PedroLumpy said:They were different in the last one.
Mercs 1
Chris = Health
Mattias = Speed
Jenn = I don't really know. I think she took less time to adopt the disguise of whatever vehicle she was in
Mers 2
Chris = Ammo
Mattias = Health
Jenn = Speed
Hazaro said:Can we get confirmations on any of these?
The differences in Mercs 1 were non-exsistant. :lol
Hazaro said:Can we get confirmations on any of these?
The differences in Mercs 1 were non-exsistant. :lol
SuperEnemyCrab said:I can confirm the Mattias and Jen ones. Mattias can take alot more punishment than Jen, i've been down to 1-2 health and still getting shot and he doesn't die. And Jen is definitely faster. Even just her regular walking speed. Haven't played or been in a game where someone was using Chris yet though.
Hazaro said:I would imagine that walk/run speed doesn't matter too much because of the vehicles though.
Or does Jen magically add power to any vehicle she drives? :lol
NullPointer said:I do appreciate her sprint speed when I'm on foot trying to dodge a bunch of 50 cal. VN jeeps.
But she does talk too damn much, especially early on.
"Oh look, an AK-47. This'll do" x a fucking gazillion.
Kung Fu Jedi said:Pallets are too large. Recruit I chopper pilot, then "steal" the money, and call him in to airlift it out. Super easy and you're $100k richer.
Mejilan said:I had a very brief love affair with the original back in the day, but eventually grew bored of it and sold it. And I very rarely sell my games.
I was reading some reviews of Mercs 2, since I grew bored with the delays and eventually lost touch with it entirely. So I haven't been following it. Eurogamer DESTROYED it. WTF? They flat out state that it's inferior to the original, and just about any major sandbox OR general third person shooter released in the past half dozen years or so. Is it really that fucked?
They listed a bunch of potential deal-breakers, from awful AI, to invisi-boundaries, to severe hand-holding in missions, to bad mission structure, to worse level design, etc. Did Pandemic drop the ball that badly, or is Eurogamer full of it?
I don't usually pay much attention to reviews anymore, but that one really stood out, and Eurogamer has typically struck me as the most rational/consistent reviewer in recent history...
MrBob and I rented it.Maybe tonight after I play Livewire in NCAA.Lonestar said:Anyone on PS3 wanna co op some later tonight? Having fun so far, in what few hours I had yesterday to try it.
Ghost said:Quick question 360 or PS3?
AgentOtaku said:what's system is your friends playing on?
....that's your answer
notjackbauer said:I'm glad people aren't shitting all over this game. It's really growing on me. When do I get the jet pilot??!
NullPointer said:I wish they just did a better job at explaining things. From taking over outposts to equipping support options from your stockpile, to using beacons to drop airstrikes, to disguising yourself as a faction by using their vehicles. NONE of this is explained well, either in game or in EA's pathetic excuse for a game manual. I played the original Mercs so I was ready, but I had to explain a bunch of things to my friends.
Teknoman said:Well I guess the initial gamertag list isnt being updated anymore, so i'll just add the 360 people unless i've already got em.
russ99a said:I have the PS3 version, and while it's not the prettiest game in the world, it's really solid and loads of fun. I've had none of the bugs reported happen so far.\\
AgentOtaku said:just wanted to quote this as I too have seen NONE of the bugs that have been reported with the 360 version
dork said:Lets play!
Teknoman said:The game doesnt really need smart enemy AI since they throw so much at you at once.
Hazaro said:Can we get confirmations on any of these?
The differences in Mercs 1 were non-exsistant. :lol
newsguy said:If the AI is so bad then how come when I winched a manned tank and proceeded to drop him 300 feet, he timed his cannon shot after I let him go and blew me out of the sky?
PedroLumpy said:?
I've played through the first one a couple times, I'm not making those up. I guess you could check or something.
As for Mercs 2, they are all in the character video they released recently.
Teknoman said::lol I know you said something out loud after that.
VALIS said:Just played it for an hour and bleh.
VALIS said:Just played it for an hour and bleh. But I'll keep pressing on in hopes things pick up like people have said it does. I can take the ugliness even though it really is ugly, but it's just so behind the curve compared to other current gen sandbox games like Crackdown, Just Cause, GTA4 and Saints Row. The cities are lifeless, the driving engine is hideous, there's no strategy to the gunplay - just run at your enemies and shoot them because you can take an insane amount of bullets before dying.... ugh. I'm really hoping this picks up. Back to it...
Flunkie said:Dork (or anyone else), add me. I'm playing on the 360.
Teknoman said:I would, but im trying to knock out something on DDS2 real quick. That and im eating atm (cant really play Mercs 2(or any crazy fun action game) and eat... :lol )
Gonna be on later?
5 + the VZdork said:How many factions are there?
VALIS said:Just played it for an hour and bleh. But I'll keep pressing on in hopes things pick up like people have said it does. I can take the ugliness even though it really is ugly, but it's just so behind the curve compared to other current gen sandbox games like Crackdown, Just Cause, GTA4 and Saints Row. The cities are lifeless, the driving engine is hideous, there's no strategy to the gunplay - just run at your enemies and shoot them because you can take an insane amount of bullets before dying.... ugh. I'm really hoping this picks up. Back to it...
Slaylock said:I played a couple of missions over the lunch hour, and I noticed that if I stopped to kill the bad guys at a checkpoint, they just keep coming.
Do enemies respawn, or is there eventually an end to them?