what do you think are the easy ones?
Heal teammates is super easy.
Also save downs, executions and downs with weapons you frequently use for later
what do you think are the easy ones?
How do people, previosuly statisfied with the sub30FPS framerate of the original, think about 60FPS? Does it enhance/influence the gameplay? Does the immersion benefit? Or is it the same experience in your eyes?
I have every single trophy in the remaster except the two gold multiplayer trophies. I feel like I have to grind through the multiplayer now. I like it. Its just that its really time consuming. I feel like i'm progressing really slowly. Only on week 4.
That was me on the PS3, except I didn't get nearly far enough in MP/metagame kept fucking me over so I let those trophies go.
But not this time >:U
I have like 3 arrows -_-
Just beat Left Behind for the first time and eh...
It was kind of weak tbh.
LolWe shall earn the platinum. Then years from now kids will ask us, "Are you the guy who platinumed the best game ever created?" Yes that was me. Here is a signed picture of the trophy. No, no its my pleasure you don't have to thank me.
Just beat Left Behind for the first time and eh...
It was kind of weak tbh.
Heal teammates is super easy.
Also save downs, executions and downs with weapons you frequently use for later
Is anyone else experiencing some weird motion blur on some carácter models, especially in dark areas? It s Like a weird ghosting effect that older LCD sets used to have, thing is, it only becomes slightly aparent on NPCs and only in this game. I freaked out and tried other games (ground zeroes, watchdogs, infamous and KZ) and this weird effect wasn't present, so I'm hoping it's from the game, be it intencional or not. I'm 90% certain its not the tv, but i can't be too sure of that.
Hope they take notice of this and the gamma problems and address them in a future patch.
Other than that, I'm loving the game and I had already finished it 4 times on ps3. It still manages to amaze me![]()
Just beat Left Behind for the first time and eh...
It was kind of weak tbh.
Are you on 30 fps? I tried switching to it and had a weird motion blur that went away when I switched back to 60.
Only noticed it one time though and never again but it was in dark area when it happened
I remember that happening, i think its generally when the enemy is too far away from the others. Though it doesnt tend to alert the others when it does happen.It's happened on PS3 a few times for me. Not sure why sometimes Joel will execute a 'combat' takedown instead of a stealth one when there are still enemies in the area and they haven't been alerted.
Its lame that the game clearly gives you the stealth option and when you do it its like "Nope" and just raises the odds till you fuck up. Thats really shoddy game design. Though what happened with me is that for the last enemy Joel did the none silent takedown because there was no one else around, and that does trigger the "spotted" sound yet the enemies that spawned in werent alerted, they were just walking around.As to your first point, the only time I've had more spawn in that area is if you get enemies in an alerted state. However there are some parts that are like how you described. After my 3rd/4th attempt in thethat you can't stealth the whole area after the second 'wave'. If you attempt to either the game will keep spawning guys until combat is initiated.Financial District
The thing is its clearly a glitch, its happening with enemies that at other times i can kill with stealth and continue without being detected. Its not the game saying "this isnt a stealth section". If the game doesnt want us to stealth through some areas, those areas should be clear as in something obvious happens that alerts the enemy to Joel. As i've already said, unfairly throwing more shit at you is bad game design. Its done well in Uncharted, why not apply that here?It did. There's almost a random element added to stealth kills to if they'll alert nearby enemies.
First things first, as much as we want to stealth through this game, its not a steal game. Stealth is more just set you up for the attack and slulk away, not move through the game as the PETA/H man.
Strangle, but thats silent too, shiv is just faster. Its not a part of the game design, its clearly a glitch because despite the other enemies always following the same path, it'll totally randomly trigger the alert on rare occasions. And to boot, at the part where its happening the enemies are pretty far from one another, with a wall in between.Are you strangling or shivving the enemies? Shiv is more silent
Yeah, i hate that they're apparently 'telepathically' connected. Remember MGS2 where the enemies had to actually call on their radio and/or run up to others to alert them? Why didnt that become a standard in games? Even in Ground Zeroes, getting spotted by one enemy instantly alerts the whole base. Why not make it so that they have to realistically call out to their buddies?I've had a situation happen where a guy would spot me a fraction of a second before i strangle him, but that still seemed to alert every guy to where I was, even if that guy was isolated and couldn't say anything lol
It doesn't quite play out that way though.I think that spot was done on purpose for the next scene where you guys jump over the fence and then a bunch of runners show up. If you stealth the previous section, how would they have seen/heard you guys going for the car+battery place?
It was cheap I admit since I did kill everyone in stealth before that surprise attack but I had fun in that I got on top of a bus and literally kick the shit out of the runners and they went flying down to their deaths lol.
Would you describe it as "feeling more connected to the experience"? Like there isn't something between you and the interaction, just as you are actually in the game, more or less.
They still could have had the mob chase sequence without making you get auto-detected in the bus yard earlier[/SPOILER]. It would've played out exactly the same way. But the way it's set up, it feels like the player is being punished for correctly following the proper stealth protocol that they've been taught up until that point. That sort of thing doesn't happen in the game very often (the Financial District is another iffy area), but it's a design misstep I can't really overlook.
I'm having trouble figuring out which Collectibles I need to find. I played New Game+ and I thought it'd only show me what I hadn't found yet, but it seems to even show stuff that I have collected already.
Can anyone explain the best way to do this? Also for some reason my supplements seem to have reset as well, even though I have the Trophy for those.
Well you can use chapter select and that should you you an X/X for collectibles. Some people have said that using chapter select might mess with some of your upgrades, but I personally haven't tried it.
Your supplements shouldn't have reset and neither should your weapon upgrades.
Another tip just to be on the safe side, during your new game plus game, don't fully upgrade the pistols or the bow right away. Save all your scrap until the later guns and upgrade them first. That way if get all the way through the game a second time and don't have enough to level everything, you don't have to play 90% of the game again until you get the last weapon.
For Joel Upgrades, save one of the 50 point final upgrades for last just in case for the same reason.
I tried chapter select actually and I had the same issue. I actually completed New Game+, but I'm wondering if the game only saves stats from your first play through? That's the only explanation I can think of. I haven't got any later weapons yet to verify if they are upgraded or not.
I tried chapter select actually and I had the same issue. I actually completed New Game+, but I'm wondering if the game only saves stats from your first play through? That's the only explanation I can think of. I haven't got any later weapons yet to verify if they are upgraded or not.
Just beat Left Behind for the first time and eh...
It was kind of weak tbh.
I thought the same.
online the bow is better than the majority of the guns :/
I have every single trophy in the remaster except the two gold multiplayer trophies. I feel like I have to grind through the multiplayer now. I like it. Its just that its really time consuming. I feel like i'm progressing really slowly. Only on week 4.
I have every single trophy in the remaster except the two gold multiplayer trophies. I feel like I have to grind through the multiplayer now. I like it. Its just that its really time consuming. I feel like i'm progressing really slowly. Only on week 4.
Excellent and well thought out posts, guys.
Seriously, would you mind sharing why? I can't stand posts like these. Explain yourselves! That's what these threads are all about. I respect other peoples opinions and am genuinely curious as to why people don't enjoy certain aspects of this game.
I'm really having a hard time on grounded mode at thedam.
This game can be seriously ruthless.
Yeah it seems like the game glitches out sometimes.
During my first playthrough Ellie never pulled out the joke book while in the hotel, and during my second she never pulled it out while near the ice cream truck. I got that trophy fine on PS3 but during these playthroughs something fucks up and it never triggers.
Mostly worried about theand some other forced battle spots.beginning of winter
That area is complete fucker. But so worth it.
Do you think I should go for grounded them? I'm just crap at aiming.. so I'm worried I'll get halfway through the game and hit some wall that I literally can't do.
The beginning of Fall took me over an hour to finish on Grounded. Holy shit that part was a real pain. I've gotten through three major problem areas on Grounded today though so I'm feeling pretty good right now. Only one more that I'm worried about.
The beginning of Fall took me over an hour to finish on Grounded. Holy shit that part was a real pain. I've gotten through three major problem areas on Grounded today though so I'm feeling pretty good right now. Only one more that I'm worried about.
Winter is coming!
Let Tommy and his crew take the major heat in the first section. Save your ammo and brick a few if you can. Once Tommy shout get a move on (or something to that effect) leg it thru the right door vaulting out the window. Sprint onto the gangway. Tommy will clean up the rest you leave behind. Now ready a moltov and lob it just as the door opens at the end of the metal floor section. You'll kill everyone coming through. If not, again let Tommy mop up. Move into the last room and clear up. It's not too bad if you play it this way and get the gang with the Molotov.