24 hours until I play linear AAA chest high wall shooter of the year.
The fuck is this shit...
24 hours until I play linear AAA chest high wall shooter of the year.
Hope the fire doesn't keep me from playing this tomorrow. Still haven't been placed in mandatory evac, yet, but the zone was moved to a couple hundred feet away a few hours ago, so it's looking almost 100% that I'll have to evac tonight.
I've been sucking on my electronic cigarette constantly for the last 24 hours straight out of nervous habit. I got like 3 hours of sleep last night.
I've just been packing, following the #BlackForestFire hashtag on Twitter, and reading NeoGAF all day. Waiting for the word...
Why the hate for chest high walls?Luckily the rarity of ammo and the option of stealth make the gameplay much more interesting than other AAA chest-high wall shooters.
Whoa I'm at 44% with 5 hours. No way 7% is going to take me another 4 hours right?!?!. Are you stopping alot just to look at visuals? I'm on hard, not rushing, and trying to find as many items as possible.
Why the hate for chest high walls?
Realistically the majority of things to hide behind in an environment are "chest high". Tables, couches, concrete mediums, cars, benches, etc.
26GB, it was confirmed on a Playstation blogWait, is it 34GB? The store said it's 24GB.
Its up to how you play and the difficulty you are playing on. It took me 12.5 hours to finish the game if i remember correctly. On normal difficulty without Listen mode.
Well let me ask youWould you say I'm almost half way done?I just crashed my truck and took out the first group of bad guys there
Hope the fire doesn't keep me from playing this tomorrow. Still haven't been placed in mandatory evac, yet, but the zone was moved to a couple hundred feet away a few hours ago, so it's looking almost 100% that I'll have to evac tonight.
I've been sucking on my electronic cigarette constantly for the last 24 hours straight out of nervous habit. I got like 3 hours of sleep last night.
I've just been packing, following the #BlackForestFire hashtag on Twitter, and reading NeoGAF all day. Waiting for the word...
guys really,anyone ,when will it be live on the UK Store?
That is, which i asked you about before. Did you like it? And no you are not half way done yet. I will check it and be right back with the answer to you.Alone and Forsaken
holy shit this game :0
the intro whas really great but not as good as tge hype made it - still awesome stuff.
Do you guys have ocasional sound bugs too?
Also if you are using the ps3 sony virtual souround headset which sound settings ingame should i use?
It's insane watching the news and they're panning over C-130's dropping slurry on the fire at the exact same time as I'm looking out my window and watching the plane fly over my house.That's really tense man, hope everything works out
So glad where I live is extremely dull. no fires or earthquakes,tornados,lightning or anything like that. Good old predictable Ireland![]()
Hope the fire doesn't keep me from playing this tomorrow. Still haven't been placed in mandatory evac, yet, but the zone was moved to a couple hundred feet away a few hours ago, so it's looking almost 100% that I'll have to evac tonight.
I've been sucking on my electronic cigarette constantly for the last 24 hours straight out of nervous habit. I got like 3 hours of sleep last night.
I've just been packing, following the #BlackForestFire hashtag on Twitter, and reading NeoGAF all day. Waiting for the word...
That the pulse one? It says it's a 7.1 headset so I imagine setting it to 7.1 LPCM if it has it. Uncharted 2 did anyway from what I remember.
Pick any 7.1 setting in game. DTS is a clearer sound and Dolby is a bassier and boomier sound, kind of comes down to what you prefer. LPCM (linear pulse code modulation) is unaltered sound basically, it's uncompressed and should be the clearest and cleanest of the bunch but doesn't have the same sort of cinematic sound or feel to it
I think different options come up for what your headset can do, when I had my AV receiver a while ago it gave me DTS,Dolby and LPCM in Uncharted games so I'm going off that. What do you see in the options menu?
First time ever I'm attending a midnight launch..
Can't wait.
It's insane watching the news and they're panning over C-130's dropping slurry on the fire at the exact same time as I'm looking out my window and watching the plane fly over my house.
Sorry it's all so off topic, but this is the most nervous I've ever been since I was in Iraq.
It feels like a Roland Emmerich movie here right now. Which is like... the worst thing ever.
Ahhhhh ok. Yes I liked it so far.Def had to switch my tactics up a bit. Thanks for checking for me
I've asked this a few times. Still getting conflicting answers. There are definitely less supplies on harder difficulties. But some have said that enemy health stays the same while others have said otherwiseDoes anyone know what the changes between the difficulty levels are? Does it apply to ammo scarcity or do enemies become more 'bullet spongy'?
The only GameStop midnight launch I've ever attended was Final Fantasy XIII and I have to admit I had an absolutely wonderful time. It was in a shopping mall here, there were tons of people playing BlazBlu, watching Advent Children on BluRay, tons of free pizza, some of the female store managers were cosplaying as Lightning and shit.It may be your last. Shit. Some of the most awkward people you'll ever meet attend those things. They're a big reason I stopped going to midnight releases. Being in the same vicinity as some of those people just made me uncomfortable.
But I'll brave the hordes tonight. I must.
It's insane watching the news and they're panning over C-130's dropping slurry on the fire at the exact same time as I'm looking out my window and watching the plane fly over my house.
Sorry it's all so off topic, but this is the most nervous I've ever been since I was in Iraq.
It feels like a Roland Emmerich movie here right now. Which is like... the worst thing ever.
It may be your last. Shit. Some of the most awkward people you'll ever meet attend those things. They're a big reason I stopped going to midnight releases. Being in the same vicinity as some of those people just made me uncomfortable.
But I'll brave the hordes tonight. I must.
should be the pulse (but not elite) the one with the external mic. But its only virtual sourroud so iam not sure - also what option do i choose for dynamic range?
You are welcome. Below in the spoiler tag is the number of the chapters left in the game for you and also some little opinion of me about the lenght:
15 chapters left after Alone and Forsaken. You are basically half way according to chapter list but the rest of the chapters from now on will be more combat heavy and will be bigger exploration wise so it will take more than what you played to finish the game.
What left is the awesome-ish parts of the game.
I live in upstate New York so the worse we get up here is nor'easters. Although we got hit pretty hard by the hurricane, lost power for a weekJeez that's scary. I would probably freak out at that. Living practically IN a forest I can imagine what it's like but just barely.
I think it's ok to go off topic for thisNeither f us have the game so what else will we talk about? lol
Dynamic range is just how wide you want the sound to be. Narrow means the sound is all on top of you, wide means it stretches out into the environment. Choose wide for a game like this, it will give you that feeling of being there or in a cinema.
Also what are your settings for audio on the PS3 home screen? You might have to change stuff there to your headphones and all its available settings. Then more audio options will open up in game.
This is basing off nothing really though except past experience with Uncharted 2 so I'm only guessing it's the same. Only so much I can do from here
The only GameStop midnight launch I've ever attended was Final Fantasy XIII and I have to admit I had an absolutely wonderful time. It was in a shopping mall here, there were tons of people playing BlazBlu, watching Advent Children on BluRay, tons of free pizza, some of the female store managers were cosplaying as Lightning and shit.
I think a lot of it really depends on the game. The midnight launch I went to for Borderlands 2, maybe a dozen people showed up. Ugh. But if it's something with a lot of hype like a Halo or a Call of Duty, there may be enough diversity in the crowd that you end up having a good time. Gamestop does midnight launches for almost every goddamn game, now. So I'm sure a lot of them are just a half-dozen socially inept guys standing around waiting until midnight.
I live in upstate New York so the worse we get up here is nor'easters. Although we got hit pretty hard by the hurricane, lost power for a week
But I can never imagine living in a fear of forest fires. I love hiking and being out in the wilderness, but damn...how do you prepare for a disaster like that? I've seen footage from inside a forest fire and it looks like hell on Earth.
ive lived in colorado springs for 13 years now, i hope fires like this and last years don't happen every year, i want more people to see this awesome city that i love. luckily I'm a bit more south of the fire this year so i feel more safe.
amazon has shipped my copy![]()
thx a lot man iam going to try this out i switched to dolby 5.1 and wide range lets see how this feels. Iam also going to chrck the ps3 settings.
Is it possible to transfer the soundtrack from my PS3 to my laptop? Probably using a USB, right?
Ah, nice. I moved here from PA back in 2000, too. New Jersey before that, which is where I was born.
I'm an East Coaster at heart, I always have been. There are definitely many things I love about Colorado, but the East Coast is my home.
Yeah, it just installs MP3s to the hard drive under music. You can copy them to USB or whatever.Is it possible to transfer the soundtrack from my PS3 to my laptop? Probably using a USB, right?
Woohoo, East Coast for lifeAh, nice. I moved here from PA back in 2000, too. New Jersey before that, which is where I was born.
I'm an East Coaster at heart, I always have been. There are definitely many things I love about Colorado, but the East Coast is my home.