Game of the generation, huh? I think MGS 4 was better than this, and MGO was a lot better than TLOU online IMO.

Game of the generation, huh? I think MGS 4 was better than this, and MGO was a lot better than TLOU online IMO.
Nope. Shiv master is needed to break away from one of they grab you. Clickers are easy to outsmart by getting a good distance away and standing still. Brick/bottle plus a melee weapon is a auto kill. Shiv master will be the last thing I upgrade.
No, you can shiv a Clicker with stealth anytime with no upgrades. Shiv Master gives you an out if you are grabbed by a clicker.
Game of the generation, huh? I think MGS 4 was better than this, and MGO was a lot better than TLOU online IMO.
Good lord, how did we experience this game just fine in 30FPS on the PS3? 60FPS blows 30FPS completely out of the water, 30 looks so jittery and a mess compared to 60 now.
Destiny runs and looks great, but man I wish it could have made 60 fps.
I just got to the submerged subway that's full of spores.
Wow, that place looks terrible. I don't know what's wrong but it puts in perspective just how good almost everything else looks.
I just got to the submerged subway that's full of spores.
Wow, that place looks terrible. I don't know what's wrong but it puts in perspective just how good almost everything else looks.
but that's actually awesomeGot the exact same thing myself haha
It does right after you switch back to it, but play for 10 minutes and you kind of forget about it. 30fps feels a lot better when there's some high quality motion blur applied though.Good lord, how did we experience this game just fine in 30FPS on the PS3? 60FPS blows 30FPS completely out of the water, 30 looks so jittery and a mess compared to 60 now.
It does right after you switch back to it, but play for 10 minutes and you kind of forget about it. 30fps feels a lot better when there's some high quality motion blur applied though.
The two games I played before Destiny were Resogun and Outlast (60 FPS games), and the drop in framerate was very apparent. For the first few hour all I could think about was how much better Destiny would be at 60fps (still do). Then I adjusted after several hours of playing and it became much less of an issue.For some reason I really didn't notice it in Destiny...maybe it was just really optimized.
Also, I think something is going on with TLOU:R locked 30fps did not look that bad on PS3.
Game of the generation, huh? I think MGS 4 was better than this, and MGO was a lot better than TLOU online IMO.
Lol this happened to me too.
Strange, I got mine a day early, as did a friend, and a few GAFfers mentioned getting it early.Sigh.
I played it on PS3 last year, but never got chance to finish it. So damn excited to play it again.
Preordered from Gamestop UK weeks ago, and paid the £5.50 for express delivery, to ensure it got here today. Cancelled an in store preorder because Gamestop was cheaper.
Hasnt arrived. Annoyed.
You think that's bad? Wait till she starts cramping the door ways during intense fights in later sections....
Stock shortages already?Strange, I got mine a day early, as did a friend, and a few GAFfers mentioned getting it early.
just reached, how far am I in ? Ive stopped for a while now to see what the multiplayer is about.University
Has anyone tweeted ND about the night sections being too dark? I wonder if it's a bug or if it was intentional. Hopefully it's a bug and they'll patch it.
Strange, I got mine a day early, as did a friend, and a few GAFfers mentioned getting it early.
Joel: "Shh, be quiet."Bahaha
The AI not adhering to the same rules that you do kind of takes you out of the game a bit
Oh yeah he fucks your shit up big time lol Literally just tears your head in halfOMG.
I've never been grabbed by it so haven't seen what it would do to me. Next time I'll let it![]()
Oh GAF u so easily pleased
but that's actually awesome
Anyone having issues connecting to Multiplayer? A friend and I can't join any game. Which sucks, because we planned to give it a go this evening...
EU btw.
Maybe two thirds.just reached, how far am I in ? Ive stopped for a while now to see what the multiplayer is about.University
Game of the generation, huh? I think MGS 4 was better than this, and MGO was a lot better than TLOU online IMO.
The checkpoint system in Grounded is horrible. Having to replay an entire section is fine, but jumping me back to the previous encounter to the one I died in is excessive. It's not making the game harder - it's making it more of a chore.
I'm cool with one hit kills from basic human enemy melees, and all the other insane tweaks they added that genuinely change the game's difficulty - but checkpointing is the type of thing you have to be so careful with to not irritate players. And colour me irritated.
First time playing this game...
I'm stuck at the part trying to take out the clickers in the collapsed office building (just joined up with Ellie) but so far I'm having a blast. Game is phenomenal in every single aspect.
Joel: "Shh, be quiet."