And boy does it look great. Sounds awesome too, the sound mix of this game is very aggressive.eJawa said:Plus, It lets you blow up a skyscraper, just for the heck of it.
And boy does it look great. Sounds awesome too, the sound mix of this game is very aggressive.eJawa said:Plus, It lets you blow up a skyscraper, just for the heck of it.
Vyer said:That same mission, I was at the part where you have a tower behind one of the warehouses. When I got to the top there are some anti-air missles they drop for you to take out enemy helicopters. Well, the place is swarming by that point, and I'm trying to figure out what to do because it is my first playthrough of the mission, but I'm just about to try and grab another anti air when everything goes to shit.
I don't know if it is scripted or not, but the bastards blew up the entire tower. Everything went red, the floor went out from under me and i'm falling with big pieces of metal toward the ground. I'm guessing the warehouse went up to, because suddenly i'm on the ground barely alive with the employee guy cowering next to me. When I realize what happen we haul ass, trying to dodge helicopter fire until I find a vehicle. So awesome.
Vyer said:That same mission, I was at the part where you have a tower behind one of the warehouses. When I got to the top there are some anti-air missles they drop for you to take out enemy helicopters. Well, the place is swarming by that point, and I'm trying to figure out what to do because it is my first playthrough of the mission, but I'm just about to try and grab another anti air when everything goes to shit.
I don't know if it is scripted or not, but the bastards blew up the entire tower. Everything went red, the floor went out from under me and i'm falling with big pieces of metal toward the ground. I'm guessing the warehouse went up to, because suddenly i'm on the ground barely alive with the employee guy cowering next to me. When I realize what happen we haul ass, trying to dodge helicopter fire until I find a vehicle. So awesome.
pr0cs said:I haven't investigated much yet but I wanted to open up another faction on the first island but am only friends with UP, the faction I want to try missions for are "hostile" to me, likely from me doing UP missions.
How do I fix it so they won't shoot me on sight? Start attacking UP resources? Is there any negatives behind doing this (other than UP won't deal with me anymore)?
Head back to the mansion and talk to Fiona. There's a "bribe faction" option you'll have to use to get them to leave you alone.pr0cs said:I haven't investigated much yet but I wanted to open up another faction on the first island but am only friends with UP, the faction I want to try missions for are "hostile" to me, likely from me doing UP missions.
How do I fix it so they won't shoot me on sight? Start attacking UP resources? Is there any negatives behind doing this (other than UP won't deal with me anymore)?
No shit. I just got access to the 3rd faction (Jamaican Pirates) and the few times when I bribed the first two, it cost me almost 5 million each.Brannon said:Pay them lots of money.
No, seriously. Talk to Fiona and she'll set it up. But it WILL cost you.
Yeah, this. :lolLinkzg said:Fuckin' 12.5 million dollars for a bribe...TWELVE POINT FIVE MILLION. WHAT THE FUCK!
pr0cs said:I haven't investigated much yet but I wanted to open up another faction on the first island but am only friends with UP, the faction I want to try missions for are "hostile" to me, likely from me doing UP missions.
How do I fix it so they won't shoot me on sight? Start attacking UP resources? Is there any negatives behind doing this (other than UP won't deal with me anymore)?
pr0cs said:I haven't investigated much yet but I wanted to open up another faction on the first island but am only friends with UP, the faction I want to try missions for are "hostile" to me, likely from me doing UP missions.
How do I fix it so they won't shoot me on sight? Start attacking UP resources? Is there any negatives behind doing this (other than UP won't deal with me anymore)?
great tips.notjackbauer said:That's not the only option! Look around on your pda map, find a few VZ target buildings that the faction in question wants destroyed and level em. Same goes for HVTs- each HVT has a specific faction who put the hit out, so just pick the ones on the map that your faction is looking for and off them. You won't be able to call in a transport since they don't like you, but killing the target will have a positive effect.
Target a building on the map and hit A (360)/X(PS3). It gives you more info, including who has the contract.pr0cs said:great tips.
How are the VZ target buildings denoted on the PDA map? I don't recall anything 'highlighting' on the map unless it had some sort of marker on it.
awesome, I'll try it tonite.raYne said:Target a building on the map and hit A (360)/X(PS3). It gives you more info, including who has the contract.
Works for other things as well, including finding factions/posts with jobs for you to do.
RavenHawk said:I was doing a mission for U.P. the one whereOf course I grab the grenade launcher and start laying waste to the ensuing horde. An APC pulls up so I decide to send a gift to them. It gets engulfed in flames and just as it is ready to explode one of their faction members pulls right next to it. The APC explodes on cue and the jeep driver/astronaut gets launched straight at me, knocking me and the gun off the back of the ship. I had to restart the mission, but laughed my ass have to take the employee around to secure documents. I get to the point where you have to go up to the front of the ship and jump on the stationary gun. Evils said:so is it worth buying this or wait for the bargain bins?
Doc Evils said:so is it worth buying this or wait for the bargain bins?
Doc Evils said:so is it worth buying this or wait for the bargain bins?
Needs more graphic whoring. Afterall, games are only worth playing if they have x amount of graphical effects, super high-res textures and next-gen animation & uber physics engines.Kung Fu Jedi said:If reading the posts of everyone in this thread who are having a great time with the game isn't enough to tell you about it's quality, then I'm not sure what else can be said.
raYne said:Needs more graphic whoring. Afterall, games are only worth playing if they have x amount of graphical effects, super high-res textures and next-gen animation & uber physics engines.
joeblackisback said:My first time through this mission I made it all the way through until the exec was ready to go. I ran down the tower to the raven, but it was long since destroyed.. I hopped in another vehicle and raced toward UP headquarters. It wasn't until my body was flying through the air and the vehicle was in flames that I realized I had jacked a VZ jeep. UP lit me up something good.. DOH!
joeblackisback said:My first time through this mission I made it all the way through until the exec was ready to go. I ran down the tower to the raven, but it was long since destroyed.. I hopped in another vehicle and raced toward UP headquarters. It wasn't until my body was flying through the air and the vehicle was in flames that I realized I had jacked a VZ jeep. UP lit me up something good.. DOH!
pr0cs said:awesome, I'll try it tonite.
Thanks for the tips everyone.
Kung Fu Jedi said:If reading the posts of everyone in this thread who are having a great time with the game isn't enough to tell you about it's quality, then I'm not sure what else can be said.
Doc Evils said:The game seems to be pretty buggy from what people are saying. I want a sandbox game, just not a broken one for full price.
Doc Evils said:The game seems to be pretty buggy from what people are saying. I want a sandbox game, just not a broken one for full price.
Same.Teknoman said:Havent experienced any bugs myself.
Kung Fu Jedi said:Fair enough. But most of us haven't had any real bugs to report at all, and if you read what people are saying in the thread, you'll see that the overwhelming majority of us are having a complete blast (Pun fully intended) with this game.
I haven't run into a single bug myself, although, as I mentioned earlier, I did see a stack of crates suspended a few feet off the ground. Other than that, there hasn't been anything else that I've noticed at all. While it's not as polished as GTA IV, for me it's a lot more fun, and it does it's own thing very well.
raYne said:Same.
Besides, there are only a handful of bug complaints compared to large amount of awesome complaints. :lol
Doc Evils said:better than gta iv? hmm that's interesting. I'll see if I can find this for a decent price.
Teknoman said:Havent experienced any bugs myself.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Concerning bugs, has anyone else noticed cars or barricades pop up outta nowhere sometimes? I'm just curious if its only my copy.
hope you have time to post impressions after you're a few hours in... also, what platform?chespace said:Just picked it up along with Kathleen (yes, that Kathleen) at lunch. Gonna do some co-op later. Woot. Can't wait to blow shit up.
You only get "stuck" if you trying to jump out of the back rather than walk left/right through the door like normal people.Dizzle24 said:Try getting into one of the Green/Black patrol boats near the pirate area.
THEN try to get out. :lol
Streaming issue. I've had the same experience as KFJ where it's much worse in co-op and things spawn far closer to you, but it's fine in SP.slasher_thrasher21 said:Concerning bugs, has anyone else noticed cars or barricades pop up outta nowhere sometimes? I'm just curious if its only my copy.
raYne said:You only get "stuck" if you trying to jump out of the back rather than walk left/right through the door like normal people.
Streaming issue. I've had the same experience as KFJ where it's much worse in co-op and things spawn far closer to you, but it's fine in SP.
I'm sure I've mentioned it in the thread already.
Doc Evils said:The game seems to be pretty buggy from what people are saying. I want a sandbox game, just not a broken one for full price.
There isn't really on order of getting things like that. For example, I've had my pilot for a long time now and I haven't even done any of the Pirate missions. From my pov, that'd be because I finish off all of a faction's missions before I move on to the next.notjackbauer said:Who can tell me when I get the jet pilot? i just started doing missions for the pirates in the north.
_tetsuo_ said:That mission where you escort he UP VIP is out of control, and certainly not scripted from what im hearing.
Javaman said:Is there any way to switch between vehicle positions without completely leaving the vehicle?