Im playing on hard...but have yet to use my gun in order to conserve ammo..
What item do i find more of? Health or ammo? How common are shivs too? I havent used them either
Hard without listening mode, doesnt seem that hard yet....
The intro - dem feels!
Yet Game Mode usually introduces things like...And game modes are generally very good. They remove all post processing to reduce latency.
And that was just from my very first google search.scaling artifacts are much more likely. Color accuracy and even potentially color temperature tracking, all suffer.
So okay, do you have a Plasma? Because most of the comments I read seem to be people who have a plasma.No, the issue is definitely not because of my tv calibrations.
Sounds like a decent amount of people do not have properly calibrated TV's and are blaming ND. If your TV has a Game mode, or Movie mode, for the love of god turn it off.
In fact take it one step further, Google your TV model and Calibration Settings and try whatever you discover out. Most TV's nowadays let you save different configurations if you are really scared of it.
Really not trying to sound like a douche but there is no other way to say this without sounding like one. Especially if it is a certain brand of TV's which it
sounds like it may be.
How did the install last way more than 15 minutes when you re-installed it? I've deleted and reinstalled it, everything took the same amount of time and the problem remains.I was wondering this too last night. I waited around 10-15 minutes after putting the disc in, thinking it had finished installing (I like to wait until a game has fully installed before playing), but the disc was still spinning even after I started up the game. So I decided to delete it from my HDD and re-install it until the disc drive stopped spinning, which took way longer than 15 minutes. Then, when I started the game up the disc stopped spinning after a short time, like it does with every other game, and the only sound I could hear was the fans.
So okay, do you have a Plasma? Because most of the comments I read seem to be people who have a plasma.
So since the majority of people do not seem to be having issues, I am just trying to logically deduce what the issue could be.
Therefore I came up with two deductions.
Bad calibrations.
Or Plasma TV's themselves.
I would hope for all of your sake it is not plasmas cause I would imagine a fix for that is not super easy, but who knows.
Again, I was not trying to sound like a douche, but if there was an issue with the games Gamma and it was widespread would it not be known by now?
Sorry to hear people are having issues with the games gamma.
Guys how far am I in the game?I just got to the hydroelectric power plant
Im playing on hard...but have yet to use my gun in order to conserve ammo..
What item do i find more of? Health or ammo? How common are shivs too? I havent used them either
Hard without listening mode, doesnt seem that hard yet....
The intro - dem feels!
So I said yesterday that 30fps was the way to go for me "I want all the bells and whistles nice shadows etc", HAHA nope.
I switched it down from 60fps and call me fucking shocked, I'll leave it as it is. Much better at 60fps my god. I also turned down my TV's backlight from max to 1 and my contrast from max to about 71, has made my image 10 times better.
(Sony Bravia LED)
The gamma issue definitely seems to be isolated to plasma TVs. This port really doesn't feel like it has the ND polish and pedigree put into it. Way too many issues by their standards.
Guys how far am I in the game?I just got to the hydroelectric power plant
Well there's definitely something wrong with the 30fps implementation in this game. Panning the camera in that mode feels like you're dragging it through mud.
Well there's definitely something wrong with the 30fps implementation in this game. Panning the camera in that mode feels like you're dragging it through mud.
The gamma issue definitely seems to be isolated to plasma TVs. This port really doesn't feel like it has the ND polish and pedigree put into it. Way too many issues by their standards.
It's def not a plasma only issue.... I have an LCD, tried PS3 version and don't have the issue. Never had a brightness/gamma issue on a game/movie. I also recorded the thing on twitch to see if I can see this on my PC Monitor, same thing happened, blacks = light grey (downtown part only), loading and pause screens blacks are fine though, hope Naughty Dog fixes this...
My Twitch PROOF:
as you can see the blacks are fine at: 11:50
the gamma issue starts at the elevator scene excatly: 12:30 you can see the blacks brighten up and there are no real blacks anymore, just greys, you can especially see this at 13:55
isn't this proof enough that this a game issue? and nothing to do with TV Calibration/Settings?
Naughty Dog.... pls fix this ;'{
updated post with proof of gamma issue.. comments anyone?
Me too. Once I got to that section, I put the game down for the night... I'm not ready for that sort of trauma yet.
For me, the game started slow, but since it's picked up it's been hard for me to put down. I gotta say, I can't recall the last time a game evoked any emotion out of me, but I've just gotten to the scene whereand it made me wanna choke up. Really powerful scene.Sam turns, and Henry... well yeah.
Out of 2 pre-orders, I didn't get any "day 1" sticker on the box...
I got no response last night but you have better documentation.![]()
I'd tweet ND and ask them wtf is up.
I have a super handy trick for this. You dont have to use any ammo or bombs or molotovs for this - just stealth. I got stuck here too until I tried this:Playing on survivor trying to conserve ammo and items as much as possible. I am to the partwhere you escape Pittsburgh and I cannot get passed it. I can stealth kill the three guys easy enough but the second I try to turn off the generator like 5 or six people come down. I am thinking I will just have to use a molotov to take out a few but would rather save it for bigger enemies.
Playing on survivor trying to conserve ammo and items as much as possible. I am to the partwhere you escape Pittsburgh and I cannot get passed it. I can stealth kill the three guys easy enough but the second I try to turn off the generator like 5 or six people come down. I am thinking I will just have to use a molotov to take out a few but would rather save it for bigger enemies.
Really? I think the party matchmaking is a bit messed up, but once it gets going it GOES and playing with some friends, some GAF folk, and alone in no-party has been a lot of fun. It's not for everyone, though.
BTW, this is the reversible cover:
My copy from has English/French packaging with the reversible cover.There have been times where I've gotten games with no reversible cover too. I'm in Canada though. Any canadian gaffers get this and have this cover ?