madmook said:Is there gonna be a demo?
madmook said:Is there gonna be a demo?
Sectus said:So why the fuck does the game have region protected multiplayer? I'd REALLY like to play with some of my friends in USA.
Instead of just hitting continue, go to options and select "manage saves" or whatever it is. You can manually load a file from there and it'll have all the info on it.Duck said:How do you check your playtime?
It seems to be protected by disc. Remember that the game isn't region free either, so if you're getting a US copy you also need a US 360.saunderez said:Is it region protected by gamertag region or disc? I imported the US NTSC copy and I'll be a little irritated if I can't play with my Aussie mates.
Sectus said:It seems to be protected by disc. Remember that the game isn't region free either, so if you're getting a US copy you also need a US 360.
EA should stop this region protection bullshit. It makes no sense.
I'm talking about the region protection put into the actual game which prevents you from playing with people from other regions, not the region protection on the disc (although EA should drop that too from the 360 version). I'm pretty darn sure the PS3 version also has the same region protection. Hopefully the PC version doesn't have a limit like that.AkuMifune said:How can it be EA when the PS3 version isn't?
Brannon said:Level 3 sniper is doable if you look left and right and shoot a barrel next to each car (four cars), shoot the statues being carried by the helicopter and the car and scramble to shoot the remaining few portraits. The barrels will blow up multiple portraits for you.
Level 3 Winching Challenge is absolutely pathetic in difficulty. Super-easy money right there!
endlessflood said:Sorry if already posted, but check out this co-op glitch, it cracks me up:
Llyranor said:This is stupid. I bought this game specifically to play with someone in another region (in fact, the ONLY reason I got it). I'll have to try to return it or something, if that's even possible. First Army of 2, now this. Why is EA the only publisher for which their games are multiplayer region-locked? This is bordering on deception - they could have been forthright about it.
Sectus said:It seems to be protected by disc. Remember that the game isn't region free either, so if you're getting a US copy you also need a US 360.
endlessflood said:Sorry if already posted, but check out this co-op glitch, it cracks me up:
I just stayed out the back and kept hijacking their tanks and using them to destroy the tanks as they came in. It's best to stay a bit in front of the grenade launcher and recoilless rifle emplacements but don't get between them and the enemy.painey said:any tips for the church mission? i was doing fine until the assault from both sides, and then the church fell in seconds
Sounds like your controller is borked. I've only failed a heli hijacking a grand total of once.Outcast2004 said:The hijacking is driving me nuts, ESPECIALLY the helicopter jacking.
seems that no matter how fast you tap that damn button, you can't get it on the first try. Not so bad with the tank. But to grapple a heli and to fall about 600 feet to your death is not cool.
Doc Evils said:How the hell did this game get the green flag to get released with bugs like that.![]()
MMaRsu said:Does it say so on the box? If not that's fucking ridiculous and that IS deception.
Peronthious said:Because those bugs are few and far between; I know I've never seen anything like that.
No, controller is fine, I'm probably just losing reaction time as I get older. I've successfully jacked ONE chopper. I fell to my death on the last one I tried.saunderez said:I just stayed out the back and kept hijacking their tanks and using them to destroy the tanks as they came in. It's best to stay a bit in front of the grenade launcher and recoilless rifle emplacements but don't get between them and the enemy.
Sounds like your controller is borked. I've only failed a heli hijacking a grand total of once.
Peronthious said:Because those bugs are few and far between; I know I've never seen anything like that.
I'm not near the box now, so I can't check, but I'm not sure why they'd put something like that directly on the box. If anything, it's probably in the EA ToS you automatically agree with when you sign in (available for viewing in the multiplayer options if I'm not mistaken).
Well at this point I think I'm stuck, I spent an hour last night blowing UP stuff up and all it did was make them hostile to me and PLAV still is hostile.Kung Fu Jedi said:You don't have to bribe them. Start going after the HVT's on their wanted lists or destroying buildings that are their targets. You'll soon come up in their estimation and they'll offer you missions. Bribing is just throwing money away in my opinion.
Of course, part of the fun of the game is trying to balance your relationships with the different factions. It's not Mercs if at least one of them isn't shooting at you. :lol
pr0cs said:I presume bribes are done through Fiona?
Acid08 said:I want to really like this game. Something about it though keeps pulling me away. I hate that factions turn so easily. Still having fun, but I'm bummed I spent $60 on this.
That's true. Like I said I'm stilll having fun but there's enough amazing games coming soon. I just really wish they had used that extra year and a half of dev time to good use.Kittonwy said:This is no AAA game and was never going to be. I know people like games like this, I bought a copy but it's good but by no means a great game. Good sloppy fun but I think that's really what it is.
WHATMiamiWesker said:
AgentOtaku said:WHAT
Sectus said:EA should stop this region protection bullshit. It makes no sense.
MiamiWesker said:
MiamiWesker said:
Gamespot is pretty irrelevant after most of their talent left. But I don't think anyone expected this to win GOTY anyways. They probably should have shaved a little bit off the price to make up for some of the rough edges.Y2Kev said:They gave the original an 8.8. I don't really get that.
MiamiWesker said:
There's a lot of stuff that's factually wrong in the review, but I have no idea if it's a result of the reviewer not paying attention or the day one patch fixing a bunch of issues. Probably a mix of both._tetsuo_ said:I seriously dont know whats going on with reviews recently. A lot of his comments seem silly. You can easily get RPG ammo just about anywhere, on top of being able to fucking air drop multiple kits with RPG's in them at any time. Did he really complain about driving from area to area in an open world game? Even if that has been in this type of game since GTA 3 created it, you can get Ewan to take you pretty much anywhere once u found a landing pad. On top of the contracts, you have the 100 spare parts, HVT's, destruction's and bounties take care of. All o fthe shop items to open up as well.
Im not saying he should have givin the game a 9 or 10, but a 5? Seriously? It has bugs, and pop in, and glitches but its not really THAT bad.
-Headshots drop enemies in one hit.Weapons feel weak, it's difficult to hit moving targets, and the damage they cause is inconsistent
-RPG ammo is all over the place. Not only dropped RPGs from dead soldiers, but they'll often be in ammo crates.Heavier weapons such as rocket-propelled grenades are great and can destroy almost anything they hit, but the amount of ammunition (which, for some reason, you have to hit a button to pick up) is so limited that you won't be able to use them often.
-Wrong. It's a hostility meter, not an on/off switch. A stray bullet, hell a stray tank shell, may anger the troops in the immediate area, but no one outside of that 20 foots radius cares. Plus, if you leave the area and return they've already forgotten about it.one stray bullet can anger an entire faction
-If you're disguised in an enemy vehicle, yes.random friendly soldiers will blow up your cars
-Even anti-air missles can be easily avoided can if you've ever played a game in your life. Everything else can be dodged by changing direction or moving 2 feet.and helicopters are frequently shot out of the sky by missiles that rarely miss
-So use the satellite guided strikes or the laser guided ones from safety. Even the smoke beacon guided strikes are easy to use. All you do it select it from safety, run to where you want to toss the beacon and the next time you hit up, it'll already be at the option you want. So it's all of two button presses (1 second) to call in those.It's too bad that airstrikes are of limited value, because you often can't get close enough or avoid being shot long enough to line up the target.
-I've had multiple soldiers, tanks and choppers chase me around buildings to get to me. They aren't particularly good, but they certainly aren't dense.Enemy AI is horrific. If you're injured you can just run behind a building to regenerate--soldiers won't make much of an effort to find you.
-Nope. See headshot usage/reviewer control issue.Combat falls flat because shooting guys takes longer and is more difficult than simply running up to them and killing them with one punch;