Winterblink said:
Speaking of holy shit moments.
Was doing one mission, shot a jeep with an RPG, sending it flying through the air into a bunch of barrels. One was a red one (sploding variety) which promptly lit up right next to a couple of fuel storage tanks. I started to run like a motherfucker at that point, which was a good thing, because a couple of seconds later the fuel sent half the base into the stratosphere.
Daaaaaaaaamn fine moment.
There's an HVT recovery mission where it's like 6 fuel tanks surrounding a rocket house and cars, trucks, barrels (including explosive) scattered in the center and a cliff in the back. Meaning if you get spotted and someone activates the alarm, this activate the rocket house and there's a good chace that either you'll die or the HVT will get take out "accidentally".
I killed everyone near the front with my sniper rifle, picking them off before they had a chance to activate the alarm. Then headed to take out some guys hiding on a hill just in case they get off a lucky shot/grenade and set off the explosives. Finishing that, I lure the HVT away from the fuel tanks, subdue him and call in the chopper pickup.
Apparently I missed a guy, because as soon as I do that someone sets off the alarm (activating the rocket house :/) and the chopper gets hit by like 2 rockets before he touches down. Needless to say, he bails out and I now have to try to keep myself and the HVT alive for an extraction.
So I drag him to safety and spot someone running around the corner of a house. I regroup, forming a plan to C4 the house, and sneak around the fuel tanks because that's pretty much the only way to get back there safely. Afterall, no one's gonna actually shoot them right? Wrong. Someone in the house fires a rocket just feet from my legs, setting the fuel tank I was near ablaze... Fuuuuuuck. The chain reaction blows up the entire base. All six fuel tanks, all the vehicles, the rocket house, the alarm tower, the barrels... everything. Luckily Jen's faster than the other two Mercs, because I'm running for my life and she still has to stop every few seconds to shield he eyes everytime anoth fuel tank blows.
I barely make it out alive, my entire screen is blood red and my life is in the single digits. The HVT also miraculously survives. Seemingly, only because I was carrying him towards the first extraaction point. If I had left him where I subdued him, he would've died for sure as I find burning reckage all over the area. But at least it's now safe to call in the chopper extraction. :lol
FinFan said:
Anyone else having co-op issues. I play co-op with my brother all the time in many different games without a problem but for some reason if there is any loading or I get more than 10 steps away from him I get dropped. Is this normal for Mercs 2?
None at all with me and my co-op partner.. and I'm in NY, while he's down in FL. Perhaps it was just EA's servers being screwy?