No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Just spent the last few hours re-hacking my other Switch and all that shit, and now I’m playing the game with the CPU/GPU/Memory overclocked, and it runs SUPER well. Damn near a solid 60.
I’m still near the beginning, so I haven’t gotten to the main map yet, but the intro in that hyrule town never dipped once, whereas it was mostly 30 on my non-hacked unit.
It’s such a shame, but it also shows that the game will likely run flawlessly on Switch 2 without any sort of patch.
I’m still near the beginning, so I haven’t gotten to the main map yet, but the intro in that hyrule town never dipped once, whereas it was mostly 30 on my non-hacked unit.
It’s such a shame, but it also shows that the game will likely run flawlessly on Switch 2 without any sort of patch.