This weekend turned out to be unfortunately busier than I expected, so I didn't play much. I just got to Elyasion (I forget the spelling.) So I went to the pub, got a quest and am in the Southwestern Plains.chespace said:Wat?
You're only battle rank 12? How long have you been playing?
A noob like me and I just went through Southwestern Plains at battle rank 23.
And yet, I am still getting spanked by the random bird at the desert who casts curse on me because I can't use any strategies on it (no silence spells, no way to dispell curse) and because it does multi-deadlocks.
batbeg said:Oh my God I love this game. I love it so much. Anyway, I might need a bit of help if anyone has any advice:
I'm fighting theGates of Hell boss, and he is handing it to me. I'm able to get in there and kill the minions with minimum damage, and start whoopin' his ass, but eventually he'll kill one of my party members, and that is, of course, the end of that. Because he instantly brings them back to life as minions, who I can not attack. What the hell?I got him down to blinking red, but unfortunately my three dead unions decided to bring death upon me
I've lost three times against him so far. My Battle Rank is something like 48 if that helps at all.
Also, I love Emmy. <3 Though "Grrreat!!" is not the fiercest battle cry :-\
DedicationThroughLight said:Xplay seemed to not really find it that much enjoyable (2 out of 5).
Apparently they discussed that it has way too many loading screens, is that actually true that it loads virtually every 2 minutes and what not?
Regardless, I still plan to get it eventually, the game battle system is too hot to miss.
Y2Kev said:HOLY SHIT, TLR got a D at 1up :lol :lol :lol
1UP Poster said:I'll keep it short since I have already traded it in for Dead Space. Constantly loading textures, poor story, and terrible mechanics sum it up. As for the nail in the coffin: during a crucial boss fight, I asked David to use the Gae Bolg, during the battle he decided to reasses the situation, and attack with his sword instead. Needless to say the battle quickly ended in favor of the bad guys. I refuse to play a game that blatantly disobeys my commands at such a pivotal moment.
Zzoram said:I don't know. Other JRPGs coming out around this time got pretty good marks, in the 7-8 range, so this game getting 5-6 suggests it really isn't as good as the other releases.
DedicationThroughLight said:Xplay seemed to not really find it that much enjoyable (2 out of 5).
Apparently they discussed that it has way too many loading screens, is that actually true that it loads virtually every 2 minutes and what not?
Regardless, I still plan to get it eventually, the game battle system is too hot to miss.
Zzoram said:Is this game fun? Compared to say, Lost Odyssey.
My Arms Your Hearse said:Why is anyone surprised? Complex + Difficult + Some graphical issues = LOL
Unless of course it's a "notable" WRPG. Then it gets a free 9+. We've already had several examples this generation. Or a 'RPG' with heavy shooter elements (or do I repeat myself).
Today's gaming media culture is just not receptive to JRPGs of any sort (except FF/DQ... and that's mostly nostalgia and moneyhats).
Anyone into JRPGs has learned to ignore them and seek previews/reviews from credible sources. Just a few videos and actual information is usually enough to determine whether or not you'll like a game.
Zefah said:It loads every time there is a screen change, just like every other game. Enter a new map: you load. Enter a building: you load. Enter a battle: you load. Finish a battle and return to the map: you load. Then again, this is really no different than any other game. Loading always takes place whenever there is a screen change in any RPG or game.
If you install The Last Remnant to the hard drive then the load times are actually very fast. They are much better than Lost Odyssey was running off the disc (no idea how LO's load times are when installed) and better than a lot of games on the Xbox 360. The problem is with The Last Remnant, they often insert big ugly green loading screens with a ton of "hint" text. The loading is often so fast that there is no way you could actually read all of the text on the screen, but nevertheless this ugly screen makes a lot of the loading screens that much more noticeable.
When running off the DVD the game is a mess. If you install it, then everything improves dramatically and it is more than playable. The load times are quick. The texture loading is also usually finished within a second or two, and the framerate really isn't bad at all.
Zzoram said:I might give this a shot when it's in the bargain bin, once I'm done Blue Dragon, Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery and Eternal Sonata.
Lost Odyssey is the only JRPG I have beaten on Xbox 360 so far, but I think the spring 2009 lull will be devoted purely to JRPGs.
Speevy said:what sources? neogaf members living in japan? they hate most jrpgs this generation too.
Zefah said:Eternal Sonata is really bad. You shouldn't even bother with it. It has really pretty graphics and a nice soundtrack, but that is it. Compared to the other games in your list it is abyssmal. The funny thing is that it got really god reviews from the western gaming "journalists". It is just more proof that they only put in a couple of hours into RPGs before writing up their reviews. Eternal Sonata looks interesting for the first 2-3 hours, but if you play it much longer than that you will find out how hollow the battle system is and how horrible the story actually is.
If you must play it then definitely make it the first game you play. At least then you will appeciate the other games for how much better they are in comparison.
My Arms Your Hearse said:Credible sources? People who have actually played?
Their actual opinion is irrelevant, it's the information they provide that matters. And even if they aren't fans of the game, you can find people out there who at least KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING. All these reviews are demonstrating complete ignorance of the battle mechanics/anything. This isn't just a problem with RPGs, either.
SE obviously didn't pay enough moneyAeana said:And yet, the regular people who are playing it say it's a really good game. There's, like, one negative comment in this whole thread. The reader average on IGN was, last I checked, 8.7 or something. People on other gaming forums are speaking favorably of it, too.
There's something wrong here.
BudokaiMR2 said:Just out of curiosity did the IGN review that has everyone up in arms state that they had the game installed? I mean sure most people in here seem to be installing but IMO it is more logical to grade the game without installs. I know it is going to be a pain to fit it on my 20GB and then you have the peoplewho have Arcades/Cores and would have to put up with these faults.suckers
Zefah said:Eternal Sonata is really bad. You shouldn't even bother with it. It has really pretty graphics and a nice soundtrack, but that is it. Compared to the other games in your list it is abyssmal. The funny thing is that it got really good reviews from the western gaming "journalists". It is just more proof that they only put in a couple of hours into RPGs before writing up their reviews. Eternal Sonata looks interesting for the first 2-3 hours, but if you play it much longer than that you will find out how hollow the battle system is and how horrible the story actually is.
If you must play it then definitely make it the first game you play. At least then you will appeciate the other games for how much better they are in comparison.
Keyser Soze said:I have not kept up with this game at all... so sorry for this.
If I liked Blue Dragon, and endured my way through Lost Odyssey would I like this?
Metalic Sand said:So everyone seems to like this game and the Huge flaw is loading times? Loading times dont bother me at all. Or is there bad graphical flaws like framerate because bad FR drives me insane.
I LOVED LO and BD btw. If that helps at all in me liking this.
Just mite pick this up from amazon on black friday.
My Arms Your Hearse said:Credible sources? People who have actually played?
Their actual opinion is irrelevant, it's the information they provide that matters. And even if they aren't fans of the game, you can find people out there who at least KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING. All these reviews are demonstrating complete ignorance of the battle mechanics/anything. This isn't just a problem with RPGs, either.
Blast Processing said:Take a few deep breaths and go listen to the reviewer's account of his 70 hours with the game on this week's 1UP FM podcast. At least then you'll have a firmer foundation to blast him from.
My Arms Your Hearse said:Why is anyone surprised? Complex + Difficult + Some graphical issues = LOL
Unless of course it's a "notable" WRPG. Then it gets a free 9+. We've already had several examples this generation. Or a 'RPG' with heavy shooter elements (or do I repeat myself).
Today's gaming media culture is just not receptive to JRPGs of any sort (except FF/DQ... and that's mostly nostalgia and moneyhats).
Anyone into JRPGs has learned to ignore them and seek previews/reviews from credible sources. Just a few videos and actual information is usually enough to determine whether or not you'll like a game.
I got more of a Warhammer feel than I ever did WoW, but then again given what Warcraft "borrows" from.chespace said:He noticed that the game had lifted a lot of elements from World of Warcraft (of which he is a hardcore devotee).
I'll happily disregard how much someone deserves their job!rocksolidaudio said:thank you. justin has been busting his ass working late and playing from home non-stop for the last week to finish it -- despite hating the game -- to bring you guys a relatively timely review. and he's a big RPG fan. you're free to disagree, but don't be so quick to disregard how much effort someone puts into their job.
Aeana said:And yet, the regular people who are playing it say it's a really good game. There's, like, one negative comment in this whole thread. The reader average on IGN was, last I checked, 8.7 or something. People on other gaming forums are speaking favorably of it, too.
There's something wrong here.
RevenantKioku said:It's just sad to think people are playing things like Little Big Planet, Fallout 3 and Gears of War 2 when there is a much better game in TLR to be found.
tokkun said:The User Review average on Metacritic is 7.2, which is only a bit higher than the press average for what it's worth - which, in my opinion, is not very much. There are all sorts of statistical sampling nightmares about going off voluntarily submitted reviews. For example, people are more likely to volunteer if they have an extreme opinion and are more likely to be playing the game early if they were interested in it and ergo predisposed to like it. Moreover, unlike reviewers, users have paid for the game, and there is tons of research in decision-making that shows that people are often willing to deceive themselves to justify the cost of decisions.
Then there's the further question of if you consider those user review scores to be valid, when it's suspect as to whether most of the people submitting scores have had the game long enough to play through it thoroughly. On GAF threads in release week, it's easy to get a distorted picture of things, as many people end up getting swept up into extremely polarized positions based on the hype and the general nature of discourse on the forum. Just look at the thread title for an example of this.
Finally, scores are a poor point of comparison, because they contain very little information. If you look at a lot of the review text, you'll see that their impressions are not really that different from those presented by users.
I find that very difficult to believe!Zefah said:I haven't had a chance to play Little Big Planet, but Fallout 3 and Gears of War 2 are both very awesome games.
Darkman M said:Haven't played this game but this post is truth.
RevenantKioku said:It's just sad to think people are playing things like Little Big Planet, Fallout 3 and Gears of War 2 when there is a much better game in TLR to be found.
MattKeil said:Only if you're a conspiracy theorist.
Good Lord. I guess you got one of three right there, but still. :lol
I notice the "people will go to lengths to justify something they spent money on" theory doesn't get floated much when it comes to the old "reviews don't match the user ratings" conundrum.
The converse to that is these reviewers are being paid to play games and have opinions. I don't see any value in that.MattKeil said:I notice the "people will go to lengths to justify something they spent money on" theory doesn't get floated much when it comes to the old "reviews don't match the user ratings" conundrum.
Aeana said:I think you'll find that nobody except for Revenant Kioku was hyped for The Last Remnant. If you go look at threads about the game, it's full of people whining about how ugly it is or how bad the framerate looked in videos. If that. Most of the threads didn't actually get very many posts at all. It's absolutely not about hype with this game, and I'd go as far to say that most people around here actually went into the game expecting it to not be very good. I'm one of those people. I got it because it's a new turn-based RPG, and I feel it necessary to support them. Going into the game not expecting to like it very much has left me incredibly pleasantly surprised.
RevenantKioku said:The converse to that is these reviewers are being paid to play games and have opinions. I don't see any value in that.
I do value my own money and game time, and wouldn't want others to waste it when I'd imagine theirs is just as precious.
BudokaiMR2 said:You do realize that GAF does not equal the general public? I also take it as a good sign for the game that user scores are looking good but they are not reliable at all. Hard to believe that most people posting those reviews are finished with the game, and as tokkun said there are people reviewing it who just have some kind of investment in the game. Sure it wasn't hyped on GAF but I know dozens of people who have been talking about it for months. Why? Because it's a new RPG from Square.
I still want to try it, and would like a demo, even though I usually come away from RPG demos with a bad taste in my mouth.