Ya, I really can't handle another "Ubisoft Pointless Activities 2" game after Far Cry 3.I imagine Watch_Dogs is gonna be the new Ass Creed, which means the first one is gonna be repetitive out the ass, yet nice to look at.
Because The Last of Us has the worst release date in video game history.
I jump back and forth between thinking that Assassin's Creed or Skyrim is the most overrated game of the gen depending on what day of the week it is.
I jump back and forth between thinking that Assassin's Creed or Skyrim is the most overrated game of the gen depending on what day of the week it is.
inFamous 2 disagrees.
Those are pretty nasty and I'll put Bayonetta up there as well
How? It released on a Tuesday. You know, the norm.
Those are pretty nasty and I'll put Bayonetta up there as well.
How? It released on a Tuesday. You know, the norm.
Bayonetta and Vanquish are the two best action games of the gen. Nope.![]()
Friday is the norm here![]()
inFamous 2 disagrees.
I may be biased, though, because I've never played any of the Infamous games and I couldn't possibly care less about them if I tried to.
NoooooooooooooooNaughty Dog employees?
The wait is made that much harder when people have been posting photos of the box in their hand all week long.I actually don't really mind a release date that I have E3 to distract me from. One of the easiest waits for a game I'm looking forward to honestly.
A spoiler could have ruined it, but I haven't seen a single one and the game should be with me tomorrow.
Yeah the prices have crept up, haven't they? Can't fault the service though. I still use them for that reason.
The wait is made that much harder when people have been posting photos of the box in their hand all week long.
I doubt the anticipation of Infamous 2 was anywhere nearly this brutal...
Yeah, that's definitely a shame.
I have used Simply Games for the last two impulse preorders though and they've dispatched within a very short time. Fingers crossed I get it tomorrow.
Multiplayer - is there any real link to the story content or would I be fine giving that a quick spin before finishing the single player?
Quickly tried it out on Survival and wow it's hard if you're not careful. A few punches or shots and your dead. They even counter your punches and then you have to do the same, and while I hit a guy with 2-3 punches, another one came and grabbed me, throwing me to the floor.
Still haven't had a chance of trying out multiplayer.![]()
More impressions to follow as I continue on.
I can say about the combat is that I'm so into it when melee-ing, I'm actually flinging my controller around as if I'm actually hitting the enemies with my controller movements... that says something about how into the melee combat I am cause I NEVER DO THAT.
A little less than three hours in and you're 30% through? That's actually somewhat disappointing.
My Uncharted 2 save was 61% at 3 hours and 40 minutes. That was at like Chapter 10 of 28(?).A little less than three hours in and you're basically 30% through? That's actually somewhat disappointing.
A guy with the username slasher_thrasher is into the melee violence. I don't know whether to be excited or run away.
A little less than three hours in and you're basically 30% through? That's actually somewhat disappointing.
So three hours to hit its stride? That really is a slow burn. I wonder if that's why all those negative impressions were like the AI is bad, areas are linear. They were judging the game by those early hours. I got no problem with linear areas, especially in the beginning while the story, characters, mechanics are being established. I've read enough stories, seen enough short clips, to know that the AI is awesome. And I love slow areas, being able to explorem take my time, and just soak in the atmospherePlayed about another hour or so. 2 hours and 47 mins now and 28% according to my save file. Once you hit the demo area the game starts to really let you create items, dangerous situations with the enemies, and the story just had a somewhat minor revelation. I feel the game has now just truly started from a gameplay aspect as before it was very linear, no creating items, not alot of enemies, and no fear. Fear has now kicked into high gear in some of these encounters and playing on hard I was stuck at a few for awhile. One thing I can say about the combat is that I'm so into it when melee-ing, I'm actually flinging my controller around as if I'm actually hitting the enemies with my controller movements... that says something about how into the melee combat I am cause I NEVER DO THAT.
More impressions to follow as I continue on.
I'm at 25% in 2.5h.
What I find weird is the fact how brutal everyone is. Most of the times the situation is not that difficult yet you only have the possibility to kill everyone to continue.
It sort of suffers from the same problem as Naughty Dog's Uncharted.
hold on man.. It could be like how the demo was downloaded
There was a 200MB file to download the demo from GoW:A.
The install happens when you use that file I bet.
Yeah if most people are saying 15 to 20 hours, then 30% is between 4.5 to 6 hours. It must be collectibles.
So three hours to hit its stride? That really is a slow burn. I wonder if that's why all those negative impressions were like the AI is bad, areas are linear. They were judging the game by those early hours.
Yeah it seems the case so far. I think from a gameplay perspective from what I've played so far, the 10/10 isn't warranted... for a perfect score I either want to see genre defining gameplay, or the best of the best of it's type. I can't really speak for it either though since I have yet to beat it, but I'm more willing to bet the 10's are coming from the latter thought and not genre defining aspect. I'm still not convinced either wether the game deserves the 10's or not and don't think I will till I beat it. Though my thoughts on the intro and opening hours are as I stated. Great opening, slow to get into the meat of the game but still great. Now hoping things really just go forward more and more. Also my brain has literally argued with myself how real some of these character models look sometimes. They really hit it out of the park with the life like visuals and performance.
You don't HAVE to kill everyone. YOu can completely sneak by enemy encounter situations if you choose so. Though there are some that you can't. But I know there are quite a few where you can completely skip if you stealth by.
I imagine the 10's are coming from the sheer breadth of the narrative, the writing, the incredible acting, and so on and so forth. What naughty dog does best.
http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/9366466/tom-bissell-naughty-dog-latest-game-last-usSony undoubtedly recognized from the start the hard uphill battle The Last of Us had in front of it, which means the game was probably intended as a prestige project done both for the good of the medium and to burnish studio and platform pride. Obviously, that's a somewhat cynical way of looking at things. Less cynical would be to say, "The Last of Us is a masterpiece. Thank you to everyone who made it. I hope now you can all take a rest and spend time with your families," and mean it.
I normally don't look at the time or stats while playing a game (good ones i.e), it tends to be a negative influence. Since the game is approx. 15 hrs long, screw the timer.
Wow at the glowing TLoU writeup in Grantland:
That might reach more people than an IGN review. Good to see.
Edit: OK, it definitely won't reach as many people as IGN. But it will definitely reach a good amount of casuals.
Wow at the glowing TLoU writeup in Grantland:
That might reach more people than an IGN review. Good to see.
Edit: OK, it definitely won't reach as many people as IGN. But it will definitely reach a good amount of casuals.