Kestastrophe said:
Can you give your impressions of the levelling and combat systems as well? I like how detailed your post was
Difficult for me to say about the leveling, as I'm honestly even at this point fairly uncertain how it works. I can say I have found it nearly impossible to do any sort of meaningful "grinding" (not that I've tried) - ten or so hours after leaving the dungeon Dilmoor, and a huge amount of side quests and story progression later, there were still enemies there that were able to offer me a very hefty challenge (especially fucking
). As to how it works, it's
meant to be something like this:
The stats you implement increase more often, for example, using attacks more may boost your strength and attack, or using mystic artes may increase your intelligence (I have some qualms with this idea, as it does not necessarily seem true).
The more enemies you have defeated consecutively in a dungeon ("chains" which apply to all enemies you've killed, so long as you have not been ambushed), the swifter the status progression.
Weapons and the like are upgraded automatically by your teammates who will request certain items after battles, so that they can apply them to their weapons.
The battle system is definitely something I approve of, though I hadn't bothered commenting on it since it's what most people here are gushing about

But I'll give it a go.
I love the strategic elements of not just forming a union, and finding out which units work best in which unions, but finding that you can never have 100% control over them. It's easy enough to know which of your moves will be used from a general command (indeed, pressing "X" shows you which moves they'll use), but at the same time, you are like a general giving out commands to separate groups instead of instructing every single soldier under your lead. The move "Keep your HP up!" will generally have someone using restorative artes, and the others attack with normal attacks or combat artes, depending on your AP at that time.
There is also a huge deal of freedom involved, but the AI is consistently top-notch. My units have consistently been able to reassess a situation and change their move, mid-turn, for the better. For example, with one person using Restore III (heals 800ish HP), the next character realized they did not need to use Life Powder (heals 1200ish HP), and thus reassessed and changed to using Restore III. Or finding that a unit will change from a normal attack to a combat arte if they've been granted more AP during that move.
Of course, the speed is something worth mentioning. For a game with such emphasis on strategy, and huge battles with a large amount of characters, they can be damn near instantaneous. In a good fight, I can end it in one or two turns, though the tougher ones will genuinely try my abilities, and push me as hard as possible. Of course, if you are finding an area too easy, it's incredibly easy to run from enemies - the game tells you when you are targeted, and if you are, all you need to do is freeze time momentarily, and run.
I don't know how much splurging I can do on this game, just hope I'm helping some people with my detailed, incoherent love letters to it

I realize as well that everything I said has sounded overwhelmingly positive, and I would say there are definitely problems I have with the game, but they are mostly to do with the superficial and so don't stick out to me so much (technically ugly, main story poorly told, and er... not much else actually). I can see this as not for everyone, but I implore anyone who finds it interesting to
try it for themselves, as almost all people who have played it have been positive.
Edit: Double post, sorry.