I may have found the most ridiculous and just plain bad review there is.
Unfortunately its in german, so most of you can't "enjoy" it, but for all those german speaking gaffers I would recommend it, its somewhere between sadly funny and anger inducing stupid.
Its divided in two parts
Game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Octas1B14iU
Film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhkCiN7XTmY
Their points are: (and I'm not making that up
Bad gameplay mechanics
Boring gameplay
Not open world although the story would require it
Crafting system is stupid and unnecesary
Bad level design
Bad monster design("popcorn face", "looks lika a kid made it with playdo")
Bad names for the monsters(He literaly said, that they don't have scary names like "Nemesis" or "Neptun" but childish names)
Bad acting(overacting, underacting)
Bad dialog
Uninteresting characters
Incoherent, bad and boring story
Incoherent world
Wannabe emotional
Not authentic(like a soap opera)
Bad facial animations (stiff and jerky "like speaking masks on dummys")
Bad overall animations
Bad sound ("turned it off at the end")
Generic set and character design
Not a single positive thing was mentioned.
Thats not "opinion" anymore, thats just pure stupidity or fanboyish hate.
Unfortunately its in german, so most of you can't "enjoy" it, but for all those german speaking gaffers I would recommend it, its somewhere between sadly funny and anger inducing stupid.
Its divided in two parts
Game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Octas1B14iU
Film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhkCiN7XTmY
Their points are: (and I'm not making that up
Bad gameplay mechanics
Boring gameplay
Not open world although the story would require it
Crafting system is stupid and unnecesary
Bad level design
Bad monster design("popcorn face", "looks lika a kid made it with playdo")
Bad names for the monsters(He literaly said, that they don't have scary names like "Nemesis" or "Neptun" but childish names)
Bad acting(overacting, underacting)
Bad dialog
Uninteresting characters
Incoherent, bad and boring story
Incoherent world
Wannabe emotional
Not authentic(like a soap opera)
Bad facial animations (stiff and jerky "like speaking masks on dummys")
Bad overall animations
Bad sound ("turned it off at the end")
Generic set and character design
Not a single positive thing was mentioned.
Thats not "opinion" anymore, thats just pure stupidity or fanboyish hate.