons and items to fight enemies, there is no climbing, nothing more than a point to point stealth / combat shooter with great dialogue and great characters - fact.
What about this game makes it the game of the generation I cannot seem to fathom, it's way overhyped, but that's a perspective from just 33% through the game - lets see if it changes, I really REALLY hope it does because I am yearning for something more!
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
Edit - Just to clarify, this is me being overly harsh on the game, I'm still really enjoying it, it's a fantastic game, perhaps deserving of a 8 or 9 out of 10 but not all those 10's... no fucking way in the world. The Witcher 2 stomps all over it as game of the generation.
That is fantastic!
Any chance you could post a super high res version of it.
Could very well be the first ever video game poster I hang in my movie theater poster frames is my living room.
Speaking of posters. Came across this on Etsy. Pretty damn great.
I...I...just finish the game dude. I bet I didn't love it around 33% completion. Once Fall and Winter hit, I was all in.Hey I haven't given it my final review yet, but that doesn't mean shit - just saying "lol 33% through" is a really crap response to the comments that I've made about the game which I think are really relevant.
The game lacks polish - fact.
The combat is even more repetitive than Uncharted (up to this point I don't know if it changed) - semi-fact.
There is nothing more to it so far than moving from point to point collecting parts and items to make different weapons and items to fight enemies, there is no climbing, nothing more than a point to point stealth / combat shooter with great dialogue and great characters - fact.
What about this game makes it the game of the generation I cannot seem to fathom, it's way overhyped, but that's a perspective from just 33% through the game - lets see if it changes, I really REALLY hope it does because I am yearning for something more!
This is the kind of situation where I believe demanding a refund from the retailer or the developer if it doesn't get better would be warranted because the game hasn't delivered on what the the game has been marketed and reviewed to be - in australia at least consumer law states that a product should be able to function as described in marketing materials and so far I'm seeing nothing of that.
Edit - Just to clarify, this is me being overly harsh on the game, I'm still really enjoying it, it's a fantastic game, perhaps deserving of a 8 or 9 out of 10 but not all those 10's... no fucking way in the world. The Witcher 2 stomps all over it as game of the generation.
Just how much stealth is really required in the game? Other then some key moments is it required or just a way you can play if you wanted? Ammo in limited supply? Thanks.
Just how much stealth is really required in the game? Other then some key moments is it required or just a way you can play if you wanted? Ammo in limited supply? Thanks.
Just how much stealth is really required in the game? Other then some key moments is it required or just a way you can play if you wanted? Ammo in limited supply? Thanks.
How come in plus mode you don't keep pendants or comic books? Those are going to be so hard to find without a guide or some sort.
How come in plus mode you don't keep pendants or comic books? Those are going to be so hard to find without a guide or some sort.
I think it's overhyped as well. Looking at TLOU as an experience, it's AAA. You feel like you're in an awesome movie or television show (or reality?) and the story is great and satisfying. Judged as a game? Directly judging pacing, graphics, glitches, variation/repetition, etc? Tons of flaws. Tons.
The lines between action and stealth is very blurred in this game. It makes the action very, very dynamic and very interesting to play through. You can be sneaking up on an enemy, kill him by choking, but be spotted. Then you run away shoot some back, and hide further down a hall. They'll come looking, but if they don't see you, you can start trying to flank them. It means stealth isn't "stealth gameplay", and it works fantastically.
Otherwise, you can play as you want, but there are certainly some areas where it's highly advantageous to just let the sleeping beasts sleep. If you play on the higher difficulties, encounters will be rewarding and require consideration. Or I guess, go normal or easy and visit Molotov Cocktail town. Population: dead.
The scarceness of ammo really drives the atmosphere. If you want an experience you'll remember, and you like a bit of challenge in your games, go for hard.
My comics are gone in NG+. Everything else I still have to pickup, but the comics aren't there.