newsguy said:Edit: I also wanted to throw this out there for people just starting out. You don't only have to throw one C4 at a time. After you stick it, and it shows you the detonater in the HUD, you can tap left on the d-pad again and choose more C4. This wasn't obvious to me at first, but it's good to know because you can put C4 on 4 corners of pretty strong buildings and bring them down.
pr0cs said:hope you have time to post impressions after you're a few hours in... also, what platform?
AgentOtaku said:Pretty certain PS3 has chat
Obviously, you hit Y to subdue him. Duh.bathala said:
so how do i get that guy off the air :lol
maybe when i get my jetpack supply laterraYne said:Obviously, you hit Y to subdue him. Duh.
_tetsuo_ said:ya im never going to finish these lvl 3 weapon challenges
'Cept for the sniper, they were all easy. The pistol did take me a few trys though as I'd get to the end with enough time left, but some nonsense would happen. Either one of the last targets needing two hits instead of one or bullets flying wild and just missing the target. I supposed it helps that Jen's fast as hell between locations.anddo0 said:The nade launcher was easy, but forget about the pistol and sniper :|
AkuMifune said:
I should post the screen shot ('cause it did happen), but I'm not in the mood. :lolnewsguy said:By your own will or at request... I wonder.
Makes sense. Never crossed my mind that the barrel/car explosion results is predetermined and would help you do it.Brannon said:Level 3 sniper is doable if you look left and right and shoot a barrel next to each car (four cars), shoot the statues being carried by the helicopter and the car and scramble to shoot the remaining few portraits. The barrels will blow up multiple portraits for you.
Level 3 Winching Challenge is absolutely pathetic in difficulty. Super-easy money right there!
raYne said:I should post the screen shot ('cause it did happen), but I'm not in the mood. :lol
What?Sectus said:Well, fuck.
"Connection failed. The player you are attempting to play with is in a different region than this one."
Wait.. so in something like the airstrike challenge, which is already easy as hell, you have 4 strikes between the two of you? Jesus.Sinatar said:The challenges don't change when doing coop, so sniper 3 is easy with 2 people.
Sinatar said:The challenges don't change when doing coop, so sniper 3 is easy with 2 people.
raYne said:Wait.. so in something like the airstrike challenge, which is already easy as hell, you have 4 strikes between the two of you? Jesus.
I was about to say.. :lolSinatar said:With that challenge you still only have 2 strikes (1 each).
anddo0 said:The nade launcher was easy, but forget about the pistol and sniper :|
Rated-Rsuperstar said:And holy shit at the screen tearing. I've never noticed tearing in games before. It's terrible here.
SpudBud said:Fuel Air RPG = Fucking awesome.
SpudBud said:Fuel Air RPG = Fucking awesome.
saunderez said:What version? I've played probably 10 hours and the only time screen tearing was noticeable was when I did the boat prototype mission for PLAV.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:I'm playing the US ps3 version. The tearing is the worst in the cutscenes.
That might explain why that was the only version at PAX. This was an issue in Battlefield: Bad Company as well. Is it just an EA thing or an industry wide problem?saunderez said:Ah alright. I'm playing the 360 version and by and large screen tearing is non-existent.
newsguy said:By your own will or at request... I wonder.
well, my buddy had the 360 version and the tearing is there in the cutscenes from what I've seen. That's the only place i've seen it in the ps3 version, and it's only really horrible during the first scenes. Its just like Kand and Lynch for some reason, horrible tearing right at the first part, then it goes away.saunderez said:Ah alright. I'm playing the 360 version and by and large screen tearing is non-existent.
I posted in the other thread, but just in case..a Master Ninja said:
chespace said:Played an hour... so far in the very beginning stages. I just got my "base of operations" and decided to quit and save (and go home for dinner). I did a quick check of my stats and it says 7% completed.
What the fuck? 7% and that was the intro tutorial linear mission?
I really thought the gunplay would be a bit tighter but I can deal with what's here. After all, I played the crap out of Just Cause and other less worthy shooters simply because the game itself is fun. And so far, even in the very first couple missions, Mercs 2 is pretty fun.
Graphically, the game fluctuates wildly between looking pretty great and being completely mediocre (but adequate nonetheless). Like most people have already said, shit blows up real good and the chaos is pretty sweet, even in the first couple missions.
Alright, hope this game has legs and length.
It's been stated a few times, but it's only going fast as you're getting the team together and it doesn't count a lot (any?) of the side missions towards your completion percentage. After that point, the progress slows down considerably.chespace said:Played an hour... so far in the very beginning stages. I just got my "base of operations" and decided to quit and save (and go home for dinner). I did a quick check of my stats and it says 7% completed.
What the fuck? 7% and that was the intro tutorial linear mission?
SpudBud said:Beat the last mission, the final fight wasSo lame. :/a QTE.
BobTheFork said:well, my buddy had the 360 version and the tearing is there in the cutscenes from what I've seen. That's the only place i've seen it in the ps3 version, and it's only really horrible during the first scenes. Its just like Kand and Lynch for some reason, horrible tearing right at the first part, then it goes away.