Haha, awesome.
And DAYUM, twice already!? When did you get it?
On PS3 of course!
Haha, awesome.
And DAYUM, twice already!? When did you get it?
I think he means on PS3.Haha, awesome.
And DAYUM, twice already!? When did you get it?
I am so glad I made it a point to avoid all gameplay videos, spoilers etc since this launched for PS3 like a vampire avoiding sunlight. It has been so worth not knowing anything about it before playing.
Just finished Winter and my God this game just keeps bringing it.
On PS3 of course!
Yeah it was my mistake reading prompt wrong, but they should have had the tip repeat on the restart since many people seem to have trouble at the same spot.
The difficulty of regular combat is fine, its only the clickers. It gets frustrating, eg why can I only fire like a second apart from shots? I should be able to fire off all 6 rounds of my revolver as fast as I can pull the trigger (I mean its balanced anyway given how slow he reloads).
As a someone with around 7 playthroughs under my belt including Grounded, I can't explain how funny it is to see someone:
1) Not reading the prompts properly (you forgot the keyword "softly")
2) Failing to kill them anyway with the enormous amounts of ammo at your disposal
3) Complaining that those enormous amounts aren't enough.
Only trophy worth getting.
Cool. Thanks. I'll look into them. I've been using the Creative Fatality headset for years now. Need to look into some new ones.
Me earlier in the thread
I've beaten this game twice already. I regret nothing.
Yes.There is one thing that confuses me about the opening. Are the first two scenes supposed to be the same night?
There is one thing that confuses me about the opening. Are the first two scenes supposed to be the same night?
Then why did Joel's daughter act surprised about the note on the fridge? She would have read that hours before she fell asleep on the couch.
Yeah it was my mistake reading prompt wrong, but they should have had the tip repeat on the restart since many people seem to have trouble at the same spot.
The difficulty of regular combat is fine, its only the clickers. It gets frustrating, eg why can I only fire like a second apart from shots? I should be able to fire off all 6 rounds of my revolver as fast as I can pull the trigger (I mean its balanced anyway given how slow he reloads).
"This game needs to be made the way I want it to be played". Is all I get from your post.
1, yep my fault, though they could have given hints given other people had issues too.
2, firing too slow is unrealistic limitation, I should be able to empty a clip quickly then get in trouble reloading, since that feels realistic and "my fault" versus slow feeling firing.
3. well just give them out less, limiting to holding 14 bullets doesnt make sense in the gameworld, just dont have hardly any bullets in the world is better IMO
Then why did Joel's daughter act surprised about the note on the fridge? She would have read that hours before she fell asleep on the couch.
As a someone with around 7 playthroughs under my belt including Grounded, I can't explain how funny it is to see someone:
1) Not reading the prompts properly (you forgot the keyword "softly")
2) Failing to kill them anyway with the enormous amounts of ammo at your disposal
3) Complaining that those enormous amounts aren't enough.
Argh, every Gamestop in the area that says In Stock on the website says all the copies they have are reserved for preorders. Is there an end date for the 50% trade-in offer? End of this week?
er no, why dont handguns work and fire like real life and almost every other game
its not like it ruins the game or anything, and no one else cares, but I feel its a valid point
Overall, I'm really enjoying it so far (as I'm sure you can tell lol). I can't wait to get home from work and keep playing.
You shoot revolvers at rapid speed?
Alright, after playing for several hours yesterday, here are some first impressions. Spoilers up to the town where you meetBill.
Intro was fucking crazy! Walking thorough the house as his daughter, I was legit scared something was going to get the jump on me before I could get to Joel. Tearing at those heartstrings early with how it ends. :'(
The relationship between Joel and Tess was amazing. There was clearly a connection there that was never fully realized due to the situation they found themselves in. The pain/anger they both express when you find out Tess was bitten...damn.
I love how they slowly introduce Joel and Ellie to each other through gameplay instead of a cinematic. At first I was a little taken aback by how quickly they skip through that cutscene and get right to them travelling together, but once I kept playing it made sense. The little things that Ellie does while exploring the environment (commenting at the record store/gnomes/etc) does a good job of making you feel closer to her and want to protect her and makes it more natural.
I'm sure it was harder to aim on the PS3 due to the framerate, but at this point in the game I'm still having a hell of a time getting head shots. I'm not sure how anyone could have ever said this game is Uncharted with zombies. The gameplay is so completely different! More tank-like, slow paced and plodding.
I find the game visually stunning. The level of detail work that went into the environment is incredible, even for a PS3 remaster without added geometry. Everything just looks so organic and lived in, and the level design feels the same way. I love the way you naturally flow from one space to another without feeling like you are being guided there too much. I seriously cant' wait to see what ND do with a full-fledged PS4 game.
Overall, I'm really enjoying it so far (as I'm sure you can tell lol). I can't wait to get home from work and keep playing.
er no, why dont handguns work and fire like real life and almost every other game
its not like it ruins the game or anything, and no one else cares, but I feel its a valid point
er no, why dont handguns work and fire like real life and almost every other game
its not like it ruins the game or anything, and no one else cares, but I feel its a valid point
"Real Life" = what I see in movies and TV and shit
Alright, after playing for several hours yesterday, here are some first impressions. Spoilers up to the town where you meetBill.
Intro was fucking crazy! Walking thorough the house as his daughter, I was legit scared something was going to get the jump on me before I could get to Joel. Tearing at those heartstrings early with how it ends. :'(
The relationship between Joel and Tess was amazing. There was clearly a connection there that was never fully realized due to the situation they found themselves in. The pain/anger they both express when you find out Tess was bitten...damn.
I love how they slowly introduce Joel and Ellie to each other through gameplay instead of a cinematic. At first I was a little taken aback by how quickly they skip through that cutscene and get right to them travelling together, but once I kept playing it made sense. The little things that Ellie does while exploring the environment (commenting at the record store/gnomes/etc) does a good job of making you feel closer to her and want to protect her and makes it more natural.
I'm sure it was harder to aim on the PS3 due to the framerate, but at this point in the game I'm still having a hell of a time getting head shots. I'm not sure how anyone could have ever said this game is Uncharted with zombies. The gameplay is so completely different! More tank-like, slow paced and plodding.
I find the game visually stunning. The level of detail work that went into the environment is incredible, even for a PS3 remaster without added geometry. Everything just looks so organic and lived in, and the level design feels the same way. I love the way you naturally flow from one space to another without feeling like you are being guided there too much. I seriously cant' wait to see what ND do with a full-fledged PS4 game.
Overall, I'm really enjoying it so far (as I'm sure you can tell lol). I can't wait to get home from work and keep playing.
Argh, every Gamestop in the area that says In Stock on the website says all the copies they have are reserved for preorders. Is there an end date for the 50% trade-in offer? End of this week?
You can upgrade fire rate later.
Grounded mode is killing my will to live. I hope there's at least a giant trophy.
Is Raptor okay?
Me earlier in the thread
I've beaten this game twice already. I regret nothing.
The trophy will never amount to the respect I will have for you.
because I dont want anything to do with that difficulty
I just saw a news report of someone who died with a huge smile on their face, with a copy of TLOUR lodged up their ass. I think it may be him....
RIP in peace, Raptor.
Glad to see you're enjoying it
And yeah, the aiming is a little tricky to adapt to until you get the upgrades, but I like the added layer of tension it gave when I had to resort to shooting the enemies, I had to really concentrate and line up the weapon sway for the headshot. Sweaty palms were had many a time.
Yeah, it's definitely not to the point of frustration, just adaptation. It also makes it more difficult because the infected move so much more differently than regular humans (especially the clickers). Their erratic head movements make landing those shots harder but more rewarding. I find myself using stealth/melee more than I probably would otherwise, which is fantastic.
Playing on hard seems like the perfect first difficulty play through for me. Died several times already, but they don't feel cheap or overly frustrating.
ah thats cool then
thats only issue with combat and its minor anyway, everything else combat wise is excellent especially using melee weapons
Just did that and it worked. Never downloaded any of the MP stuff![]()
Just got it for Left Behind+The Grounded Doc. Still worth it.
Bought the season pass for left behind and the doc too. And then two days after I bought it, they put the doc up on YouTube for free
Never played any MP on PS3, but it is a lot of fun on PS4.
er no, why dont handguns work and fire like real life and almost every other game
its not like it ruins the game or anything, and no one else cares, but I feel its a valid point
Wow so I kept running out of shivs in that first tough part of the game with clickers. problem I have with stealth games is I have to find everything in a level (every collectible) so just avoiding them isnt an option for me.
restarted again, tried molotov. wow, very cool effect both effectiveness wise and the visual effect (and how the enemy reacts on fire). I can see now that the game intentionally was making these enemies be fought using different tactics than guns.
Is MP only player vs player or are there co-op missions (like against the monster)
MP wouldnt work for me yesterday evening but havent tried again today
sounded quite interesting the supplies aspect? is there a metagame involved?