Been trying to figure out who Joel sounds like, and finally figured he sounds like Rick from the Walking dead to me.
Edit: sometimes he does haha
Edit: sometimes he does haha
After about 8 hours I think I'm coming to the end, or at least the last 15%. Amazing, wonderful, and beautiful are the only way I can describe it. It's been a joy to play it so far
So, my friend asked me how I could take over his PS4 system to get him past a spot he's stuck on and it dawned on me: That feature was advertised at the reveal and never brought up since.
We can't do that on PS4 yet, can we?
Finished Left Behind on Grounded. That last encounter was the most intense shit out of the entire game (including the main game). Heart was racing the entire time.
Good stuff.
Guess I should move on to Grounded+ now but I don't know if I can take it right now... This game leaves me heartbroken everytime![]()
When I click on concept art from the ingame menu I'm told to access them through the bonuses menu located on the main menu. The problem is there is no bonuses menu on the main menu. Is it locked until the main game is complete or is this a known issue? Because I don't remember it working that way on PS3.
The motion blur was shutter adjusted for 60fps and it doesn't change back when you enable 30 so at 30fps there is actually a lot less motion blur.
Most other 30FPS games don't have motion blur either. In fact TLOU:R has some motion blur, so the game would have appear even less smooth at 30FPS if it didn't have any. Your complaint is indigenous though, as so many 30FPS games have no motion blur at all, and you're making it sound like every single one has it.
Bottomline is, It IS your brain needing to adjust. Play for 10 minutes or so at 30FPS and you'll see how much more natural it seems, it will be like majority of other 30FPS games you played - and even better as it never drops a frame below 30 like 99% of 30FPS games on PS360 did. Although then when you switch back to 60, it will feel like your brain is being overwhelmed with smoothness. It's a completely normal thing, I don't understand why you're trying to deny it.
Just made it to fall. I loved it on PS3 but I'm liking it a lot more on PS4 since I know exactly where to go most of the times ;D.
Why does matchmaking take so long for Factions? I love the MP a lot, but it takes so long to get a match.
If I recall correctly, you have like 8 enemies, first batch, then 6 more ennemies respawn.
4 of them respawning behind the buses, north of the arena : 2 behind the bus on the right, the other two behind the left bus. The two others near where Elie is.
I started by going right,Hope this helps if that's not too confusingdispatching stealthily the enemy with a Molotov, continuing with the one on the ground floor of the next building, then backtracked, went up the stairs, killed the "sniper", grabbed the arrow, shot it at the guy right beneath that building, went to the other side, took out the enemy, then to the middle section, and finally the guy up front. After that, I went north (the group of newly spawned enemy wont move, and the one near Elie wont spawn now cause I'm there when I kill the last enemy) somehow the arrow I shot earlier didnt break, so I killed one of the enemies near the left bus from the snipers spot, the others started to move, I killed them with a Molotov and shot the last two that spawn near Elie with her help..
Picked up the game today, never played it on PS3. Just finished thebit after meeting Ellie. Not disappointed, but not too impressed yet. I hear the game gets tremendously better a few hours in though, so I'll keep on truckin'.train station
For those who played the ps3 version quite a lot and loved it, would you say getting the ps4 version is worth it?
Extra performance and graphical improvements noticeable?
Picked up the game today, never played it on PS3. Just finished thebit after meeting Ellie. Not disappointed, but not too impressed yet. I hear the game gets tremendously better a few hours in though, so I'll keep on truckin'.train station
Game looks damn good, though. I'm not much of a graphics stickler, but I do appreciate 60FPS games. Switched to 30FPS for a bit before having a hearty chuckle and switched back to 60.
I've played it through 4 times on PS3 and once on PS4. My Remastered playthrough was the closest to experiencing it again for the first time. There's a couple niggling issues but overall the added clarity, smoothness, and performance makes the game significantly more immersive and lifelike than it already was.For those who played the ps3 version quite a lot and loved it, would you say getting the ps4 version is worth it?
Extra performance and graphical improvements noticeable?
If I recall correctly, you have like 8 enemies, first batch, then 6 more ennemies respawn.
4 of them respawning behind the buses, north of the arena : 2 behind the bus on the right, the other two behind the left bus. The two others near where Elie is.
Hope this helps if that's not too confusing.
Thanks y'all. I took the route from the initial left hand car, bank, back around to the cafe with the stairs, into the fast food restaurant near the front entrance, back to the sentry so he couldn't see me take down the next two (the previous 4 were all indoors or really far away [the initial one]), then to the guy near the buses, then finally the center guy. Somehow I got just enough for a molotov and lined up a bow shot and set up before the AI behind the bus initiated. Took the shot, waited for them to funnel, and got all 3 of them with one Molotov. Then the 4 (two on either side of the street where Ellie is) and the rest of it was just easy.ha,i also did that section today, took me a while too and in the end i resorted to ai abuse as well.
i managed to take out the 1st set of guys completely stealthy, then the second set spawns and (usually?) doesn´t move until you throw a bottle or fire a gun.
off the top of my head:
first went left behind a car to the left and waited for the 3 guys´ conversation to end. 1st guy walks right past the car and you can take him out right there. 2nd guy is in the bank to the left and can be taken out behind the counter. then go back again (past ellie´s hideout) to the coffee shop (hide behind counter). 3rd guy comes down the stairs and can be taken out when he passes the counter. 4th guy is the one in the other shop, he comes into the alley for a bit and can be taken out on his way back into the store back-room. 5th guy is the sniper up top, can be taken out right at the corner of the walkway. 6th is the one that patrols between sandwich shop and bank, 7th the one in the center of the plaza. that´s the first set.
2nd set should be 4 guys spawning in their hideout (i placed a nail bomb at the entrance and shot one of them with an arrow from the balcony to set them off), and 2 each at both ends of the road that runs through in front of ellie´s hideout. used a combination of brick, bow and ellie to finish them.
Ellie sounds like she's in her 20s so far (I'm 5 hours in). Joel's voice is great though; not a hint of Kanji seeping in unlike with Booker's voice in BI.
I picked this yesterday. I always knew I wanted to play this game so I went in basically blind, which is awesome. All I knew was that it was some sort of apocalypse with characters named Joel and Ellie. That's literally all I knew before starting. So far I am loving this though. Great story telling so far, great animations and fantastic environments.
I do have one complaint though, and it's not necessarily the game's fault. When running it at 60fps my PS4's fan sounds like an original Xbox 360... It's really hard to get immersed in the game when it sounds like there's a freaking jet engine trying to land in my living room. Luckily, locking at 30fps causes the fan noise to be quieter.
Just met up with Ellie, so now the game really starts I'm sure.![]()
Sony Golds forRandom question but should I go for the Pulse Elites or Sony Golds?
I have the Elites and I love them but I've heard great things about the Golds. Elites have some build issues and can be uncomfortable if you don't get a pad for them. Remember to use the App setting presets.Random question but should I go for the Pulse Elites or Sony Golds?
There is NG+ but it's only for the same difficulty that you have completed previously. Most people take about 20 hours on the first playthrough.How many hours on average does it take to beat the game? Is there new game plus?
How many hours on average does it take to beat the game? Is there new game plus?
Around 15-20 hours, new game plus for only the difficulty you just beat it in.
You can also do NG+ for lower difficulties than the one you beat - can you not?
That's the thing that gets me about this game every time. There's so much unique artistic detail and every room feels like it has a rich history and a story to tell. Given how hard they were hitting RAM limits with this game on PS3, I can't wait to see what their artists and animators can do from the ground up on PS4.I think this is the best looking game I've ever seen, and I've got a 780 in my PC. But ND's artists just went above and beyond here. It feels like every corner of every room and courtyard and rooftop was hand crafted, there's so much to see. The artistic skill (and the BUDGET) that went into this game, man.
There is NG+ but it's only for the same difficulty that you have completed previously. Most people take about 20 hours on the first playthrough.
Around 15-20 hours, new game plus for only the difficulty you just beat it in.
Limited, all TV's expect limited by default. Full is a PC setting that most modern TV's will accept also. You do need to check that your TV does accurately display full even if the tv accepts it as some just expand the limited range so therefore you may see colour banding.
Even though my Sony TV accepts full that mode gave me washed out colours and too bright an image in this particular game for some reason Limited gives me the correct image output.
Any idea what a panny plasma should use?
Any idea what a panny plasma should use?
I feel the same way. I obsessed over this game last year and took a 6 month break knowing I'd get the ps4 version later. Now that I am playing again, it's like the only game I'm interested in. I have like 5 other games I'd be interested in buying before the year is over, but I honestly don't feel the need for them. The campaign is so replayable and the multiplayer has me hooked like I haven't been since Gears of War in 2006.This game is a drug. The only thing I think about at work is getting back home and killing me some infected. I have not felt this rush since RE4 and SOTC. It is literally haunting...
Oh lawd lolWhat's going on here: